God Emperor's Angel of Death

Chapter 835

"Repeat the old technique?"

Looking at the approaching heavy cargo ship, astrion gave a sneer under his helmet.

They didn't come empty handed. In order to deal with the star knights, they studied all the battle cases of each other and came to a conclusion.

Soshyan is an extremely cunning commander. Because most battles are won by the weak, he is very used to using some more sinister tricks, which will make the enemies who are used to astat's straightforward style very uncomfortable.

But one of astrion's characteristics is that he is never afraid to guess his opponent with the worst mind, even if he is a star warrior.

Obviously, soshyan intends to use his most common set of tactics.

"Hum, when our green skin?"

Although the cargo ships were not identified, astrion no longer needed to take care of them, because the other party's cargo ships must be full of dangerous goods.

"Fire, full fire output, destroy them in the shortest time!"

"They turned!"

But the accident happened. The cargo ship that had expected to rush straight over seemed to be disturbed and began to move in different directions.

Astrion snorted as if he were thinking. More than twenty seconds later, he gave new instructions.

"Carry out fire distribution and still carry out the original attack plan."

Soon, the surging long-range fire burst out of the Minotaur regiment's fleet and rushed to three cargo ships, and those cargo ships also raised virtual shield against each other.

However, their void shield is obviously not very strong. After supporting a round of attack, it is already shaky.

Soon, the second round of attacks followed, and the void shield flickered and disappeared in a few seconds.

Laser, plasma, missile... All kinds of destructive forces pour into the hull of the cargo ship, set off bursts of explosive sparks, and throw large structures into the void.

Although they are not completely dead, it is only a matter of time.

As the damage became heavier, the freighters slowed down and finally stopped where they were.

Astrion sat on the throne, motionless, like a statue.

Then, under his gaze, the three cargo ships suddenly exploded from the inside.

At first they looked as if they had been destroyed by gunfire, but when the purple thunder and eddies swept the debris into them, everything became different.

"Vortex torpedo -"

A cold name sounded under astrion's helmet.

"I underestimate you."

The other crew members were not as calm as him. With the three vortex torpedoes detonated, they tore three small sub space cracks in the void, and then had a strange chain reaction with the jumping node. The three cracks gradually merged to form a tunnel more than 30 kilometers wide

Huge cracks.

The crack was calm for a few seconds at first, but when it began to close under the action of earthly forces, supernatural violent turbulence suddenly gushed out.

Mixed with the wild laughter of demons and the wailing of creatures, it swept the fleet of Minotaur regiment in an instant with great momentum.

For a moment, the whole fleet was blown away!

The turbulence formed by the sub space wind even pushed down huge ships such as the daughter of the storm tens of kilometers away!

Moreover, the influence is unknown. Because the Geller force field is not opened, the sub space wind directly rolls over many mortals in the fleet. Some people directly faint to the ground, while others have hallucinations and begin to attack the people around them.

This time, the whole Minotaur fleet was in chaos.

The real originator is sitting in a secret cabin of the unbound soul, looking at the eleven horizon crystals suspended on the side of his body, and a funny smile appears on his face.

But others are in a bad mood.

Listening to the constant roars and gunshots in the communication channel, astrion remained motionless in his seat, but everyone close to him could feel the gloomy anger gathering in him.

Finally, he spit out a few words.


Soon those roars and screams were replaced by the roar of bomb guns.

The communication channel fell silent.

"My Lord! The enemy fleet suddenly appeared and began to approach the storm girl!"

At this time, the captain's voice suddenly sounded, and then an eye display rose in front of astrion.

In the void, a small but closely formed fleet is rapidly approaching the storm girl, who has left the formation, and they have not hidden their identity.

They are the heavy cruiser unbound soul, the battle barge soul Messenger, the strike cruiser spark, the new moon cruiser ice wind, and five frigates and destroyers.

"Good calculation."

At this scene, astrion smiled, but the laughter was very cold.

"Make use of sub space cracks to create chaos and approach quietly from the side. It seems that you still want to take away the daughter of the storm."

Then he stood up.

This move seemed to be a signal, and the terminators on his left and right moved at the same time, handing over the spear and shield to him.

"Then let me see how good your teeth are, soshyan Alexei."


"Sit down, recruit!"

The roar of Ustad sounded in Bahram's helmet.

"You are standing in the aisle."


As Bahram carefully stepped aside,

The rest of the team came in.

Then he stopped, sat down, locked, and lowered the door strip to his shoulders.

Everything that needs manual operation is ridiculously large, as if it were designed for children's clumsy hands.

Bahram pulled his helmet over his head. With a steady hiss, the helmet locked on his collar, and the air he breathed was now completely internalized.

A layer of far-infrared scanned his visual display, information bars and public threat levels popped up, and the automatic combat systems in the armor were turned on one by one.


He murmured as if he were reciting.

Originally, the people of the tenth company did not participate in this operation, but soshyan specially asked Bahram to temporarily join the second company of Ustad, mainly to train them. After all, the experience of fighting astat, especially the imperial astat, is very rare.

So not only him, Homer, Robin, they also joined the operation.

The team leader's chair is located in the right front of the fence, so when it is opened, he is the nearest person, directly facing the aisle.

The jump torpedoes were crowded with people. The soldiers were too big to turn around, so they stepped back and locked themselves in place.

The mechanical supervisor conducted a rough system inspection, and the star Knights prepared their weapons.

Robin pulled his sword out of its scabbard, stood on the deck with its tip, whispered to the eagle pattern on the hilt, as if he were praying.

Oscar has a plasma rifle in his lap, Zod is debugging his heavy flamethrower, and haomo is holding a hot-melt gun, which is a perfect match for the close combat that may be expected when boarding an enemy ship.

Now the star Knight armory can be rich enough for their recruits to operate heavy weapons.

Others, armed with explosive guns, rattled as they checked the inside and outside of the guns.

The ammo counter flashes on Bahram's display when his armor is connected to his basic weapon system, and his sword is inserted in the scabbard of his hip.

Satisfied, the mechanical supervisor left, the cabin door slammed shut, followed by the metal friction and hiss of the pneumatic lock, accompanied by a violent vibration.

The jump torpedo's launch system is activated.