God Level Demon

Chapter 205

Late at night, an eight-story top floor near the Dark Tower.

At this time, the Black Bear Company has a large number of elites that are concentrated on the roof. They are all in this place. The Commander is global. Once something happens, it will be dispatched immediately. These elites are responsible for the battle.

And some other Martial Apprentice Realm Expert, those Black Bear Company 喽 喽 诙啵 诙啵 诙啵 诙啵 诙啵 诙啵 苎 苎 苎 苎 苎 苎 苎 苎 苎 苎 饕涸鸫萸楸 饕涸鸫萸楸

“It’s been a month, and that brat hasn’t taken a step in Dark Tower yet. It seems to be really tolerable.” An Underworld person started to talk, “I don’t know if he can hide in Dark Tower. how long?”

Other Black Bear Company elites are also one after another. After a month of waiting, even if they are patient, they can’t help but feel a little impatient.

After all, they can’t spend a lot of time and energy on this place, and the results may not be good. Even with Nine Revolutions Origin Cultivation Pill and King Realm Secret Manual, it is estimated that they have to compete with other organizations.

When the time comes must be a dead and a wound.


Manager Dai’an coldly snorted: “Whether it’s a month or a year, as long as the brat doesn’t step out of the Dark Tower, we have to monitor him and never let him escape.”

“That’s the King Realm Secret Manual, which is directed at the Cultural Technique of Martial Dao, which is Treasure that can’t be bought with money.”

“As long as we get this precious Secret Manual, we have hopes even if we are promoted to Martial Master Realm.”

“Ask, apart from this opportunity, do we have other ways to get the King Realm Secret Manual?”

His tone is very heavy, his eyes contain the majesty of formidable, staring at everyone, showing the cultivation base of the Martial Artist 6th Heavenly Layer, even in the Black Bear Company among his strengths can rank in the top ten.

Like the cultivation base of the Martial Artist 9th Heavenly Layer, only the organization Boss is available, and the other people can’t compare with.

Hearing these words, the underwaterworld’s Underworld character is also not nodded, indeed, the King Realm Secret Manual is too precious, even in the tyranical Martial Dao Organization, it is also secret treasure Rank Treasure.

Like the Underworld gangsters like them, that simply is a dream.

And once you can be promoted to Martial Master Realm, then simply is ascending to the skies with a single leap, becoming the character of the Great Master general Rank, the status does not know how high, it can become a lot of Martial Artist Master general Expert, there are Strength establish a sect.

Just joining an organization will become the hot character of the organization, and even the original crime, it may be erased by those organizations, become clear and white, open and aboveboard appear in other cities of Yan Huang Star. No longer like Prison, but only in Black Moon City.

This, simply is the wish of their life!

“So, no matter if he plans to stay in Dark Tower for a year or even ten years.” Dai’an sneered, “we all have to stare at him, and definitely can’t let him escape.”

“That’s right, that brat thought that after a month, we will be patient, this simply is a dream!”

“The guy doesn’t know how valuable the King Realm Secret Manual in the end is? In order to get such a Secret Manual, we are willing to pay any price and wait for a few months.”

“If you don’t hand over the King Realm Secret Manual, then the brat will die, there is nothing to say.”

“And that guy is probably the murderer who had blown up our Black Bear Company large building before, and with this, we can’t let him go.”

A group of Black Bear Company elite called the martyrdom, all of them with a terrible fiendish aura.

“Not bad.” Dai’an is very satisfied with the current morale.

If the bastard slips away because their people’s momentary is frustrated, then they can miss a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

“Manager, the takeaway is coming.” Someone called the shout.

At this time, I suddenly walked into 5-6 personally, they all took each and everyone red High Level exquisite lunch boxes, walk in in a line, these are delicious food brought from the five-star hotel.

Those Black Bear Company elite are swallowing their mouths, and their stomachs are screaming. They stay in this ghost place for so long, they can’t move half a minute. The only fun is to eat delicious food.

“Come here, eat, eat first, then the brat must have hid in the Dark Tower today, enjoy the big meal, and we can’t treat ourselves badly.” A bald head greeted.

Sōu sōu sōu ! ! !

Each and everyone opened the lunch box and placed it in front of everyone, immediately revealing Black Bear meat, snake meat, fire leopard meat, ice tiger meat, etc., each of which is the highest level of monster meat.

Not only do these ingredients have the highest level of taste, but they also contain pure energy, which is of great benefit to Martial Artist cultivation. When you eat it, it will cost to save 4-5 days of cultivation time.

If it is not because of the implementation of such an important Mission, want to win the King Realm Secret Manual, the Black Bear Company will not be so generous, let these people eat monster meat every day, add energy.

“Manager, you eat.” A bald man came up and flattered and said to Dai’an, as the highest person in charge here, even if he eats, Dai’an eats first.


Dai’an nodded, picking up the lunch box with the most luxurious and obvious ingredients, began to eat.

Other people see also one after another, the wolf vomiting, they have not eaten for a while, the stomach is hungry.

After half an hour, each and everyone satiated, complexion ruddy, shiny, very comfortable.

“Ah! ”

Suddenly, a bald man gave a scream of screaming, and he felt that his stomach seemed to be on fire, as if he had been strangled by Blade and Sword.

He fell to the ground and tumbling, slamming, could not help but spit out a blood, poured on the ground, but it was black, and at the same time the sound of zī zī, corroding the ground.

“poisonous, this takeaway is poisoned!”

An Underworld character shouted and panicked.

“Impossible, this takeaway we have been carefully researched, it is impossible to poisonous, how can this happen?” Some people do not believe, because they are Underworld character, all of them are very suspicious.

In the face of these take-aways, we have to go through a series of inspection procedures, and when we have no problems, we will take them up and eat them. How can we have problems? !

“Aaah !!!”

But this time, a moment ago, the takeaway people and everyone screamed, fell to the ground and rolled, his face distorted, apparently in the middle of Violent Poison, pain.

“Damn, we got traps, were poisoned, and immediately notified the headquarters.” An Underworld character screamed, he took out a communication device from his body and was about to contact the headquarters.


At this moment, a black streamer shot, stunned, pierced the head of this Underworld character, and immediately burst like a watermelon, huā lā lā.

And this person’s body also slowly fell to the ground, splashing a dust.