God Level Demon

Chapter 211

“This is the first batch!”

Xia Ping eyes A faint look at these dead Fierce Tiger Organization elites, with no expression on their faces. Since these people want to kill themselves, they have to be murdered.

Although according to his current strength, it is temporarily unable to deal with the Expert above the Martial Artist Realm 5th Heavenly Layer, but the Expert of the Martial Artist Realm 4th Heavenly Layer is still with no difficulty.

And his Spiritual Power range is very broad. After being promoted to Martial Artist Realm 2nd Heavenly Layer, the 300-400 meter is within his coverage. It is estimated that only the Expert of the Martial Artist Realm 6th Heavenly Layer can match it. It is.

Taking advantage of the exploration of this Spiritual Power, he wants to fight and fight, and he wants to escape and flee. There is no fear.

“Well, there is enemy coming, first withdraw!” Xia Ping eyes flash, it seems that there is an enemy rushing in the distance, aura is very formidable, his figure flashes.

With a bang, he stepped out and stepped out of the Kunpeng Step. After a few breaths, he left the warehouse. It was extremely fast, and the enemy could not catch up.

Sōu sōu sōu ! ! !

Not long after Xia Ping left, dozens of Fierce Tiger Organization elite came immediately to surround the warehouse, which was a Martial Artist Realm 6th Heavenly Layer Expert. It was a middle-aged man in a black suit and he was also this time. Action Boss.

“How is it possible? Li Hu they completely died, one did not stay?!”

“Received the message from these guys, we are coming over, this has not caught up?!”

“It’s only a few minutes before, even though the Fierce Tiger Organization’s elite has been killed, how can this brat be soidable? Isn’t he a Martial Artist Realm 1st Heavenly Layer Expert?”

“It must be a breakthrough. I remember that he had a Nine Revolutions Origin Cultivation Pill before, and it was precious. Plus, this brat talent is amazing. It is not difficult to break into the Martial Artist Realm 2nd Heavenly Layer in a month.”

“Shameless, I used to pretend to be the newbie of Martial Artist Realm 1st Heavenly Layer, didn’t expect to play the pig to eat the tiger here, he wanted to count us, and he was really successful. ”

“One-time has killed so many brothers, even our Fierce Tiger Organization can’t afford such a loss.”

“You must die, that brat must die. Even if I don’t get the King Realm Secret Manual, I will kill him.”

Many Fierce Tiger Organization elites are angry and angry, especially when they see their organization companions being killed by the other side, all of them are unsuccessful, and they are even more angry.

Their Fierce Tiger Organization has always been in the Black Moon City rampage overbearing, only they kill, where others kill themselves, and so many elites die like this, this is still first time.


With a bang, the black suit middle-aged man shot in vain, a palm was shot on the ground, and a huge pothole appeared in a moment, the gravel splashed, and the countless crack appeared.

“damned, I can’t spare you, absolutely can’t spare you!”

Black suit middle-aged man roared towards the sky : “Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, even if you have a big background, I will always pur you and take your head off.”

“The sacrifice to the many brothers who died!”

“I want to divide the ridiculous horse, tear the body to thousands of pieces Ah!”

He snarled with Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, and shed tears, and his anger reached the extreme.

Because of these dead Fierce Tiger Organization elite, which has him a brothers, there is also a good friend, but now it is killed by the ridicule, how can he stand it? !

“Go, go now!”

Black suit middle-aged man angrily shouted: “Block my order, let the entire Fierce Tiger Organization people out, search the whole city, even child, old man, woman also act together. Once you see the waste, kill.”

“Touching the sea tactics, I want him to die without a burial site !”


Many Fierce Tiger Organization elites are angrily shouted, they are one after another action, this wild move is completely irritating them, this is Irreconcilable Hatred.


Because of the anger of the Fierce Tiger Organization, Black Moon City is also boiling again, more chaotic than before.

Poisonous Wolf Organization is a gathering place, this is a large building top floor, 20-30 Poisonous Wolf Organization elite gathered in this place, they are getting information from Analyze, deducing where Xia Ping is.

“There was news that the wilderness appeared in the northwest of Black Moon City and fought the life of the Fierce Tiger Organization. As a result, killing more than a dozen Martial Artist Realm Experts, the Fierce Tiger Organization suffered heavy losses.”

“It seems that this brat is also hunting Blood Hand Organization’s elite, more than 20 Martial Artist Realm 1st Heavenly Layer, 2nd Heavenly Layer Expert has been killed, and the Blood Hand Organization has lost a lot this time.”

“Awkward, it is said that this guy may have taken Nine Revolutions Origin Cultivation Pill, promoted to Martial Artist Realm 2nd Heavenly Layer, plus his Innate Talent, estimated that fighting strength can match Martial Artist Realm 3rd Heavenly Layer, in other words Martial Artist Realm 4th Heavenly Layer is a dead end.”

“It’s too arrogant. In the face of our Three Big Criminal Gangs organization, if you don’t run away, you still plan to kill us. Does he want to die? Do you know what you are doing?!”

“I have never seen such a arrogant person, simply is so arrogant that no-one else matters, just Martial Artist Realm 2nd Heavenly Layer thought it would be in Black Moon City rampage overbearing, vertical and horizontal Wudi?!”

“Boss reminded us before, we must be careful about the brat’s sneak attack.”

“Afraid of my ass, he offended the Blood Hand Organization and offended the Fierce Tiger Organization. Did he dare to offend me? Poisonous Wolf Organization is not a problem? Even if it is stupid, there must be a limit.”

“Yes, forgive that the badard does not dare to do anything with our Poisonous Wolf Organization. Who knows that our Poisonous Wolf Organization is so fierce, I will never report it. He is absolutely afraid to do it to our people.”

Poisonous Wolf Organization elite has discus spiritedly, proud and arrogant, and thinks that brat is stupid, and knows how terrible it is to offend Big Big Gang Gangs organization in Black Moon City.


Suddenly, the night of the night shot a cold light, a bang, a stone instantly pierced a moment ago the head of the talking Poisonous Wolf Organization elite.

Awkwardly, his forehead was pierced in an instant, his eyes widened, and the deep place of the pupil revealed an incredible and stunned look. He could not believe that he was so dead.

A moment ago, I still said that Brat didn’t dare to do anything with their Poisonous Wolf Organization. Even if there is a limit to being stupid, but he hasn’t spoken yet, he is dead? !

In the distance, 10 meters is on the top of a large building. A Daoist shadow appears, and it is Xia Ping.


Seeing this companion dying, seeing Xia Ping appear in front of him, a group of Poisonous Wolf Organization elite are all roaring, the nose starts to fume with rage: “You are looking for a dead end, dare to kill me Poisonous Wolf Organization’s people, you Know how big this is, know how big this is wrong?”

“You will definitely pay a heavy price for this mistake, for this crime!”

“Even if you are in the world, no one has saved you, no one has saved you know?!”