God Level Demon

Chapter 207

“devil, you are devil.”

“Rao me, spare us.”

“Kill us, you won’t have a good end, there will never be a good end.”

On the top of the building, the Black Bear Company’s elites screamed and shouted, all of them were frightened, but Xia Ping was merciless and shot.

Sōu sōu sōu ! ! !

One stone shot, one after another, pierced the chest of these elites, revealing a blood hole, completely destroying their life aura, and one did not survive.

After a few breaths, the entire ground is full of blood, corpse everywhere.

These people are not killed by Xia Ping with stones, they are poisoned and die!

“Excuse you? Who will spare me?!” Xia Ping eyes ice-cold, for these Underworld characters, he will never be merciful, these are cannibal wolves.

Put yourself in the ground, if he is caught by these Underworld characters, will these bastards let go of themselves even if they ask for mercy? Think about it with your knees and you know that this is absolutely impossible.

In this case, these people want their own lives, and he can only destroy them all.

“didn’t expect this Ice Crystal Jellyfish Poison is so powerful, colorless and tasteless, see the blood seal, take it, kill a few breaths to kill the Martial Artist Realm Expert, it is a little more expensive, a value of 5,000 Hate Points.”

In order to deal with this group of Black Bear Company elite, Xia Ping spent 5,000 Hote Points on this terrible poison, then used Invisibility Pill to concealing herself aura and look like this poison into the food.

After a month of investigation, he naturally understood the habits of these Black Bear Company’s people to eat, and after the colorless and odorless poison, those Underworld characters would never be noticed.

Sure enough, they both took part in each and everyone, taking the contain Ice Crystal Jellyfish Poison’s food.

As a result, most of the Black Bear Company elite were poisoned, and even if some of the Experts were sturdy with Life Force, they could barely support for a while, such as Dai’an, but they were also killed by Xia Ping.

The plan was naturally smooth, and the Black Bear Company’s elite was killed by him.

“Fortunately, I exchanged this Ice Crystal Jellyfish Poison, otherwise I want to kill these Experts, it’s really not that easy.”

Xia Ping squeezed the fist, if not Ice Crystal Jellyfish Poison lost most of Dai’an’s strength, making him more powerful than a Martial Artist 1st Heavenly Layer’s Expert.

Otherwise, it is really difficult for him to kill Dai’an. After all, the other is Martial Artist Realm 6th Heavenly Layer Expert. True Qi doesn’t know how thick and life force is.

“Unfortunately, I don’t have enough Hate Points. Otherwise, I exchanged a few Ice Crystal Jellyfish Poison and assassinated the Blood Hand Organization, Fierce Tiger Organization, and Poisonous Wolf Organization’s. It’s also simple.” Xia Ping’s eyes flashed.

Because learning Kunpeng Step spent 20,000 Hate Points, plus Invisibility Pill and other Treasure exchange, the Hate Points on his body have disappeared into bits and pieces, and powerless exchanges more Ice Crystal Jellyfish Poison.

“But there is no relationship. With the weapon left by the Elite of the Black Bear Company, I want to give the other Three Big Criminal Gangs organization a hard hit. It is also with no difficulty.” Xia Ping looks at all kinds of weapons, laser pistols on the ground. , sniper rifle, and hand grenade, etc., especially the micro-nuclear bomb.

Once these bombs are detonated, I am afraid that they will be able to blow up the number of squares. Even Martial Artist Realm Expert can’t survive under such a terrible explosion.

It is because the Black Bear Company itself is an arms organization, mastery sells all kinds of smuggling weapons, and also carries a lot of formidable weapons, so Xia Ping will choose the first to deal with them.

The goal is to win the arms of these Black Bear Company.


Xia Ping moved quickly, and immediately collected the bomb each and everyone left on the ground, one did not stay, and soon he disappeared in the same place, jumping vertically and ran towards the distant large building.

And because of the intense relationship, the sound here is also seen by the Black Bear Company members downstairs.

Each and everyone Underworld character rushed from below and came to the top of the building, waiting to see the top of the roof flowing with blood, a corpse, and the death of Manager Dai’an, all of them were scared.

“It’s a big deal, now it’s a big deal.”

“What is this in the end? These are all Black Bear Company’s elite, and even Manager Dai’an is here, this is Martial Artist Realm 6th Heavenly Layer Expert, who can kill them?”

“Who? Who is doing this kind of thing? Is it that other criminal gang organizations want to start with us? Those bastard want to provoke the crime gang war?!”

“I am going to report organization Boss immediately. This is too serious. It is not something we can handle.”

Everyone is discuss spiritedly, shocked at the sight of this scene, so many Black Bear Company elite died, which is definitely a heavy blow to the Black Bear Company, and suffered heavy losses.

They can’t think of how many Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering waves will be picked up after the incident.

The news that the Black Bear Company elite disappeared and the disappearance of Xia Ping in the Dark Tower quickly spread all around, making the Blood Hand Organization, the Fierce Tiger Organization, and the Poisonous Wolf Organization’s Underworld character known.

Such a message simply cannot be hidden.

“I heard that the Black Bear Company’s elite is completely gone, and even Manager Dai’an is killed?!”

“I heard about this. Is it that other criminal gang organizations have started with the Black Bear Company? But which power has such a mightid strength, even the Black Bear Company elite is completely destroyed?!”

“It doesn’t matter how this kind of thing, my spy returns, the damned saga disappeared and could not be found everywhere. It is very likely that this brat has fled the Dark Tower.”

“How is it possible? Aren’t our people staring at him? Even if they go to the bathroom, how can they disappear? Nothing happened before.”

“That brat slipped away when I went to the toilet. That bastard pretended to be constipated. I went into the toilet and took it for more than an hour. If it wasn’t for our people, it didn’t feel right, forcibly looked over and didn’t show the brat. I have been sneaking away from the toilet.”

“damn, not only in the toilet, but even in the position of Dark Tower all around, there is no such brat’s whereabouts. It seems that he has disappeared from the air. How did he do this?”

“Is it possible that the Black Bear Company elite is completely destroyed? Is this brat dry?”

“How is it possible? With that newbie, can you do this? Don’t cracking a joke.”

Many Underworld character discuss spiritedly complexion dignified, killing them all didn’t expect, a person who was stared at himself, actually disappeared in his own front of one’s eyes, this simply is the fantasy story.

The Blood Hand Organization, the Fierce Tiger Organization, and the person in charge of the Poisonous Wolf Organization Three Big Criminal Gangs are very anxious. If you let this brat leave quietly, then they are really just doing nothing, and then not Know how many people will be laughed at, this face they can not afford to lose.

Dīng líng líng ~~

At this time, the communication device of the Crown Hand Organization Lord Crown Prince Liu Lie sounded at the same time.