God Emperor's Angel of Death

Chapter 322

But even though he was stuck in the mire, the war in soshyang's heart still did not decrease. It was bound to cut down the strongest residents in Asia and shake the supreme power of the gods to the earth.

The roaring chainsaw's achievements marked a semicircular crescent track, fanning the etheric wind, and the counterattack of the great demons was dissolved one after another.

One person and one devil collide and separate, and weapons and claws merge and separate. At a speed difficult to distinguish by the naked eye, they are transformed into an invisible tornado of chopping and stabbing.


The chanter screamed and soaked soshyang in a torrent of molecular vibration, but he managed to survive.

At this time, the singer's claw suddenly stretched across soshyang's chest armor, and the other party immediately returned color.

From the beginning to the end, the halberd kept waving and cut into the muscles and muscles intertwined with etheric materials, causing the big devil to howl.

"I think you care about your subordinates."

The chanter said, escaping from soshyang's fierce attack.

"Do you want me to show you his pain?"

In the face of provocation, soshyang only attacked more and more fiercely, his limbs worked harder, and the halberd waved so fast that the reality seemed to be torn apart.

With a smile, the devil threw everything within reach at soshyang.

He is still alive, his soldiers are still alive, and the creatures in sub space feed on fear, but here, fear has nothing to do.

"My concert is not for people like you,"

The great devil summoned a new impact, which almost made soshyang stagger.

"Reality is not for you"

Soshyan waved the fast rotating chain saw from the ugly body with his backhand, tore the long sores from one end to the other, and then the devil's claws crossed his chest armor, almost tearing off a piece of his flesh.

Blood has now joined the cycle of war, and the bright red of human beings is intertwined with the purple charm of the great devil.

"You ruined my perfection!"

The devil screamed again, took a step away from the Star Warrior and dissolved the ground under his feet.

Then it pounced on him with a clenched claw and grabbed at his neck, forcing soshyang to retreat further.

"This is my Lord's favorite movement!"

Soshyan immediately hit back, twisted his wrist, fiercely cut off the big devil's arm with a halberd, then took the big devil's abdomen and tore another wound on the side of the big devil.

The burning pus gushed out of the wound made by the sawtooth, and then was watered out by the pus.

But the wound did not recover as quickly as before.

"You will destroy it for me!"

The big devil's claws scratched at random. Soshyang opened all these obstacles and crossed the big devil's front legs with a halberd, causing his muscles to tremble.

Then he swept the big devil's chest and cut into his trunk.

The chanter's body flickered between collapse and reunion, and then it gave all its strength and gave an unprecedented hiss.


The scream was something soshyoung had never heard before.

It devoured him, almost turned him into nothing, turned the world into a broken glass rain, and even the star soldiers and demons in the surrounding battles became fragments of sensory impressions, all smashed and fell into the abyss of pain.

Only one image remained intact, bringing his pain to the extreme.

The chanter, like a cat driving a mouse into a corner, put his claws on soshyan.

"Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!"

Through the storm like pain, through the raindrops of glass, there is a crystal like darkness.

Commands are comparable to the screams of demons, but commands are more powerful.

It is full of power and hope.

Before the scream, there were lies of hope, those silver gray illusions, those broken realities scattered everywhere, as if all parts of the world were lost in the night before the scream, the night before the pain.

This command is so powerful that it will guide him through pain and debris.

Although the mind is still as cold as iron, the body is no longer controlled.

The star soldiers are still fighting, shouting in the pain of the devil, killing the enemy in front of them.

Soshyan saw the victory from the singer's face. He knew that this moment was carefully arranged by the devil, and every step was arranged in advance.

This moment is its artistic peak and its supreme masterpiece.

The only thing he didn't understand was why the devil could be so powerful under the influence of gray marrow?

Why? Where is the problem?

Or did he ignore something?

"Sir? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Thanks to a sharp turn and acceleration by the last-minute conductor, Eric was not buried in the ruins, but most of his troops were finished, leaving only five or six chimeras and hundreds of people.

He patted his hair, shook off the gravel and ash, and then looked at the trembling church.

"The knight Titan can't solve it."

He expressed his views on the war situation directly.

"Commissar! I found many enemies."

Hearing this, he immediately aimed the heavy bomb at the mob and calmly executed the mob.

The cultists collapsed and rolled under the erosion of the fire. Similarly, everything defiled by chaos will be burned.

He saw other streets burning, chaos spreading to all urban areas, and abominable play everywhere he went.

The devil's orders triggered a new offensive.

It's already evening, and the sky has gradually darkened. At present, the whole urban area is powered off.

He commanded the troops to leave the devastated square area and move towards the original position of the cathedral, because he thought he might find the star soldiers there.

Demons that can be seen from time to time flash across the edge of the road. Their figures flash in the fire and will catch those straggling infantry, but most of their prey are farther away.

They screamed in the street as they ran.

Eric also heard the song, mixed in the muddy music.

The sound is not far from him.

After a period of baptism of magic sound, he can probably distinguish the sound of sub space from that of human beings, and there is no doubt that this song is made by human beings.

Human song?

Eric felt something was wrong.

"Turn, turn west."

Soon, the motorcade arrived at the original location of the cathedral, where there was no complete flat land.

He stopped the motorcade for a moment, and he did hear the song in the harsh laughter.

Suddenly, someone called him. It was a messenger.

"Whose communication?"

Eric asked, slightly annoyed by being interrupted.

"Astat's communication."

The messenger sounded surprised that he had the opportunity to talk to such a sacred person.

Eric returned to chimera's cabin from the hatch. There were other wounded soldiers in chimera. They couldn't run, but they could still fight.

Then he took the messenger from the messenger.

"This is Eric."

"Where are you?"

The other side didn't even bother to identify himself, but when the other side spoke, Eric recognized the low and indifferent voice of astat named Ustad.

"About a mile west of the original cathedral."

"We will reach the attack position in a few minutes. The remnants of the enemy may try to trap you on the ground. Take your people back to the starting assembly point immediately."


"If you don't, you'll only die here."

With that, the opposite directly turned off the communication.

Eric stared at the communicator., If it were not astat but a mortal, he would be furious.

But he could not be angry with Ustad because he would not try to condemn the stubbornness of a mountain.

But he still felt something wrong.

The song

"Commissar! Something!"

A soldier stormed into the cabin, saluted him and said:

"We found an underground bunker."
