God Emperor's Angel of Death

Chapter 70

All the high-level people in the city are waiting.

Finally, when the inner wall gate began to rise, the first thing came was the vibration of the release of the magnetic lock and the whirring of steam.

Decathlon family is the richest and most powerful landlord family in the city of SETIS. West decathlon, as the representative and head of the family, stands at the front of the team.

But at the moment, he has no honor and brilliance, and fear haunts him like a ghost.

Suddenly, with the oncoming air wave, the burst of pressurized steam blurred West's vision. No matter what stood in the dark, he couldn't see it.

There was a tingling premonition that he might be dying.

Soon, the vibration of heavy footsteps rang through the playground, and a shadow was now deep in the dark door hole.

West's expression froze, and fear stopped his hand holding the crutch.

What emerges in the dark is the existence that ordinary people like him can't imagine.

The giant in huge armor strode towards the crowd like a prehistoric colossus.

The steam surrounded it, and it was also looking. The soulless black goggles seemed to nail everyone to the rock plate of the parapet wall.

On the chest of the giant's armor, there is a mark of staring at the skeleton and metal eagle wings, and on the shoulder armor are two black long swords crossed upward.

When it came to a distance of 50 meters from the crowd, it stopped shaking.

Then, more huge soldiers came behind him and spread to both sides into a semicircle. They all wore similar silver gray armor with mottled battle marks. Most of them held explosive guns, but only a long sword and an explosive pistol hung on one waist.

Without exception, they are silent.

No one dared to move. Everyone held their breath. It was so quiet that the sound of the silver needle falling could be heard.

West also stared at each other.

He knew that a wrong little move would turn them into stains on the wall by a large number of explosives in an instant.

At this time, no bodyguard or guard can save them. Now those people even kneel on the wall and pray to these angels, which is almost a miracle for them.

After the silence lasted about a minute, the first giant, the one with the long red sword, took a step forward.

"Salute, imperial inhabitants."

A dry, deep, harsh sound erupted from the helmet's communication grid, like from the abyss.

After a while, West realized that the giant was speaking gaogoth.

His face was sweating. In order to answer, he searched his stomach and tried to recall the days when he studied at the noble college on the upper floor of Christchurch.

"What do you call...?"

As soon as West spoke, he wanted to slap himself.

He knew that his vocabulary was too confused, and he said it on the wrong occasion. He should salute first, then salute, and then pray.

But fortunately, these giants don't care about polite manners.

"We are star knights and loyal servants of the Lord of mankind. We came to your world to perform a secret mission. This is our right."

West can only understand the prominent part of the giant's words - they serve the Lord of mankind.

But it didn't alleviate his fear much. There's nothing like it recently, not to mention the idiots who just opened fire on them.

"We also received your distress signal,"

When West didn't answer, the giant continued.

"You are troubled by a rebellion."

"Dear angels, are you condescending here to help us?"

West stumbled, and then the giant paused before answering, as if thinking about his words.

"If time permits."

"Bless the emperor! Praise the emperor!"

West immediately prayed sincerely and knelt on one knee. Others imitated it one after another, praising the emperor and worshiping the angels.

"Are there any ancient relics here?"

The giant then asked, ignoring his prayers and praise.


West thought for a moment, then said in a very uncertain tone:

"When I was young, there was a mine outside the city, which mainly produced some iron. It is said that the mine was very old. It is said that the workers once found a deep canyon below, and there were some artifacts in the Canyon... But the mine was completely closed because of a collapse accident not long after I remember. It has been more than 30 years since now."

"Do not spread the news of our presence and lead the way."

West was stunned for a few seconds when he heard the other party's dull words, and then waved his hand quickly.

"Your Excellency, you may not know that there is a large number of rebels lurking in the forest. They have launched several raids on the city. Although they were repulsed by us, they are still wandering around. The situation is unknown at night. If they rush out of the city, they may encounter an ambush."

"We can wait until dawn."

Seeing astat's resolute attitude, West knew that it would not work, so he stood up, bent down and said humbly:

"On behalf of all the people in the city of SETIS, I apologize for what happened tonight."

"This will not be the case."


Sweating West nodded hurriedly, and the pass was finally over.

"I almost forgot that I, West decathlon, is the speaker of the joint agricultural and Municipal Council of SETIS and the current acting mayor. I wonder if I am qualified to remember the names of adults?"

"My name is sohyan Alexei, commander of the star Knight war."

West took a deep breath to avoid fainting.

What honor and glory it is to be a war leader of the astatic order.

From childhood, he has seen the most noble person, that is, the level of planet governor, but compared with the battle head of an astat battle regiment, it is even greater than the gap between mud and clouds.

"Dear commander Zhan, we have prepared a banquet temporarily. Although it is simple and rude, it also has some local customs. I hope you can -"

West had no confidence when he said this, because the party was so temporary and simple that he couldn't even invite a juggler.

"No, we can stay in the church temporarily. Help yourself and lead the way early tomorrow morning."

With that, the giants turned neatly to the direction of the church in the city and left the landlords and gentry with a blank face.

"My Lord! My Lord! I'll arrange it for you!"

West was stunned for a few seconds, and hurried to catch up, and asked the family to inform the priest of the church, immediately make enough space for the demigods and drive away the irrelevant people.

During this time, because there were rebels outside, many serfs and refugees poured into the city. They had no fixed residence and had to live under the eaves of the church.

Perhaps inspired by the demigods, the "action power" of those family guards has also improved a lot.

While the astates were still on the road, they had rushed into the church with rifles and swords to fiercely disperse the helpless and ragged refugees.

For a moment, the original tranquility of the church was broken by bursts of roaring and crying.

While driving away the refugees, the guards threw all their belongings out of the church and set them on fire.

Its name is: clean up the dirt for the arrival of angels.