God Emperor's Angel of Death

Chapter 83

"How long have you been here?"

When hearing soshyan's words, yt-0001 rarely did not answer at the first time, but stayed in place for a few seconds.

"Standard Tara time, 10124, with a deviation rate of 5%

After he said these figures, soshyan realized that the other party was not having any emotional fluctuations because of his words, but was purely calculating.

"You've been running for 10000 years without maintenance?"

"After receiving the command, even if we enter the static position, this is the first awakening."

"So you should have a base?"


"Show me."

With that, soshyan turned to almin and said:

"You and others are staring at the gate of the net road here. Sol and I will go to the base to see the situation. If there is any abnormality, report it in time."


Led by yt-0001, soshyan and sol came all the way to the edge of this abandoned spiritual settlement.

It is close to a rock wall. A big hole is opened in the rock wall. From the inside, it is a deep darkness.

When yt-0001 went in, the lighting equipment on the top of the rock wall lit up one by one.

"In order to save energy, most of the time, non essential equipment is turned off."

Led soshyan and sol all the way to the deep part of the passage. They stood in front of a huge metal gate. In the center of the gate was the shining symbol of mechanical education.

Yt-0001 walked near the operation console of the gate, only played for three seconds, and the nearly one meter thick metal gate slowly opened in the roar.

It was a strong smell of holy oil.

When soshyan entered this huge space, the huge lighting balls on the dome were lit one after another, exposing the static position generators below in front of the star soldiers.

In addition to this large number of static position generators, a large number of automatic turrets and high-power laser transmitters are hung around the base, obviously as a last resort.

On the other side of the static position area is a stopped semi-automatic factory. Those huge mechanical arms and conveyor belts remind soshyang of the Arsenal he has seen.

However, after seeing the weapons and body accessories on the shelf, soshyan probably guessed that this is the place where people of combat machines replace damaged parts and equipment. It is obvious that the people who built this place took into account the possibility of long-term combat.

But the more such a huge scale, the more suspicious sosh was.

Just to defend a gateway gate, is it worth deploying an entire combat robot brigade and building a supporting automatic factory?

Even if the gateway is not destroyed, there are other ways to block it, such as blowing up all the exits of the whole underground space, or introducing an underground river to submerge it.

And as sol said before.

If the invading spirit clan is weak, it is not enough to suffer even if there is no intelligent armed Legion.

If the invading spirit clan is very powerful, it may not be helpful to rely on a large group of Castle level battle robots alone.

In any case, it doesn't seem like a cost-effective move. For those mechanical teachers, such behavior is obviously not "rational", which must be unreasonable under their calculation.

The purpose of deploying these intelligent weapons here is very intriguing.

"You really don't know who deployed you here?"

Soshyan asked yt-0001 again

But as expected, the other party's answer was the same.

"Due to the erasure agreement, we cannot store any information about the deployer."


Suddenly, soshyan found that sol was not with him, but walked all the way through the static generators.

"Instructor sol?"


Sol's calm voice sounded on the communication channel.

"You should come and see."

Soshyan hurried forward, and yt-0001 followed with a slow pace.

When he came to sol, he looked in the direction of the other party's fingers and found that in a spacious space, there was a huge transmission array.

Seeing this, soshyan took out the remote transmission locator in his backpack.

"Is there a remote communication instrument here?"


Under the guidance of yt-0001, soshyan quickly found the remote communicator in the base. With the help of thalex soldiers, he entered the secret channel code of spark in the communicator.


Soon, an unstable voice sounded from the communicator. It was Loken of the complex bridge.

"It's me, soshyan."

"Commander Zhan? You... The signal over there is a little unstable."

"Because now we are deep underground."

"Well, do you have any instructions?"

"Now you start the transmission room of spark immediately. We have some things to transport up, and there are a lot of them."

"OK, execute it immediately. What is the coordinate signal?"

"The coordinate signal has been sent out. Can you receive it?"

"Got it!"

After confirming that the transmission room of spark is ready, soshyan straightened up from the front of the console and ordered yt-0001:

"Take back all battle robots and start transmitting immediately."


Soon, yt-0001 recalled all combat robots to the base, and several other combat friars came back.

It's too dangerous to stay alone near the gateway without the protection of combat robots. Soshyan plans to solve this hidden danger in another way.

Zi La——

When the transmission array began to appear a jumping blue arc, the 20 Castle level combat robots standing on it also turned off the server and power system, so as to ensure that they can be transmitted safely at the other end and will not pose a threat to the personnel on board.

The air smelled of ozone, and static electricity even flowed on the astates' power armor,.

Finally, with a sudden pumping of air.

The twenty battle droids disappeared on the transmission array.

But before soshyan arranged for the second batch of combat robots to enter the transmission array, it started again.


Soon, a red figure rolled out of the twisting arc.

"So I hate to pass -"

It was Loken, the technical priest, who came out of the transmission array. However, when he looked up and saw several star soldiers and a large circle of Castle level combat robots watching him, the expression on his face immediately solidified.

"Omnisaia's piston..."

He is like a traveler who sees an oasis in the desert. His face is full of undisguised obsession and greed

"Cybernica Legion... This is definitely cybernica Legion!"

At this time, he suddenly noticed the metal structure standing next to soshyan.

To everyone's surprise, he took up his robe and ran away without saying a word, completely ignoring his superior soshyang looking at him and opening his mouth to say something.