God Emperor's Angel of Death

Chapter 87

After returning to the underground base, soshyan never mentioned what happened on the ground, nor did other soldiers.

Everyone is just quietly doing their own work.

Occasionally, soshyan will continue his study - sol is a fencing instructor of the regiment, and soshyan is also one of his students.

The clash of swords sounded in the secluded square. It was located in the center of the abandoned settlement of the spirit nationality, surrounded by a walkway composed of beams and columns.

A few days ago, such a vast space should be filled with soldiers who came to watch the war. Astats won't waste any time. They will seize every opportunity to practice various combat skills.

But now, it's empty. At the request of the battle head, there can only be two soldiers standing in the center to duel.

One of them was tall and strong, with a slightly gloomy expression on his face and dark eyes.

The other is slightly shorter than the one opposite. Even wearing armor, he is still slightly thin. His eyes are deep jade green and his face has some shallow scars.

The tall Dueler was sweating profusely after a long sword fight, but the one opposite him was still calm.


With a loud drink, the training fought again with a sword.

The tall soldier waved a long sword, but the other party just pushed it gently, so he parried the side cut and pushed the blade aside.

Although the blow was blunt, it still left a trace on the blade that the latter had to agree with.

"Soshyan Alexei, your level has fallen back."

The shorter of the two said, with a formal and polite mockery.

"Your sword is entangled by your thoughts. It becomes slow and dull."

"I don't think so, instructor sol."

Soshyan responded with the same courtesy.

"But if you're tired, you can have a rest."

Soshyan shook his head, turned his shoulders before launching the raid, and then flew forward.

Sol nodded slightly, appreciated the attack, and then responded with a series of chopping and stabbing - the moves of Wang Tingzhi's blade swordsmanship.

It seems that his appearance and pace are very relaxed, but his opponent has quickly crossed the square.

At the moment when soshyan's sword was wielded, sol suddenly leaned over, and the other party's blade immediately hit the stone ground, making a dull clang.

When soshyan tried to react, he launched a raid.

"You fight like a textbook."

Saul drew a sword on soshyan's waist and beat the other party back a few steps. Then when soshyan raised his hand, another sword pulled on his sword wrist and nearly knocked off his weapon.

If this were a formal weapon, soshyan might have lost combat capability by now.

Finally, soshyan's weapon didn't come into contact with each other's sword until sol made a third swing.

When their weapons collided with each other and made a noise, the young war commander panted:

"That's not a textbook, it's a lesson condensed by countless martyrs with their blood."

"But this does not prevent me from predicting your actions. You should learn how to think more flexibly. As I teach now, you should use your opponents' advantages against them."

"Astat won many great wars without those tricks!"

Soshyan showed his extremely stubborn and stubborn side.

"We rely on our skills, courage and determination, just as all noble soldiers should have. When the time comes -"

Looking at his appearance, sol also showed a trace of anger on his face, used a series of blows to interrupt his sentence, almost knocked soshyang's weapon out of his hand, and even the battle leader was hit in the face.

"We will let the emperor's anger burn!"

Soshyan rushed forward in spite of everything. His moves were open and close, completely in a desperate attitude.


Sol quickly stepped back a few steps, and then jerked out another training sword from behind his waist.

Soshyan stopped. He noticed that the other party's face was still calm and cold, but his eyes showed that he was tired of the fight.

It's not easy to use double swords or double swords. It's even more difficult to become a top warrior.

Many astats think this is a show off, preferring to use one handed weapons or one handed weapons with shields, or simply use powerful two handed weapons.

Often only young people who pay attention to ostentatious appearance and reckless men who are willing to intimidate their opponents will choose two handed weapons.

Farzad is one of the representatives.

In fact, Sol's evaluation of Farzad is an overconfident fool.

However, there are very few people, those with great talent, who can turn this flashy skill into art.

As a member of the most elite Royal blade of the third legion, sol tawitz happens to be one of this small group.

"Unfortunately, in my opinion, you are like a mad dog."

Before the calm words disappeared from his ears, soshyan felt a strong wind blowing on his face.

Then, there was a continuous attack like a stormy wave. The exchange of blades broke out sparks in the canopy, illuminating the whole body of the two people.

In the face of this offensive without any room, soshyan's only response is to try his best to block every time.

"Why hold your head like a coward."

Sol's cold voice crept into soshyan's head like a poisonous snake.

The complex emotions that had gnawed at his heart like poisonous snakes finally broke out.

"I'm not!"

Soshyan used his swing arm to draw a Z shape in front of his training sword. While blocking each other's swords, soshyan went straight to sol's chest.


When his sword was a punch away from Sol's chest, it was caught by the double swords.

The next second, with a powerful blow, soshyang's sword was knocked away from his hand, and Sol's sword was cut down like thunder.

A sword hit him on the chest and a sword hit his right knee, directly overturning him to the ground.

Soshyan fell heavily to the ground, making a loud noise as if a brick wall had been pushed down.

He didn't stand up. He just stared at the dark rock dome.

There was a sound of footsteps, and then sol sat next to him with his swords crossed on his knees.

"Have you wavered?"

A man's tone is long, like a poet.

"Commander sol, I don't understand... Our mission is to protect mankind, but if mankind itself is already killing each other, how can we deal with ourselves?"

"Your question is full of resistance."

Sol paused for a moment.

"You are different from others, soshyan Alexei."

Ten thousand years ago, the veteran sighed. This was the first time soshyan heard each other sigh. It was so heavy.