God Emperor's Angel of Death

Chapter 89

But as soshyan had expected, what happened in SETIS would not end so easily.

Trouble found him thirteen hours after he returned to the spark.

The hydraulic door of soshyan's private meeting room made a wheezing sound before opening. Strangely, the people outside did not come in immediately.

She stood by the door, her hand on the door frame.

"Dear commander Zhan, can I come in?"

"Yes, judge, you can come in."

"That would be presumptuous."

The young woman showed a warm smile, but because of her identity, soshyan would not regard this smile as friendly.

The imperial court, the emperor's tireless eye of surveillance.

As a completely independent institution with higher power than the Central Government Council, the trial court has great power.

It is precisely because the duties of the tribunal include monitoring and guarding the operation of other imperial institutions, the tribunal itself only obeys the orders of the emperor.

Except the Emperor himself, no one can avoid the supervision of the trial court. This power is called trial authorization or trial order.

Similarly, in addition to the imperial Church (which is still limited by the external regulations of the Empire), the trial court is the only completely independent institution in the Empire.

Unlike the bloated and redundant imperial institutions under the leadership of the Central Government Council, the trial court is a special case and only responsible for itself.

The trial court takes the trial fortresses scattered around the Empire as their operation base. The function of an ordinary judge is to investigate and deal with all potential threats to the Empire and mankind.

In the eyes of the court, there are many potential threats, including the threat of alien invasion.

However, the consensus of most judges is that the greatest threat comes from corruption and infidelity in the Empire, as well as illegal psionics. In addition, mutants are also a great internal threat. They are the continuous pollution of the human genome.

Generally speaking, the functions of the trial court are boundless: Alien conspiracy, illegal psionics, political corruption, incompetence of ruling institutions and other issues are within its jurisdiction.

If necessary, the judge has the right to requisition any help from imperial institutions or servants.

Even the Supreme Lord of the earth cannot refuse the order of the trial court without good reason.

Even starfighters and mechanical deities obey their orders most of the time.

However, experienced judges will be very careful. They will ask for the help of star soldiers and try to avoid provoking each other.

In order to perform the functions of the tribunal, judges need to jump out of the dogmatic bureaucratic constraints of the vast majority of imperial departments, take the first step and solve problems quickly and effectively.

Therefore, there are no classes and departments within the courtroom. All judges are independent. The authority within the courtroom is determined by only two things - reputation and influence.

Seniority itself does not show the authority of judges, but most judges will listen to the warnings of the elderly and learn from their more experienced peers.

According to the briefing, this woman, angelica, was a newly promoted judge. She was active in the Tianlong Star district and soon learned about the tragedy in SETIS.

So of course, she found the person who made the tragedy.

But she did come alone and didn't seem to be worried about her danger.

As she entered the private room, thick high-heeled shoes gently tapped the metal floor and made a crisp thump.

This woman is very tall, but not very tall, but she is taller than most women soshyan has seen. She should be about 1.8 meters.

Her figure is elegant, but not thin, with an unusual beauty of strength.

The dark long hair was very similar to soshyan, but it was as soft as satin. It was braided into small braids and left on her shoulders.

Her skin was healthy white, like an ice cliff in cold winter, not the pallor of a tuberculosis ghost.

With a pair of uncomfortable blue eyes on his delicate face, soshyan could only find one thing to compare with - that is, ice crystals falling from the sky in the cold winter.

It is inferred that her artificial iris may be made of crystal, because they are like blue glass dyed by the night sky.

Then we can know that the eyes, or one of them, should also be artificial.

Although the exquisite workmanship made them almost confuse the real with the false, soshyan could hear the slight click of her face when she took pictures with biological lenses.

Angelica wore the same uniforms and jackets as many imperial judges, but still left some traces of her origin - five bronze throwing knives hung on her hips with green blades.

Obviously, she may come from a relatively primitive world.

