God Level Demon

Chapter 2182

An unprecedented enemy in Chapter 2182

Divine Ability – earthquake!

In an instant, Xia Ping held the golden sword and immediately triggered the Supreme Divine Ability of the sword.

Hōng lóng lóng ~~

Immediately, centered on his body, the millions and millions of kilometers produced a terrifying earthquake. This simply is the heaven falls and earth splits. The whole piece of land is shaking.

In an instant, all the buildings in the entire city of Demon were collapsed. This Earth was shaken by a terrible crack that stretched over a billion kilometers.

Even all the space barriers, there are also densely packed cracks, like glass, this strength and even the space has shattered shattered.

The internal deep place of this golden sword has a layer of space vibration, which seems to trigger the vibration law, which produces tens of billions of vibrations and contains infinite destruction power.

Dōng dōng dōng ! ! !

Just for a moment, the Seven Immortal Demon’s attack, whether it was Profound Yin Demon Claw, Blood Sea, or Grand Void Demonic Fire, was shocked and destroyed.


The seven Immortal Demon simply smashed, completely didn’t expect that the attacker was terrible to this extent, just a sword, and all their strengths were disintegrated and left.

This simply is to abolish all of their attack means, which is simply unimaginable.


Xia Ping is not forgive the person, how could he miss this great opportunity, and it is a sword that has passed.

Suddenly, a golden sword glow swept past, as if the entire World had only one ray of light at the moment, as if it were the only light of the Dark World.

Abyss Demon in the entire city of Demon can see this golden rays of light, swept from the castle deep place, alongver one goes, no matter what, all are cut in half.

Pēng pēng pēng ! !

In the next second, the head of the seven Immortal Demon was cut down at the same time. The blood seemed to be sprayed from the neck without money, and almost all of the Earth was reddened.

Even these blood contain terrible corrosion characteristics, and the sound of zī zī erodes the Earth, and the large smoke of the big stock rises from the ground.

And this sword not only cuts off their heads, but also tears their Soul, cut in half, the life of Immortal Body is completely extinct, countless cell and Death.

The eyes of their heads are huge, showing panic, panic, not knowing what to do and an incredible look. It seems that they can’t believe that they are actually dead.

After all, they are terrible Demons with Immortal Body, Shouyuan is endless, life has been millions and millions of years, but now it is just a sword, they are hacked to death.

When this matter is said, no one will believe it, it will only be a joke.


Xia Ping is very excited, he didn’t expect things to go so smoothly, did not let the eight major Immortal Demon make too many counterattacks, a few swords down to hacked the eight Immortal Demon.

First of all, thanks to Golden Slime’s formidable, its Divine Ability is arrogant, even the Immortal Level Demon can’t resist the might of the golden sword.

Secondly, the timing of his choice was really good. The first sword hacked the most formidable Abyss Demon. The other seven Immortal Demons did not react, and they could not play much might.

Under the absence of any preparation, the eight Immortal Demon could withstand it, and all of them were hacked.

“Very good, with the bodies of these eight Immortal Demons, refining them into Immortal Fruit will definitely upgrade my Magic Power and Divine Consciousness to peak realm, saving the skills of countless years of cultivation.”

Xia Ping pinches the fist and feels that this time it is completely out.

“damned bastard, actually dare to kill me, you courting death!”

Suddenly, a roar was passed from Void deep place, vibration squares and millions of Void, countless blasting, and the countless Demon Soul split.

A terrifying prestige diffuses from the countless dimension deep place, inciting Nine Heavens and Ten Worlds.

what? !

Xia Ping’s hair is erected, and the whole body’s cell is warning herself that a strong sense of crisis spreads through the whole body, as if it was stared at by a Peerless ferocious beast, at stake.

Early Antiquity Saint !

The speech is far more than the existence of Immortal Saint, the strength reached the realm of Early Antiquity Saint, this strength is more than a hundred times more than Immortal Saint formidable.

Just for a moment, a black big hand broke the countless layer of Dimension space and took a photo of where Xia Ping was located, without knowing how far it was.

Abyss Divine Ability – Sky Covering Demon Hand !

This dark devil hand is truly thorough, with a root of tens of thousands of kilometers, Demon Qi, and the inexhaustible Abyss magic, as if there are millions and millions Demon in wail like ghosts and howl Like wolves ,resentment qi Very deep.

And this big hand was taken from Void deep place, covering millions and millions of kilometers, as if this World was really covered by this big hand, all the rays of light, all the Stars, the nearby Void were It disappeared and seemed to be sealed by Seal.

All Demons just saw a big hand from Abyss Demon Qi coming out of Void deep place.

The demon Qi, which was leaked from the big hand, condensed into a substance, which was crushed from Void deep place all directions. Each Demon Qi seemed to weigh hundreds of tons.

Millions and millions 缕Demon Qi crushed and seemed to condense into a Lesser Thousand Worlds, rolling down towards Xia Ping’s body, and the Void was crushed to collapse.

The so-called Immortal Demon is simply a joke in front of this a palm, the difference can not be calculated in the inside.

“too strong.”

Xia Ping at this time is really realizing the horror of Early Antiquity Saint, this is the anger of Early Antiquity Saint, simply the strong enemy he has encountered.

Previously, he thought that Early Antiquity Saint was only aware of the existence of Space Law, even if it was better than Immortal Saint formidable, but there was not too much forformable, maybe he could handle it.

But now, he is still too young to look at Early Antiquity Saint.

I realized that Space Law’s Early Antiquity Saint is not only a reach perfection for the space strength, but also able to mobilize the power of World Void through the countless dimension, and also play thousands of times of the might.

Once hit, as the countless space is crushed, a World will come, and in a flash will be shaken into powder.

Divine Ability – Grand Void Extremity Three Thousand Clones !

Xia Ping did not hesitate, immediately split out three thousand clones, merging Void, escaped from all directions, and then he grabbed the big hand and immediately put the bodies of eight Immortal Demon into the Mountains and Rivers Bead space.

At the same time, he ran Kunpeng Step, whole body turned into a huge Kunpeng, with speaking, broke into Void deep place, and instantly saw millions and millions of kilometers.

At this time, this Sky Covering Demon Hand slammed down and slammed where Xia Ping was originally standing.


The squares of millions and millions of kilometers were razed to the ground, and the city of Demon was immediately shattered into powder. All the Demons were dead, and they were instantly turned into ashes.

There was a huge palm print on the Earth immediately, which was covered with the scary lines of densely packed, as if the Void deep place had left a horrible imprint.

(End of this chapter)