God Emperor's Angel of Death

Chapter 96

"What I want to teach you is not only the skill of controlling power, but also a fighting philosophy and an idea."

Sol pointed to the line he wrote.

"They are, concentration, humility, self-control, and last and foremost, tolerance."

"Are these the qualities necessary for a soldier, instructor?"

Farzad suddenly opened his mouth. Although almin stabbed him hard, he blocked the other party's hand with his arm.

"Why should we show tolerance to our enemies? Those who try to encroach on the Empire deserve neither tolerance nor mercy."

Sol smiled at Farzad. He was like an abandoned church. Although there was only a sacred hole, he still retained some of his former glory.

"You will fight many people in the future, and you will kill the whole world under the command of the war commander, and you will do these things willingly... In the end, you may want to kill all living creatures, but you must also know when to stop."

He seemed to recall something and sighed slightly.

"But on the other hand, you're right, son. No guy who dares to resist the emperor of mankind deserves our forgiveness!"

"In that case, why should we show tolerance to our enemies?"

"You are still too young and simple. When you think about things, you always take it for granted. Tolerance is not for our enemies, but for ourselves."

Sol then raised his tone.

"In the past, the war art taught by your instructors will save your own lives and thousands of other people's lives, but the skills I want to teach you will save your soul... Through the control of details and the writing skills of brush, you will fight against the hidden beasts in your heart."

Some soldiers had understood Sol's idea, and their expression became solemn rather than confused.

"You all seem to be soldiers, but you are still just children who master the power of God. Without strong self-control, the gift given to you by the emperor will be useless because you can't control it! Therefore, these courses will be as important as the combat skills you will learn later, or even more important to some extent. Do you understand?"

The recruits nodded in reply.

"Well, now, choose a seat and make a good choice, because you will sit in the same position for a long time... There is nothing else in this wide space.

"Ustad, you'd better be ready to witness the future of the regiment."

With the voice of friar said, a secret emerged from the altar, and the body of the young recruits trembled uncontrollably