A needle pistol was also inserted into her waist, and every inch of its outline showed its manufacturing technology - the master of manufacturing with excellent craftsmanship engraved mechanical runes on the surface of black iron alloy

"Commander of the star Knight war, soshyan Alexei."

The female judge leaned against the much larger wooden desk than ordinary people and said in an informal tone:

"Did the landlords of SETIS make you angry?"

"Not exactly, judge. I'm just a little punishment. That's it."

The judge didn't even wear her armor. There was only a one-piece uniform and a pair of boots under her jacket, which showed the flexibility and tightness of her body.

But the transformation of the star warrior has eliminated the ability to feel physical desire, and soshyan felt only doubt.

When did the judges of the Empire become so stately.

Angelica glanced around the meeting room and immediately pointed her finger to the parchment roll hanging on the wall.

"Excuse me for asking, what's that?"

Soshyan took a look at it. It was a work completed by him. The parchment recorded in detail the names of the brothers who died in the world engine and the brothers who died in the orbital station.

It uses a mother Star Language in soshyan's memory, which is a secret language and does not have the same pronunciation, so Angelica can't read it.

"They are private files."

Soshyan is not going to explain.

"They are elegantly written, but they look like a directory..."

Angelica's fingers hesitated.

"That's the name of the fighting brother who died in the world engine. Judge angelica, what can I do for you?"

Hearing soshyan's impatient tone, angelica raised her eyebrows and sighed between her teeth.

"I came back from SETIS less than 20 minutes ago. A thorough inspection of the world's administrative institutions is under way. Those traces of decay will be cleaned up soon."

Soshyan said nothing.

The judge stared at astat's expressionless face and smiled:

"What happened up there must make you sick, isn't it?"

Once again, soshyan said nothing.

Angelica moved her hips away from the edge of the table, walked step by step next to soshyan, and looked at him closer.

"Was there no such thing in the world where you were born before you became astat?"

This time, soshyan smiled helplessly and said:

"You should know that you shouldn't ask an astat about his past, judge."

A woman's smile turns into a grin. Her snow-white teeth and bright eyes are really enough to impress most ordinary people.

"Maybe I know, maybe I just like this word game."

"A game, I should have guessed."

She chose to ignore soshyan's dry tone.

"When a new governor arrives, he will re-establish the management system of the planetary government, and it will be a crime to kill imperial people, even slaves, for no reason."

It's nothing unusual, but soshyan is curious about why the other party did so, and she doesn't understand why she chose to tell me all this.

"Judge, I'm not interested in the details of your bureaucratic reorganization. I believe you're here for a clear reason."

Angelica leaned over her upper body so that there was only one punch between them, and then said softly:

"Isn't it strange to you, commander soshyang?"


"Why did the governor of the Star District, the Ministry of justice and the Ministry of military affairs do nothing after the rebellion and allow the situation to deteriorate? In the months since the outbreak of the rebellion, millions of people have died, including landlords, serfs and veterans."

Soshyan didn't reply,

"Because after so many years of peace, wallistad's population has expanded sharply to three times that of 20 years ago, but the output of food has not increased significantly. Most of the new output has been consumed by the surplus population."

In a relaxed tone, she described an extremely cruel fact.

"With less and less arable land, the Ministry of military affairs can not resettle veterans, the Ministry of the interior can not receive the planned food tax, and the governor of the planet is also under increasing pressure from the landlords, and contradictions in all aspects have accumulated."

Here, soshyan had guessed what the other party would say later.

"This rebellion is a good opportunity. Some landlords and grain traders will be wiped out, some veterans and self-employed farmers will be wiped out, and more serfs will be arrested by the Ministry of justice for riot charges in addition to self destruction... In the coming year, after the landlords divide up the land of their neighbors, the output will increase without affecting the collection of grain taxes, while the Ministry of military affairs will have more land The Ministry of justice has also received ships and ships of prisoners, who will be transported to the prison mine. "

Angelica patted her palm.

"All aspects have been reaped, and no one has been damaged."

"Except for the dead."