God Emperor's Angel of Death

Chapter 826

"This is both change and struggle."

Just as the man struggled, a steady voice sounded from above his head.

"Hold on."

At this time, he noticed that he had a pair of iron boots in front of him, and his hand covered with armor was gently placed on his shoulder.

"Can you hear me?"

The man shook his head a few times and expelled the tinnitus and dizziness. Then he found himself in a white hall surrounded by subsistence cabins.

Around him, machine slaves are busy, pulling muscular soldiers into the world.

He looked down at his arms again. They were huge and full of developed muscles.

It was not his hand. When he realized that they were different, he finally remembered who he was.

"I... am... Astat?"

"Yes, now you are a glorious angel of death."

The voice rang out. The man Titan blinked and saw a great soldier in gorgeous silver gray power armor bending over to look at him.

"Do you remember me?"

The man was slow for a few seconds and then widened his eyes——

"War... War chief!"

"It seems that you have a good memory."

Soshyan's Marble face relaxed with relief.

"You are no longer a candidate!"

With that, soshyan stretched out a armored hand to him.

"Get up, recruit."

The recruit grabbed soshyan's hand and stood up. He felt stronger and bigger.

When he stood up, he could even look straight at soshyan's eyepiece, so he raised his hands in surprise.

"I --"

"You have been sleeping for a year to change. After you fell asleep, you were implanted with divine genetic seeds, and you survived, passed the last test, and blessed by the crystallization of emperor knowledge. You are already an astat."

The recruits turned and saw that others were emerging from their own survival cabin. They were also covered with colloids and left pools of viscous liquid on the ground.

There are also some familiar faces. Many more people have successfully entered the transformation stage this time than the first batch, because soshyang has increased the number of gene seeds and relaxed the screening proportion.

"Commander Zhan, am I really an angel?"

"Almost. There are many years of training waiting in front of you. If you can survive these, you will be implanted with a black shell. This last gift is the real definition of our organ - it is used to connect with the interface of power armor. Without it, our armor will become useless."

At this time, valer came towards soshyan, so he said goodbye to the recruits and met the pharmacist.

"Commander soshiyang war, 45 recruits have been successfully transformed. This is their data."

After receiving the data board from the other party, soshyang looked carefully for a while. After the second round of screening, there were 150 people, so the success rate of transformation has been close to 30%, which is a very excellent data.

Although Valler was a heretic in the past, it must be admitted that this guy really has a hand. He is worthy of being the person who independently supported the army expansion plan of the star claw in those years, especially with amazing skills and proficiency in transformation surgery.

Moreover, his grasp of some key details is also very unique, so he not only doubled the transformation success rate of star knights with his superb technology, but also made great progress for other pharmacists.

Soshyan can foresee that with the help of those golden age auxiliary drugs, the star Knight will usher in a wave of personnel explosion in the future.

It's possible to transform a company's recruits at a time!

"You did a good job and I'll reward -"

Before the words fell, the alarm sounded suddenly, and then the cover of a life support cabin suddenly flew out and slid out along the ground for a long time.

The recruit inside rushed out, with many wires wrapped around his skin. His face was covered with gray veins, roared, jumped on a machine slave serving his awakening with both hands, and twisted the neck of the semi robot with inhuman force.

Warrell raised his explosive gun indifferently and fired a shot. The loud noise produced by the bullet explosion made the newborn soldiers frown.

The next second, the senseless body fell to the ground.

"Sorry, commander Zhan, it's 44 now."

Soshyan didn't blame him, because he knew that even the last step could get out of control, and the genetic seeds were not so easy to control.

So he turned to the still shocked recruits and shouted:

"Although you have come to the last step, this process does not always work. What you have just seen is a beautiful but barbaric new world, and it is not the last time you face death. Come on, you should eat. In the past year, you have been supported by complex drugs, but what you need to completely awaken your body is real food."

When he finished, the dead recruit had been covered with white cloth. Then the machine servant dragged the body away, and the recruits were taken out of the lobby one by one.

Only Valere and soshyan could hear the next words.

"The one who just died was implanted with gray marrow. After removing him, there are only five gray marrow recruits left."

Valle said with a sigh.

"This substance is still too mysterious for me. I can only barely capture some laws of it, but the success rate of transplantation is still surprisingly low. A total of 50 recruits have implanted gray marrow, and only five remain. If I can be given more time and equipment -"

"The device will have, but time -"

Soshyan shook his head.

"We don't have much time. Speed up the progress of gray pulp transplantation and double the number of transplant recipients in the next batch!"

"But there are too few suitable troops, and the potential of Nathan IV is almost hollowed out."

"I'll find a way to recruit from other countries. You just need to be responsible for the work at hand. This time, I brought back a lot of golden age medical technology from amegiddoton. Look, these will be used in the transformation of recruits in the future."

With that, soshyan handed him a small data board.

"Oh? This is a good thing."

Valere rubbed his hands and took the data board excitedly.

"It seems that you have gained a lot this time."

"Nothing else, I'll go first."

After dealing with the transformation of recruits, soshyang came to the barracks of the tenth company. Here, you can see many tactics wearing power armor walking out with huge packages.

One day ago, the first batch of recruits completed the promotion ceremony. They got their own power armor and explosive guns. They are no longer recruits, so they will also go to the barracks of their companies - most of them will go to the fourth company, because Lothar is still empty, and he has no ten people under the head of the fleet, Therefore, soshyan gave priority to assigning recruits to him.

However, considering that almin will be under great pressure to lead troops next, soshyan also gave him a few places so that he can stay and help him manage more recruits behind.

Almin's choice is to stay with the bachram team, including Homer, Robin, Zod and Oscar.

These five people will be the team leader of the recruit company in the future.

When he arrived at the recruit company, soshyan found almin, explained to him about the handover of the recruits, and asked him to put the five recruits who had successfully transformed the gray marrow into a small team.

After spending a whole day dealing with these trivial things, soshyan finally had time to see what taboo technology is that disturbs ditrian.