God Level Demon

Chapter 2178

Chapter 2178 Chapter One Sword!


The voice just fell, Void deep place, a terrifying Abyss Demon Qi emerged, the huge Vortex appeared, the horrible Abyss Demon Qi turned into a huge devil hand, and caught it.


It was just a palm, and the nightmare formation that enveloped this Earth was immediately shattered, and the terrible strength fluctuations all around, buzz, and countless 涟漪.

This Earth was also shocked by a huge palm print, imprint Void, thousands of kilometers long, the entire Earth has a densely packed crack, the scene is awkward.

But because of this delay, even if this sudden emergence of the Expert blocked Xia Ping’s Boundless Nightmare Technique, there are more than half of Abyss Demon Death, which made these Demon army lose a lot.


At this time, a middle-aged man in a black shirt with a tall figure and a cow horn on his head walked out of Void deep place, staring at Xia Ping: “Illusion Clan human, Why did you start with my Demon army, have you forgotten the alliance between Illusion Clan and my Abyss? Are you planning to destruction Abyss?

His tone contains a terrible fury, like the Super Volcano that can break out at any time.

Because of Death’s more than half of the Demon soldiers, his Army suffered a lot.

This middle-aged man aura is very formidable, and it is an Immortal Level Demon. The whole body holds the immortal taste.

“Abyss Covenant? What Abyss Covenant?”

Upon hearing this, Xia Ping suddenly stunned. Generally speaking, Abyss Demon met All Heavens and Myriad Clans. The creatures would scream and kill, and they would never be merciless and never ask why.

But now I actually ask myself about the Abyss Covenant. Is it a misunderstanding that I am a Saint of Illusion Clan? !

But if this happens then the problem is big, is it what contract is signed between Illusion Clan and Abyss Demon? Otherwise, this Abyss Demon will not say this.

Of course, this Abyss Demon does not rule out lying, so it is mysterious.

“I don’t know if you look at it. Is it a child of Illusion Clan who has just been promoted to Immortal Realm? Or are you not a person at Illusion Clan?” The middle-aged man in black robe showed a hint of cool glow, killing intent boiling, ” If this is the case, knowing the secret of my family, you will never be allowed to leave this place alive.”


Xia Ping blinked and it seemed that Illusion Clan’s water was deeper than imagined, and Illusion Clan seemed to collude with Abyss Demon, which is not easy.

“Go to hell, human.”

The black robe middle-aged man angrily shouted, holding a magic blade, smashed the past toward Xia Ping.

Abyss Divine Ability – Nine Abyssal Demonic Thunders !

This is the terrible Divine Ability that it collects Abyss World’s infinite fiendish aura, assists with the body’s magic thunder, kills millions and millions ordinary Demon, and takes their Soul to refine.

Once erupted, it immediately produces a terrible explosion, like the millions and millions of Thunderclap are bombardment, thousands of volcanic eruption, thousands of planet explosions, squares millions and millions of kilometers will be shocked into powder.

Even the nearby space will be shaken shattered, and the might will be in an awful condition. Even the Saint with the Immortal Body will be blown to death.

In a flash, from this black robe man, a terrible black lightning, countless black Talisman concealing, emits out of terrible devastating aura.

Thousands of spherical lightnings bombed at the same time, like thousands of missiles, locked in Xia Ping’s body’s Internal Qi, no matter where you escape to somewhere, it will follow.

Hōng lóng lóng ~~

At this time, thousands of spherical lightnings exploded at the same time, such as the same deity Abyss Demon blew up, resulting in a terrible explosion might.

At this moment, it seems that the millions and millions of kilometers have been destroyed, all the elements have been blown into powder, showing a collapsed condition, like the end of the day, destroying everything, all around the Void has produced millions and millions of times. Vibration.

All around The mountains were turned into powder in an instant, and even the nearby Demon couldn’t resist it. It was only exposed to some aftermath, and they were all turned into powder.

But the middle-aged man in black robe did not care at all. He only had to kill this human in front of him. As for the Demon soldiers, it was just a cannon fodder. How much does it want?

“It’s good.”

Xia Ping was fearless. He grabbed his big hand and Golden Slime immediately turned into a golden sword and was held in his hand.

Immediately his body feet stood above Earth, like the Earth goddess, a huge, deep and unmeasurable strength passed from the foot’s deep place, allowing him to become the Earth’s body.

As if at this moment, he became the mother of Earth, there is nothing to shake himself, strength tens of times the growth, Wudi’s strength in the the body every cell to rush forth.


Xia Ping holds a golden sword and is a sword in front.

With a bang, the golden sword produced a horrible edge. Stimulation produced a terrible sword qi. It seemed that the Void was cut open and a black trajectory appeared.

No matter what, it is impossible to stop such a powerful force.

Originally, the infinite hurdles that hit Xia Ping, the horrible explosion of the might, the energy tide of berserk, are now cut by the sword from the middle, and all the departures fly toward the Xia Ping body.

Even this sword qi cut the countless Nine Abyssal Demonic Thunders and smashed it straight toward the black middle-aged man. The speed simply reached the speed of light and could not be seen by the naked eye.

“How can it be?!”

The black middle-aged man screamed, and he died all the time. This happened, and he showed a full power blow, which was of no use to this brat.

It’s just a sword. Actually, I cut all my own attacks. The sword qi is also moving toward my own body. This speed is too fast, and it is inevitable.


The skill of the moment, the body of the Immortal Demon is like a chopped melon, and it is cut in half with no difficulty.

This is not only the simpleness of the body being cut, but even its immortal Nascent Divinity has been cut open, and it suddenly makes it painful. As if it suffered the torture of vast and limitless, all the pain of the world is no more than this.

Along the way, this sword qi crossed more than a billion kilometers, almost cut the East half, as if this place has become a huge Abyss.

Many of the nearby Abyss Demon were also strangled by these swords. They were cut into ten pieces and eight pieces. The bones were gone, and almost all Abyss Demon died.

No one Abyss Demon can survive under such a word qi.

“Too sharp.”

Xia Ping exclaim in astonishment, before he just tried a little bit of Golden Slime’s might, and did not show full power, now to deal with this Immortal Demon, a little harder.

He is didn’t expect to be big enough.

Just a sword, the Immortal Demon was cut in half, almost seriously dying, such a might is incredible.

(End of this chapter)