God Emperor's Angel of Death

Chapter 385

When the first claw rushed out of the corridor, only rows of meditators, monitoring stations, omen arrays and engineering terminals were surrounded by a mass of fire and smoke.

Debris and broken materials flew out under the influence of atmospheric cracks, and new alarms rang through the bridge, competing with the screams of air leakage.

Under the action of the early warning mechanism, the heavy explosion-proof wall began to close, and the broken ceiling debris blocked the crack while the bridge atmosphere was stable.

Pieces of iron and crystal rained down, metal groaned slowly, and the ground was full of the bodies of the crew.

"Brothers, attack and recapture the bridge."

When the roar of Talos sounded, the spirit family was ready.

Although there were only a dozen of them, they all wore robes full of stones and strange Rune ornaments, which indicated that these alien creatures were psychics.

They react quickly, and psychic tricks surround them, making their speed seem to blur the edge of reality.

Blaster guns were fired in response to their assault, and the ruins of the bridge echoed the roars of star soldiers.

But none of them hit.

Talos looked away at his brothers, for a wizard had rushed at him with a long and elegant blade.

The wizard, he remembered, was the one who beat him down in the corridor. It was obvious that he didn't leave.

Talos tried to resist, but he was too slow.

The warlock sword crossed Talos's Breastplate and almost cut his chest.

The prophet waved a power sword and fought back with his powerful and crackling blade.

But it didn't get close and hit.

The warlock was no longer where he had been before, and slid to the right of Talos with unnatural grace, while another of its kind came in front of the prophet, and the blade came to his throat under the sharp sound.

Once again, the foresight inherited from the mother saved Talos's life. He saw the enemy's attack in advance and deflected it with his weapon.

He tried to rush into the alien guards and grab their robes, but it seemed to move smoothly in his hands.

In several rapid heartbeats, Talos realized that he was surrounded.

The sudden pause was just enough for Talos to breathe a sigh of relief.

Then they attacked——

He felt one blade cut into his right shoulder armor, the other on his left leg guard, and the third on his left thigh.

His power armor screamed and sparkled, almost crushed by the relentless attack.

Talos roared and waved, but the long sword touched nothing.

The alien leaped and attacked him with grace beyond his reach.

Eventually, one of the alien weapons got stained with blood.

A spear pierced Talos' left leg guard from behind, stabbing the flesh and bones.

The prophet flopped down on one knee.

The pumped stimulant overcame the pain and the wound soon became numb, even though he felt blood dripping into his boots.

He stopped.

There is a short pause before the alien collection launches its final strike.

Opportunity is fleeting.

Talos seized the opportunity.

"Come on!"

With a loud roar, Talos lifted the power sword off the ground.

A warwitch has jumped on his bare head, and the blade has turned into a silver phantom.

But in doing so, it finally brought itself too close.

The foresight of the spirit family failed.

The power sword hits before he dodges, releasing energy and reverberating in the control center.

The alien easily disintegrated, its robe began to burn, and its body was shocked into a mass of meat.

Talos put all his strength into the swing of the power sword, let it hit one side in a 360 degree arc, and broke the other six blades facing him.

The spirit clan retreated and recovered into a circle around him, and the remains fell on the twisted deck.

Talos stood gritting his teeth and holding his sword in his hands.

At this time, a movement outside the encirclement attracted his attention.

An alien is working on the gun console of the curse echo.

Runes made of strange smooth materials have been inserted into the transmitting port and the main meditator node of data, which is undoubtedly the aiming system used to override the curse echo.

The long finger of the spirit family is working on the rune stage. It is mainly used to control the laser array on the side of the warship.

"Face me, witch!"

Talos roared, and then a silhouette left the circle around makarion.

Her armor and robe are embroidered with more patterns than the surrounding aliens, and her helmet is engraved with complex Rune marks.

The warlords of the spirit clan waved a moaning psionic sword, and the blade was eager for blood.

The red eyepiece on Zhan Wu's tall helmet stared into Talos's eyes, and then a voice of contempt floated into his ears.

"Fallen monkey."

Even if the visual shielding of the helmet is activated, these words can still enter taros's mind.

"Your presence will only put us in danger."

"Get out of my head, alien scum!"

Talos spat at each other, and the warlords who surrounded him immediately raised their blades together.

The air vibrates with repressed psionic power.

"Unnecessary resistance will only lead to pain."

She raised her hand, and the first and third fingers extended and pointed at him.

Talos suddenly broke out in pain in his skull and staggered forward.

She was in his mind and he could feel her.

Her thoughts struggle with himself, an alien invasion, trying to conquer and crush his consciousness, as well as the essence of his existence.

She was digging into the darkness of his memory.

Talos saw the matte nastrom, his hometown, the home world of the eighth Legion.

He saw it burning.

He saw the nuclear flame engulf it, burning the city, the ocean and devouring all life.

In the end, only barren rocks and ashes were left, and everything was ordered by the mother.

He took another step forward.

The wound on the back of the calf has solidified, but it still hurts.

He gritted his teeth, trying to concentrate, trying to stop the spirit witch in his mind.

He saw Charles, his old friend and fighting brother.

He saw Charles fall to the ground, helpless and failed.

He saw how Luwen changed, how filth corroded his pale skin, and aroused a color of sub space pollution in his eyes.

Talos saw the bullet that executed Reuven and broke his skull.

From his own blaster pistol.

Clenching his teeth, he took another step.

USAS tried to save Talos. He was badly hurt. He rushed at the spirit wizard with a battle axe.

"Blood sacrifice -"

However, several spiritual wizards around made efforts at the same time. Lightning like a python rushed out of the air, easily penetrated USAS's power armor, and hit his body half a second later.

USAS roared and fell to the ground with dull limbs. Until his body was scorched, there was still an excessive amount of lightning through his armor.

Talos couldn't see it.

He closed his eyes and his whole body was nervous and trembling.

In his mind, he saw another destruction, sargulasa, torn apart by cyclone torpedoes.

Once again, the destruction of a world passed through his hand.