God Emperor's Angel of Death

Chapter 333

"Regional security."

Soshyan reported on the communication channel that sol shouted the same words.

The crow Prince walked to one of the pillars and rubbed his armored hand on the sculpted side.

"What did you hear?"

Soshyan didn't answer for the first time. He listened carefully for a while.

"Only the wind."

He wondered if the original sevita could hear something hidden under the wind? Can you hear anything other than his own slow breathing and the sound of the left retinal pulse counter?

Soshyan blinked and turned off his retinal screen.

At this time, he heard some very subtle noise, a sound that made him slightly familiar.

"Wait, this is --"

Soshyan frowned.

"Disturbance in subspace."

Sevita's black eyes seemed to glow at this time. He stared at a wall in the distance, and his eyes seemed to penetrate it.

"We're going to hurry --"

In the third minute of waiting in the main control room of Xingbao, the start sound of the gate announced the arrival of the waiting person.

Golgory looked at the center of the smoke. Behind him were all the recruits in the regiment and his honor guard.

Soon, a figure appeared, wrapped in simple purple armor. The helmet was clamped under the armpit by the left arm, revealing that tough and battle scarred cheek.

His body was covered with all the records of massacres and victories against the enemies of mankind engraved in gaogote, and the floor banged with his movement.

Then he stopped five meters in front of gorgorgory, and his clenched right fist hit his chest heavily, clanging.

"Think tank curator salpurdon reports to you, head of the war."

His voice was calm and calm without any tension, just as they used to meet every day.

Behind him, the veterans also lined up and saluted gorgorgory neatly.


Gorgorgory hesitated. He raised his hand to his collar, unlocked the helmet hidden there, and took off his helmet.

An undisguised surprise appeared on his face, like a face that could only be carved out of flawless marble.

In gorgorgory's eyes, salpurdon should be a calm and wise soldier.


He then asked questions, and his strong voice was softened by a sense of doubt.

"What did you do?"

But the director of the think tank ignored this problem.

"I did everything for the honor of the regiment."

Gorgorgory slowly and resolutely pulled out his sword.

He did not choose the alert standing position, nor did he threaten the other party.

Instead, he just held the handle of the sword with both hands and stood the sword in front of him when he stared directly at the director of the think tank.

"I only ask you one question, and only once, why do you rebel?"

"Ah, in return, I want to ask you something, my brother."

Salpurdon revealed his sharp teeth with a tired sigh.

"Commander Zhan, listen to me carefully. We came here to recapture the holy thing 'soul spear', but when we were about to succeed, the people of the machinery sect suddenly transmitted it to the inside of the star castle and took the soul spear."

"Soul spear?"

Gorgorgori has heard of this sacred thing of the War Regiment. It was once a sub space vortex weapon used by proto Donne during the expedition. It became a sacred thing for soul drinkers after the second army building, but it was lost 6000 years ago. The war regiment has been looking for it.

"Yes, you should know the significance of the soul spear to the battle group, but even so, we didn't choose to conflict with the mechanical education at the beginning. We just strengthened the defense of the platform and asked the mechanical education to hand in the soul returning spear. However, they carried away the soul spear and pointed a huge siege gun at us. We were forced to board the ship to destroy the weapons of the mechanical education for self-protection."

Gorgorgory was surprised to hear this, which was obviously different from the report of mechanical education.

So his attitude softened a little.

"Then why did you kill the technology sage?"

"Because he refused to tell the whereabouts of the soul spear."

Salpurdon said this in a natural tone, but it made gorgorgory's back cold.

"You didn't tell me in advance?"

"It's urgent."

"Then you can choose to wait for me to come back and deal with it."

"Sorry, I didn't think about it."

"Do you know that because of your actions, the war regiment has been declared by the trial court as absolute punishment treason!"

As soon as this was said, the recruits and veterans were in an uproar. Obviously, not many people knew about it.

Salperdon was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"I know."

"Since you know, why did you refuse the investigation of the trial court at the beginning!"

The head of the think tank suddenly looked up, and his eyes seemed to be burning.

"Because the trial court can not represent the Empire! Let alone the emperor! The soul of the soul drinker only swears to the golden throne! Not those biting mad dogs! They have no right to judge us!"

Gorgorgory took a deep breath and lowered the tip of the sword.

"You're wrong, salpurdon. Your thoughts are too dangerous. I can't let you continue to lead the War Regiment astray. Here, in my capacity as head of war, I announce the dismissal of your post as director of the think tank and the arrest."

The director of the think tank looked at him without any action.

"Gorgorgory, do you know what you're doing?"

Then the priest behind took a step forward.

"I know very well, Reverend."

Salpurdon shook his head.

"I'm sorry, I can't obey. Your behavior is really leading the war group astray."

With that, the curator of the think tank pulled out his sword.

"Commander gorgorgori, under the witness of the emperor and the mother, I want to challenge your command."

"Very good."

The two former comrades in arms raised their swords and rushed to each other under the gaze of the people.

This is one of the traditions of some astates. When a subordinate questions the decision of his superior, he can fight for leadership in a duel.

Soon, they turned into a virtual shadow of fierce movements. Chopping and stabbing were so changeable that they looked like a choreographed dance.

Gorgorgori turned back his blade, and the silver steel blade broke through the air and blurred into a new moon. His every attack was against salpurdon's defense. The power sword hit the chain saw sword of the think tank and burst into sparks. His every attack was with unparalleled speed and power.

The movements of the two soldiers are far beyond the limits of mortals, and the speed despises the eyesight of others.

However, gorgorgory was better at fighting skills after all. He was not only favored by his predecessor, but his swordsmanship was one of the best in the regiment for a long time.

"We've never played against each other, have we?"

Gorgorgory's voice continued from his clenched mouth.

Every few seconds, a fresh wound will be added to salperdon's armor and even his face.

Although he was fast enough to avoid the death in gorgorgory's hands, his skills were not proficient enough to defend every blow perfectly.

"I never liked swords."

The curator of the think tank bent over to avoid a sword, and then the chain saw sword stuck out.

Gorgorgory immediately leaned back, and his balance brought him supernatural perfect action. The flying serrations only shattered the eagle decoration on his breastplate, just enough to touch the surface of ceramic steel armor.