God Level Demon

Chapter 2187

Chapter 2187 Treasure

One day later.

Xia Ping went directly to the transfer station near Mission Hall and teleported to the treasure house along by teleportation.

Illusion Clan’s treasure house is located at the most deep place in Illusory World, a huge golden palace that occupies more than 30 million sq. km of Surface area, and simply as far as the eye can see.

“Here is the Illusion Clan Treasure?!”

With a bang, Xia Ping was teleported to the front of the large façade of Illusion Clan, and he was teleported with him. There were also hundreds of people who passed the assessment before.

As he looked ahead, he immediately saw a majestic palace standing on the top of Earth, towering into the clouds, emits out of infinity aura and majesty, incomparably vast and great.

The entire palace seems to be equipped with a densely packed Restriction Formation, twisted Void, countless Restriction Formation and this World are fusing together, pulling the whole body.

If anyone dares to touch the Restriction Formation of this treasure house, they will immediately encounter a Thunderclap blow.

Vaguely, he saw through Hell’s Golden Crow’s Eye that the entire treasure trove contained a layer of layer overlay space, and it was like entering a space labyrinth and could no longer come out.

Even under the sensation of Xia Ping’s Divine Consciousness, this treasure house internal deep place has a formidable Saint aura. Whoever dares to play the idea of ​​this treasure house is estimated to be dead for a lifetime.

It can be said that this place is protected to be horrible, and the flies cannot enter one.

“I finally came to the treasure house.”

“Before I came to Treasure Exchange Treasure, didn’t expect we have the chance to be the guard.”

“I know, right? When I came to Treasure Exchange Treasure last time, I was slaughtered by the guards here. If I don’t give any benefit, I will give some garbage things. Compelled by circumstances can only be blackmailed. ”

“Damn, I have the same experience. This time it was my turn to become a escort. If I don’t change my search back, then I will suffer this time.”

“That’s right, here is where our rise is, and where we can make a fortune.”

Many of the Illusion Clan people are discours spiritedly, excited, eyes glazed, and feel that their good days have finally arrived, do not need to be as shrinking as before.

“Are you the new guards?”

At this time, the treasure house door came out of an Old Man wearing a grey gown. The emura of the Thunder Tribulation Realm peak appeared on his body. It seemed that he was hanging down and didn’t know how many years he had lived.

His pair of gray-white eyes looked horrifying and fearful.

“Yes, Teton Elder.”

Everyone saw this gray robe Old Man appear, immediately awe-inspiring, because the other is an Elder who guards this treasure house, with a high weight, strength formidable, and second only to Saint.

They also know about the personnel information about the treasure house.

“Very good, follow me in. In the future, you will guard this treasure house and strictly abide by the rules here. Otherwise, you will not be able to save you from the Restriction Formation of the treasure house.”

Teutonic Elder nodded, leading the way.

When everyone saw it, they all entered the treasure house along directly with Teton Elder.

Suddenly, a space change, it seems that they were directly teleported into a different space of the treasure house, obviously the treasure house door, and the treasure compartment internal are two different spaces.

Even if someone breaks the treasure house door, they can’t enter the treasure house internal deep place.

“The treasure house is divided into two palaces, one is the outer hall and the other is the inner hall.”

Teutonic Elder walked and introduced: “Treasure of the outer hall, mainly providing a large number of Medicinal Pill, Magical Artifact, materials, Divine Ability Secret Manual, etc., let the mortal grow the cultivation base.

But the inner hall is different. Inside is the True Tresure of our Illusion Clan. It stores the Treasure of the Universe Level. There is Saint in it, no one can get close.

Your main job is to patrol the outer hall, look for some criminals trying to break into the treasure store, and monitor the all kinds of disstriction of the Restriction Formation. You don’t have to worry about the rest, and you can’t get close to the inner hall. ”

“Yes, Elder.”

Everyone is nodding their heads, they know that these rules are very important to themselves. If they are a little negligent, I am afraid they will be rushed out of the treasure house or even executed.

Inner hall ? !

Xia Ping blinked, and his instinct felt that the so-called inner hall was probably where he should go, perhaps the Sound Pattern Stone was stored inside.

As for the Treasure of the outer hall, he doesn’t care much. He can take out some Treasure casually and compare it to the outer hall Magical Artifact. Of course, if there is a chance, he doesn’t mind letting go, no one will dislike his Treasure.

“Remember, be sure to take the token in your hands. This is the only thing that proves your identity. If you lose it and walk around in the treasure house, then it is dead in white, no one will save you.”

Teutonic Elder warned.

“Elder, then where do we live and where do we live?”

Someone asked.

“All in the outer hall among.”

Teutton Elder replied: “The outer hall treasure house is divided into two parts, one is the treasure house, one is the living area of ​​the guards, there is the yard where you live, and a public canteen, where you will eat and drink in the future.

And you have two days of holidays every week, taking turns to guard the treasure house, and watching the holidays on holidays. In short, you don’t need to worry too much. This is a leisurely errand. No one is attacking the treasure house for thousands of years. It is very safe. ”

Many people in Illusion Clan laughed, it was very effortless, and it was true.

First of all, their Illusion Clan people will not attack. After all, they also know how terrible the treasure house is, and dare to enter such a Forbidden Area.

Secondly, people with external clan simply can’t know that their Illusion Clan Nest is in somewhere. Even if they want to attack, they can’t find a place. If this happens then the security of the treasure house can be seen. No one has ever been able to hit it.

Because of this, when you are a guard in this place, simply is a bad, rich, free, holiday, holiday, and allowance, there is no better errand than this, countless people want to come in. .

“You have a month to familiarize yourself with the environment of the treasure house surrounding, and will not take office until a month later, so cherish this leisure time.”

Not long after, Teton Elder took everyone to the living area of ​​the outer hall. This place built a luxurious courtyard. Everyone has their own independent yard, will not be disturbed by other people, and life is very luxurious. .

“Thank you, Telton.”

Everyone is handing.


After saying these words, this gray robe Old Man nodded, and then left.

Everyone was very excited, looking for their own room, and then using the token on the body to open the Restriction Formation of the yard, then lived in.

They also don’t need to compete because each yard has long been divided.

Xia Ping is the Captain of this group, so naturally has the best yard, like a villa, he also directly entered the yard, taking over the entire courtyard of the Restriction Formation.

“I have to find a chance to test the inner hall this evening.”

After setting it up, Xia Ping touched his chin and thought about his next plan.

(End of this chapter)