God Level Demon

Chapter 2208

Chapter 2208

“damned bastard, you dare to kill Fein!”

At this time, there was a sigh in the distance. Like Thunderclap, there was a vibration. Immediately, there was an 3-4 road silhouette landing in front of the yard, and the emits out of the immortal aura.

These four people are all Immortal Level Saint, and even one is the treasure house outer hall Hall Master Jonas, has reached the Immortal Realm peak, just a step into the Early Antiquity Saint realm.

The other three are the Vice-Hall Master in the treasurer outer hall. The similar Vice-Hall Master includes Fein, and there are four.

They felt that there was a strong fighting volatility in this place. It seems that Immortal Saint was fighting and was immediately alarmed. He quickly came to see what happened.

It can be said that the High Level simply of the treasurer outer hall is a nest.

But didn’t expect they just arrived, they saw Xia Ping a fist killed Fein, and they were shocked and angry, and they wanted to pick up the murderer and swallow it.

“Berdy, no, no, you are not a real Berdy. Berdy can’t have an Ability to kill Immortal Saint. Say, who are you at the end, why invade me Illusory World?”

A Vice-Hall Master angrily shouted, staring at Xia Ping, murderous aura, he thinks that Human Race Saint is attacking Illusory World, and this person may have a great relationship.

If you can burn this brat, you will have a huge harvest.

He perceives that this person’s realm is at most Immortal Realm, and does not understand Space Law, promoted to the Realm of Early Antiquity Saint, did not reach the unmatchable level.

If this person is Early Antiquity Saint, he has already run forever, and he dares to stay in this place.

The reason why Fein will die in this person’s hands is probably that the intruder has any unknown means, or Fein has been envied by enemy’s before.

If they are cautious, they are not afraid of this brat’s threat, this is the confidence of Immortal Saint.

“Is this brat informed Human Race to come to Illusory World? This brat is the main culprit that harms us to the catastrophe?” A Vice-Hall Master complexion gloomy, reminiscent of the external clan invasion.

There is no relationship between this brat and Human Race Saint attacking Illusory World. No one will believe it.

“Even if it’s not main culprit, it’s definitely not a relationship with this thing. It must be one of the accomplices. It must not let this bastard run. It must be taken down.”

There is one Vice-Hall Master murderous aura.

“And what nonsense he has, he will be abolished, and then tortured, and everything will be said.”

Hall Master Jonas sneered, not at all with Xia Ping nonsense, immediately shot.

In an instant, his boss hands hand seal, immediately appeared on the body of thousands of black Thunderballs, each of the Thunderball seems to have a Demon God’s phantom, fierce, and contain devastating aura.

Vaguely, these black thunderballs contain Strength of Five Elements, which are in harmony with each other.

This is his Life Source Divine Ability – Five Elements Demon God Ray, its might extremely important, if it bursts in an instant, enough to make an Immortal Saint seriously injured.


Hall Master Jonas immediately manipulated the black thunderballs towards the Xia Ping bombardment, almost spread over the area, trying to detonate at the same time, blowing Xia Ping out.

“Stupid, what can I do with the Thunderball?”

Xia Ping’s eyes showed a hint of cold glow, fearless, a palm took the past, split second he showed the Supreme Divine Ability with the body – Great Yin-Yang Shaking Monument Hand.

After being promoted to Immortal Realm, the Great Yin-Yang Shaking Monument Hand’s might has also increased by a thousand times, reaching this realm, which already has the power to block Void, containing infinite good fortune, Yin-Yang conversion, Can wipe out all Matter.

This is the real might of the Universe Sect Supreme Divine Ability.

Suddenly, a palm was photographed and the Strength of Yin-Yang was interpreted. It seemed to be a huge millstone. It was the creation of World, the great strength of the interpretation of the sky, and the transformation of the Strength of Yin-Yang, which gave birth to a terrible strength.

As if this hand appeared, the space in the square is captured by the big hand, and everything in the Palm Heart among myriad things can’t be undone, forming an absolute domain.


This a palm was shot on Jonas, and the thousands of black thunderballs had not yet had time to explode, and they were immediately smashed, completely wiped out and turned into powder.

Even the horrible giant palm caught the Hall Master Jonas, which produced a terrible Strength of Yin-Yang and tore everything.

Suddenly, Hall Master Jonas gave a scream of screams, his body was also smashed into a group of mincemeat, all split up and in pieces, and the entire Earth was shaken out of a huge palm. Print, leaving behind the terrible Qi Energy, is uncertain.

In the deep hole, there is a terrible internal Qi in the emits, which penetrates the space.


The other three Vice-Hall Masters saw this scene and suddenly became scared.

That is the Master Master of the Master Master, Immortal Realm peak, the strength is three times more forformidable than they are. Now it is just a palm, and he will make a group of mincemeat, Life and Death.

This strength is not far from even if it is not Early Antiquity Saint.

However, they a moment ago actually want to deal with such Monster, this is not a self-seeking or a thing.

“Escape, flee, this intruder is too strong.”

“Immediately notify Elder in the family and kill the intruder.”

“Retreat, don’t fight to the death with him.”

The three Vice-Hall Masters immediately smeared their soles, and they did not care whether Jonas was dead or alive. In short, their lives are the most important. There is no need to stay here and fight this Monster.

“I want to escape? I asked if I didn’t, come out, Chaos Bell!”

Xia Ping didn’t look at it, immediately urging himself with the body’s Life Source Magical Artifact Chaos Bell, and immediately it floated on his top of the head, all around filled with a glimpse of Chaos qi flow.

Dāng dāng dāng ! ! !

In an instant, Chaos Bell got the infusion of the huge Magic Power and began to vibrate. With its body as the center, there was a horrible sound wave that affected the entire treasurer outer hall.

This is a horrible sound wave that contains the power of Sound Pattern Stone, with a killed Soul, a terrible destructive power that shatters the space.

Just a breath, these sound waves wherever one goes, filled with strong destruction power, the rest area of ​​the outer hall was immediately shattered, Earth also appeared innumerable cracks, countless Restriction Formation was shattered .

It seems that the entire outer hall has been shattered and broken.

The three Vice-Hall Masters haven’t moved many steps yet, and their body is immediately attacked by this sound wave, vibrating back and forth tens of millions of times, producing a horrible destruction power.

“Nooooo, stop, stop immediately.”

They screamed, feeling one’s head out of fear, feeling the crisis of Death.

But even if there is no way to feel the crisis, the three can’t make any counterattacks. The whole body is shocked by all split up and in pieces, and even the terrible sound of the sound is directly attacked to their Soul.

Kāchā Kāchā A few times, their Soul was shattered like this, immediately True Spirit shattered, on the spot Death.

(End of this chapter)