God Emperor's Angel of Death

Chapter 317

The demonized Cathedral raised the south tower for the next attack.

"Fire at that window!"

Eric ordered.

He's not finished yet. He can fight.

Although the window is no longer like stained glass, but more like scales, it still emits a faint flash in the reflected light of the explosion.

Eric didn't know if they were weaknesses, but at least they were targets that could be targeted and a means to maintain the will of the army.

Combat cannons, heavy explosives, laser cannons and rockets shot through the darkness into the stone walls of the cathedral.

An overlapping shock wave passed through the wall and broke part of the glass.

Then the tone of the cathedral song changed.

"We can hurt it!"

Eric shouted and believed it.

"Devil! We can hurt you!"

But Eric's idea failed to put into action. The towering south tower collapsed without deflection and hit the ground with meteoric force.

North Tower

The North Tower towered above his troops.

Eric saw its movement and guessed its intention. His heart was half cold at once.

Although he had enough time to realize what was about to happen, he had no time to escape bad luck. They were too close, or not far enough.

More importantly, the tower is too huge. If they want to leave, they still have too much distance to go.

But time is not on their side.

Just a moment later, his troops were shrouded in the shadow of the North Tower.

The tower seemed to pause before sinking.

Maybe it was just an illusion. The scale of the attack was so large that it even deceived the eyes.

"Retreat from its flanks!"

Eric screamed at the crowd:

"Close to the wall!"

Without his words, many soldiers have begun to run.

The game was desperate and the chances were slim.

But maybe, maybe they are too close to the church, and the church's mountain arms can't reach them.

Eric looked up. The shadow was deeper and deeper than the night, and it was getting bigger and bigger.

The wind blew straight down. Eric's hat was taken up and his hair trembled in the smell of disaster, while the conductor tried to bring chimera to the edge of the shadow.

In the last second, this long and short time, Eric was still full of hope.

Then the sky fell.

It smashed the ground and destroyed the world.

The rock surface exploded and Eric flew over a hurricane of stone and metal.

The reality was shattered by endless thunder. The young political commissar kept falling. He was knocked upside down by small stones, and then fell into the boundless darkness.

At last, he felt nothing——

"You can't stop all this!"

The devil shouted in the wind:

"Praise the Lord of joy! It is the truth! It is the only! It is heaven!!"

The scream of the great evil spirit of lust rang through the sky, and its voice was much louder than the manic voice of the demons in the church.

In a sense, this is the most terrible attack. Soshyang has to endure the howling every second. In order to protect the world, he can't be swallowed by the spiritual storm.

Now they are on the defensive, or at a disadvantage.

The cathedral threw a tower at them in the first few seconds of its activity. The star soldiers found its attack intention in time and quickly got out of the attack range.

After the terrible shock, when the South Tower rose again, the north tower fell vertically.

The starfighters had to move south and west to escape the second attack by a few seconds.

Since then, they have been avoiding the attack.

Even those armored forces had to stay away from the battlefield. Their weapons had no way to take this giant unless they came with a poisonous blade or shadow sword.

But obviously, these things do not exist, whether they are star knights or soul drinkers.

The cathedral was immersed in a majestic, continuous and savage rage.

Its attack was like the roar of a volcano, which spread to the foot of the mountain piled with building ruins. Demons galloped along the damaged streets and ran around aimlessly.

The whole city is crumbling, but imperial Yifang can't regain the initiative.

Flying formations in the air were the only hope. They bypassed the front of the cathedral and opened fire on the eyes of the tower.

Although the cathedral did not pay attention to storm crows and thunder eagles, the waving tower still nearly hit these vehicles several times, forcing them to attack from a long distance.

And they still have no possibility of beheading the beast.

The artillery fire from the rear continued, but the effect was less obvious, and the cathedral moved slowly under the artillery fire.

In front of soshyang, a shell suddenly fell, and the fire blocked their way, but then he leaned forward to destruction and continued to move forward.

The devil's song has been attacking them fiercely during this period, and this spiritual attack is as sharp as the bash of the cathedral.

When they reached the foot of the garbage mountain in the ruins of the city, Farzad shouted:

"It will destroy the city and catch up with us."

"Trust me, it can't."


"We knew it when we destroyed it."

In fact, soshyang knew very well that the monster pursued them so persistently, not out of anger, but out of fear.

He can hurt its essence, it doesn't want this to happen, and uses the shell of reality to protect itself.

At this time, the barricade behind them collapsed, and ahead was the area destroyed by early artillery fire.

The star Knight's team is now in the ruins without any cover, and the cathedral breaks out from the front of the destroyed street like a huge predator stumbling forward.

The ground trembled with the impact, then the South Tower rose, and the eye of hell looked down on the star soldiers.

The way the monster raised its arm showed its angle of attack.

The movement of the cathedral is unstoppable, but it is also huge and slow, like a capital ship in space.

Starfighters can anticipate its attack and leave the attack path.

They first turned left, then south and walked towards the edge of the open space.

"Hum hum, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The spiritual roar of the devil exploded in soshyang's mind as if the death knell were ringing on his head.

Although he did not waver, he heard a hard breath from the communicator. It was obvious that the devil was attacking his brothers with the same curse.

But the soldiers persisted tenaciously, and everyone strictly guarded their inner shield to prevent this song from taking advantage of it.

Gorgorgory slowed down as he passed soshyang.

Soshyang turned around and saw gorgorgory suddenly become a little hesitant. Then his feet slipped and nearly fell.

Realizing something was wrong, soshyang stretched out his arm to him.

But gorgorgory then stumbled again.

He dropped his arms and knelt to the ground, while in the communicator, his breathing hissed with fatigue and pain, mixed with subtle muttering.

All the devil needs is a small mistake.

At this moment, the waves of the mind constantly hit the reef of faith, and finally produced a crack.

At a wrong, extremely tired moment, the crack was opened.


In the sound of soshyang's exclamation, gorgorgory fell.