God Level Demon

Chapter 2195

Chapter 2195 All Beings Will


Xia Ping stayed at the Yellow Springs Tribulation Water deep place, applied the Cultural Technique, swallowed and swallowed, and devour a lot of Yellow Springs Tribulation Water.

These originally should be the water of the catastrophe, corroding everything, it is the doomsday, but under the suppression of Hell’s Golden Crow Bloodline, it became the Supreme holy water that tempered his physique and elevated his cultivation base.

10 million, 20 million, 50 million, 100 million, 200 million, 300 million Hell’s Golden Crow cell… These Hell’s Golden Crow cells are all insane.

He felt that he had swallowed up a large number of Yellow Springs Tribulation Water, and he had a huge transformation with Hell’s Golden Crow Bloodline with the body deep place. These Yellow Springs Tribulation Water contained pure Hell’s Source energy.

This has Supreme benefits for his cultivation base.

Even after the washing of Yellow Springs Tribulation Water, his body excludes all the impureness, and the skin above and below the whole body is turned into a glass, which gives a sacred luster and raises his physique to an unprecedented forformable degree.

Even the Arhat Golden Body of Buddhism is completely incomparable to the glass body of Xia Ping, which is close to perfection.

And his Soul was also washed by Yellow Springs Tribulation Water, originally wrapped around his Soul’s all kinds slaughter aura, sorrowful, Curse, fiendish aura, etc., all of which have now been wiped out.

This makes Xia Ping like a newborn baby, even if the legendary among the newly born angels is no more than this.

At this moment, he is the most pure and honest human in this universe.

If Buddhism sees Xia Ping, it immediately exclaims that this is the Innate Buddha.

If it is seen by Angel Race, then Xia Ping is the Holy Son of Angel Race among, so Soul’s unprecedented pure and honest will also play a terrible strength.

He has a holy rays of light in his body. Ordinary sinful people see such rays of light, and immediately suffer, kneeling on the ground and repenting of their sins.

“Paralysis, what’s the matter?”

The black Fiend Demon Bird in the distance saw this scene and stunned on the spot: “Why do I see him, I suddenly think that he is the most pure and honest person in the world, deceiving him is a Supreme evil. “”

“Impossible, this bastard human is the most sinister, Abyss Demon is not his damn, how can it be the world’s most pure and honest person, the illusion, this is definitely an illusion.”

“But it’s not right. I saw him like this. It seems as if I saw Buddha, I saw angels, I couldn’t wait to go down and complain about my sins.”

“Before I stole something, I almost wanted to say it.”

“The evil door, this human is too evil. Isn’t Yellow Springs Tribulation Water killing him and giving him countless benefits?”

Many ancient lost species are stunned. They see Xia Ping’s look. It seems to feel the radiance of God. They can’t wait to kneel on the ground and let God forgive themselves.

In particular, both Black Fiend Demon Bird and Feiyi were mad. They felt that they didn’t have any hatred for Xia Ping at the moment, and even they didn’t even hate the hatred. They couldn’t understand it.

This situation is too strange.

“Well, the Qi Art with the body, Magic Power, and even the Martial Dao Divine Ability have changed.”

Xia Ping in the heart found a huge change in his own body, but such a change is a matter of course.

The so-called Yellow Springs is the representative of all beings.

Whether it is human, monster, Abyss Demon, Hell devil, Gods and Demons, etc. Creature is equal in Yellow Springs among, all beings, all world myriad things.

Yellow Springs Tribulation Water is the Will that contains the beings.

It can be said that since he cultivated Pure Yang Inextinguishable Art, he owns Hell’s Golden Crow Bloodline and concise countless Divine Ability. From the beginning to the end, fierce is unmatched, piercing everything, containing infinite killing intent, and terrible edge.

But after consuming the Yellow Springs Tribulation Water, after washing through these Yellow Springs Tribulation Water, it made the change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

His with the body’s Magic Power and Soul are both merging the Will of all beings, and contain the Hell’s Will and True Meaning.

At this moment, Xia Ping’s every move, every Magic Power is covered and contained everything, encompassing the universe, engulfing the eight wild, all living in his Magic Power deep place, his Nascent Divinity deep place, his cell deep place.


Suddenly, Xia Ping a fist banged out, preserved the Will of all beings, Fist Force, Magic Power, all around gave birth to a lot of World Vision, men and women, young and old, van Gogh, bird beast, Demon Devil, angel Buddha, etc., countless creatures appear in this Starry Sky among.

Just a fist, all the Starry Sky’s Yellow Springs Tribulation Water are broken, and all the Voids are shaken out of the countless road cracks, like glass, creaking.

It can be said that if this a fist hits Immortal Saint, the Soul of Immortal Saint will be blasted, seriously injured on the spot, and annihilated by Will and limitless Will.

“too strong.”

Xia Ping is full of emotions. Will Will merging his own Fist Technique among, not only does not destroy the edge of his fist, but also more convergent and round.

A fist bang out, with speaking, broke out at a critical moment, not moving, one move is Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering.

It can be said that his understanding of Martial Dao Divine Ability has risen to a new realm.

“The Master is too strong, and I am honing myself in the catastrophe, and it is still getting stronger. It’s really Monster.”

Azure Ox is completely convinced, admire the five-body cast, even before the old Master can not be associated with such a monstrous talent on the terms, this is the permanent ancient Genius.

After all, ordinary people want to spend the Yellow Springs Tribulation Water, and now the Master also uses the strength of Yellow Springs Tribulation Water to sharpen his body and take the strength of Yellow Springs Tribulation Water as his own, merging Fist Technique Profound Truth deep Place.

This is really unimaginable.

“Hmm? !”

Xia Ping raises the head At first glance, when Yellow Springs Tribulation Water quickly retreated, the second type of catastrophe came one after another, without stopping.

Huā lā lā ~~

In a flash , vast and limitless flame flew out of Heavenly Tribulation’s wormhole deep place.

Thousands of flames, bright red blood, turned into a head Vermilion Bird, roared towards the sky, screaming, it seems to tear the the world, shocked Void appeared countless road cracks.

This is Vermilion Bird Tribulation Fire!

Undoubtedly, this is another terrible robbery. The horrible flame from Vermilion Bird is the terrible Supreme robbery between the world, representing ominous.

Even these flames contain the characteristics of Vermilion Bird, which are constantly reborn, and once they are contaminated with living thing’s flesh and blood, they will not be able to burn their living thing’s body and Soul.

Even the Immortal Saint can’t resist the Vermilion Bird Tribulation Fire.

Because the Immortal Saint is constantly reborn, it has no use in front of the Vermilion Bird Tribulation Fire. Even if it can be reborn, the Vermilion Bird Tribulation Fire can be burned and turned into ashes.

Once Immortal Saint encountered the Vermilion Bird Tribulation Fire, with the characteristics of immortal, it was hard to resist Vermilion Bird Tribulation Fire 100 million years, always can’t do anything about it.

Burning, rebirth, burning, and rebirth… so endless, vast and limitless.

In the end, Immortal Saint finally couldn’t bear the eternal torment of this, and finally he squandered.

(End of this chapter)