God Level Demon

Chapter 2180

Chapter 2180 to catch everything in one net !

One day later.

Abyss continent is the most deep place.

On a plain above, this place built a vast Boundless giant big city pool, the city wall stands tall, the style is simple, the vicissitudes of life, it seems that there has been no change in the millions and millions of years.

The deep place of the city is home to a variety of Abyss Demon, densely packed in the surrounding pools of the city, like human country, with its own law and rules.

This simply is an incredible thing.

Because Abyss World original is a messy place, like the original World, full of barbarism and slaughter, only destruction, never built.

But since the fiasco of Immemorial Era, many Abyss Demon have been painstakingly decided to learn all kinds of knowledge from Human Race and other All Heavens and Myriad Clans among.

They learned the system, learned the discipline, learned the Army, learned the manufacture of the weapon, etc., and almost built the city belonging to Abyss Demon in the same way as All Heavens and Myriad Clans.

However, this situation will only appear with some of the more well-formed Demon Continent. Only the strength of formidable can suppress all Abyss Demon, rule everything, and not allow any Demon to resist.


At this time, Xia Ping without speaking is close to the city. He can’t help but marvel at the appearance of the city. The outer looks look very rough, but the defensive power is extremely powerful.

The city wall is extremely thick and hard. It is estimated that even if dozens of Battleships come, launching Star Destroying Cannon may not be able to penetrate the formidable city wall made of these special materials.

But he also saw the unusualness of this Abyss continent. Abids Abyss Demon completely unifies the continent and forced the all kinds system to make these forbidable Abyss Demon obediently together. killing.

He can perceive that the city is surrounded by countless Abyss Demons, each of which is formidable, definitely an elite among elites, with more than 10 billion.

“Well, this place really has Immortal Demon.”

Suddenly, Xia Ping perceives the city’s deep place, an Ancient castle, where the sturdy Abyss Demon aura is distort, and the Void is distorted.

There are no ordinary Demon dare to approach thousands of kilometers, and it is considered a restricted area.


Xia Ping didn’t hesitate to run Phaseless Mask, concealing himself’s aura, with speaking into the ancient castle internal deep place, without any Abyss Demon found.

I saw in the castle hall, there was a full Ammortal Level Abyss Demon, they sat on a huge stone chair and seemed to be meeting.

“Damn, what’s going on in the end? Why is Logan’s aura suddenly disappearing in Abyss continent, and who is it to deal with it?”

The Immortal Demon anger on the head with a purple horn, the anger of berserk, the twisted Void, and the terrible crack on the ground.

Hearing this, Xia Ping in the heart, this so-called Logan is probably born by himself, as the black Immortal Demon of World’s Tree fertilizer.

Now, a day has passed, it is estimated that this group of Immortal Demon also knows this thing. After all, even in Abyss World, Immortal Demon is extremely formidable strength. Losing one is a very heavy loss and cannot be ignored.

“Is it the Illusion Clan group of monks? Only they have this strength and motivation. I heard that the group of bastard actually tried to get rid of Abyss Will’s restraint, and made a lot of tricks in private.”

A horn of Immortal Demon has a hint of cold glow in his eyes.

Because this time it was not only the Immortal Demon of Logan, but also the Demon army of hundreds of millions, but they all disappeared, and even the corpses did not stay.

There is no doubt that Logan must have encountered the attack of Saint’s, otherwise it will not be able to disappear cleanly, and even a little clues will not stay.

“I still want to get rid of Abyss Will’s restraint?simply is a delusion, even Extreme Antiquity Saint can’t do this, and what can be done with that good-for-nothing.”

“That’s right, signing a covenant with Abyss and wanting to go against it, simply dreaming.”

“Even if you do these small moves, it may affect the layout of our Abyss World. It may cause great trouble. We can’t let Illusion Clan continue to do this. We must teach them a lesson. We are still their Boss.”

“I know that the people of Illusion Clan are unfamiliar white-eyed wolves. They shouldn’t be trusted. They should all be killed in the first place. It is enough to leave only some trash. Now the tail can’t be lost, and even want Backlash Master. It really doesn’t matter. ”

“Don’t worry, Illusion Clan people want to stand up to be Master, who doesn’t know their ambitions, and they are awesome in Abyss World, and they are a bit ambivalent. But they signed a covenant with Abyss and got Abyss’ strength. Trying to resist, that is traitor, you must let them know the point in any case.”

Many Immortal Demon sneered, they also know Illusion Clan’s ambitions, since the Abyss Corrosion, the aspect of the respect respect, and Abyss cooperation.

But in the back, these Saints often do little tricks, at all times want to get rid of Abyss’s restraint, after all, those Illusion Clan Saint proud and arrogant, do not want to be the running dog of other races.

It can be said that everything is in their control of Abyss.

It’s like a dog’s neck is tied to a collar. No matter how cruel the dog is, it is unable to get rid of the collar’s restraint, only obediently.

They are very clear about this, and they are also jokes in the dark. Looks at this group of Illusion Clan Saint is like a jumper clown, it is also a rare fun.

But now the group Illusion Clan Saint actually shot Immortal Demon Logan, and may also annihilate a Demon army, which violated their Abyss Demon taboo and bottom line.

Because this dog is even cruel, it should not be Backlash Master, so it is not a good dog, you need to learn a lesson, know what is called honor, what is called measurement.

“But we have no evidence that this is done by Illusion Clan’s Saint?”

An Immortal Demon start to talk.

“It doesn’t matter, we need a piece of evidence for Abyss Demon to do things, saying it is.”

“That’s right, you need to explain something to them.”

“Well, anyway, the days of our Abyss World counterattacking the Universe are close. It is better to ruin the people of Illusion Clan now, completely Abyss, they can’t run.”

“Really, taking advantage of this opportunity, Illusion Clan to catch everything in one net, if this happens then, they don’t want to be damn traitors.”

Many Immortal Demon eyes deep place revealing the murderous aura, because Logan disappeared, let them completely lose patience with Illusion Clan, want to directly control Illusion Clan, completely control.

At this point, they don’t have to hide anything.

(End of this chapter)