God Emperor's Angel of Death

Chapter 379

That's a scream——

Terrible, very terrible screams.

In the hazy sight, Kangke saw that there seemed to be a crack in the air, like being struck by thunder.

The old, dead air seemed to shimmer, as if a hot fog suddenly appeared in its center.

Kangke tried to activate his throne, and the data link stretched on his loose skin, but it took time. At the explosion-proof door in the distance, all the armed guards were dead, and the bodies were scattered behind the open partition.

Something was moving around them, glowing.

They ran at a speed that their eyes could hardly keep up, sweeping the bridge and lightning from one side of the console to the other.

Kangke watched the bridge staff paralyzed with fear, as if they were chopped up in the flow of energy.

Limbs separated, throat cut, chest cut.

Blood and screams flooded the command deck.

Suddenly, the pain and screams that tormented Kangke seemed to have disappeared.

He gasped, his bony fingers groping for the full station alert button on the armrest of the throne.

"Sealed explosion-proof door!"

While he roared, no one was listening, and everything around him fell into chaos.

The crew are being slaughtered.

When his sight became clear, the "lightning" had become tall and slender - they were wearing bone white armor, strange masks, and scarlet sideburns flying behind their heads, like splashing blood.

These strange shapes move with speed and grace beyond human reach, desperately cutting the desperate bridge staff with thin swords and spears.

In the blink of an eye, they had eliminated the safety assessment team and began to attack deck officers, platform operators and ship analysts.

Watching his subordinates cut and dismembered, and the mechanical parts mixed with fuel and blood burst one after another, Kangke's aging hand finally reached the warning button of the whole station.

But as before, he found himself frozen and unable to move.

He was very nervous, his chin tightened, and a helpless roar formed in his throat, but his body didn't obey at all.

It's like the sleep paralysis he experienced during his long sub space journey - the will still works, but it seems to be trapped in a stone statue and can't respond to his will at all.

He struggled to pray to the emperor, and sweat wet his frame.

Finally, his last crew died.

There was a sudden silence on the bridge, and even the sound of blood droplets falling on the deck could be heard before the meditators cut off the power.

Only one human being is still alive, sitting on the throne on the central stage of the dome.

A warlord uses his powers to hold the body of an old man.

Then she slowly climbed the steps of the podium. The ancient witch sword was dripping blood, and the white edge of the robe was bleeding.

When she stood in front of the human, the human was also looking at her, but his eyes were aimless.

Veronica stared into his eyes for a moment. Usually she didn't get much from such a species - there was basically nothing to find except hatred and fear.

As before, their thought process was extremely simple, and Veronica did not find fun in destroying them.

Or she never did.

As a young spirit, Veronica is a member of the black Guardian most of the time, cruising near the eye of the curse to block the terrible things that escape from it.

She didn't even know the significance of the great prophet's participation in this task. She never had any special thoughts about human beings - neither hatred nor interest.

However, this is not the time for kindness.

With her pale and slender fingers, she gathered a strand of silver hair falling on her forehead behind her ears, and Veronica stretched out her hand.

She could feel the old man trembling and eager to get rid of her. He was even fighting with every nerve to get rid of the helplessness of witchcraft.

Blue veins protruded from the high neck in the straight collar of the military uniform, and sweat covered the wrinkled forehead.

Then Veronica gently touched his forehead with two slender fingers. She needed to get the fire control key of the orbital station from the human head.

At the moment of lifting, all kinds of emotions filled her will.

Fear, anger, shock.

She passed them, looking for something below.

Her own consciousness quickly seeks the cornerstone of maintaining the soul through human memory.

She saw him sit on this throne for the first time, and felt pain and pride when the robot creature in red robe chanted connected the data link and cable to his body.

She dived deeper.

She saw him on another ship, some type of capital ship, clutching the railing around the throne, surrounded by flames, and he was bathed in blood..

This was the most humiliating moment of his life and his most painful failure.

She went deeper.

She saw him standing in a magnificent cathedral surrounded by broken guests. A beautiful woman was opposite him. The priest was loudly praising the Lord of mankind and announcing the sanctity of their marriage.

He was young, his body was no longer shriveled, and excited joy filled his mind.

There is another

Veronica hesitates about this emotion, just like a child looking up at the sugar can on the cabinet. It may be risky to obtain it, but the wonderful taste is irresistible.

What is this emotion?

Is it what books say about love?

A voice suddenly reminded her.

So far, Veronica has immediately focused on keeping her consciousness. She has gone too far in this person's memory.

She suddenly found that although something was forgotten in their hearts, it had never been lost.

Honor, responsibility, and love.

This seems to be his core, the root of his existence, and the reason why he continues to live and breathe - even if he has forgotten.

It seemed like a long time, but it ended in less than a second.

With Veronica's idea of an end forever, the real network cable eliminates his existence.

Man immediately collapsed on his throne and died.

Veronica moves her finger away.

For a moment, she looked down at the empty looking body.

For a while, she wondered if he had ever thought about how violent and bloody he would be when he still knew warmth and love.

"Warlock, don't indulge in the souls of other creatures. It's harmful."

An awe inspiring voice sounded, and Veronica quickly removed her attention from the human body.

She turned and looked at the bloody bridge and saw a vigorous figure emerge from the Shura field - dressed in dark copper ancient armor, holding a spear, and black tassel hair flowing down from the back of her head.

Lord of the howling banshee, Jain Zar.

"These monkeys only have violence and ignorance. Their souls are like inferior spirits. Drinking will only cause headache and nausea. Only those fallen will try to get nutrients from the flexibility of these monkeys."

The voice of the Banshee Lord was admonished. Veronica, who had obtained the fire control key of the orbital station, quickly lowered her head.


Outside the orbital station, a spirit family small warship is quietly attached to the metal shell. It has a filled holographic shield and wears the most powerful psionic veil, so it can quietly approach the orbital station and avoid all detectors.

The center of the railway station has been broken, but their number is far from enough to occupy the whole railway station. In fact, Veronica can hear the sound of knocking on the sealed explosion-proof door in the distance, which is more human beings seeking to enter.

They're running out of time.

Veronica knew that although the great prophets had been trying to relax their chains, the big hand of fate was still tightening like a noose in their throat.

If she doesn't succeed here, she will lose more than her personal future.

The whole ark world will be in crisis.

"We must be quick."