God Emperor's Angel of Death

Chapter 304

When katillo was saved, Ustad also just killed his demon opponent.

Rage guided his blade. He pierced the four legged beast's head with his long sword and cut off the right half.

Ustad could feel his body fluid boiling like a steam stove.

Since the beginning of the battle, he has had 18 injuries, including a whiplash penetrating the muscle of his right thigh, a bone fracture of his forearm and a fracture of his little finger. The others are falls, cuts and severe concussion bruises.

His metabolism has greatly improved, trying to make up for the needs of the battle, trying to suppress or delay the pain, trying to maintain the peak physical performance, and trying to accelerate healing and repair.

Energy consumption has raised his body temperature by several degrees, and his body is rapidly burning his fat reserves.

Ustad knew he would soon need hydrolysates and additional analgesics to maintain excellent combat status.

Suddenly, two demons rushed out of the gap in the gate and knocked him to the ground.

Exhausted, he felt a heavy burden on his body for a moment.

He can't stand up.

When he was attracted by external things, his body temperature, which reached its peak, began to drop rapidly.

Suddenly, the whole world became a slow freeze frame animation in Ustad's eyes.

The star armies who are still fighting, the demons who are tearing them up, the eagle emblem on the door, everything is so beautiful——


The last breath of heat was squeezed out of his chest, and Ustad stood up again slowly, like a puppet.

The two demons who were ready to attack him suddenly became slow and powerless as if they were in a quagmire.

Their mouths howled unnaturally, but there was only pain.

The power sword fell with a sharp arc.

Ustad stared at it, more like a living creature with its own anger than a weapon in his hand.

He watched it fall, and his genetically enhanced brain expanded for a few seconds.

He watched it touch the impact point, the thin and thick edge of the molecule cut the twisted body, and the spark burst at the moment when the force of sub space was torn apart.

The blade goes deep into flesh and blood, calmly and quickly, cutting and burning.

A smell of meat, burning meat, rushed into his nostrils.

The enemy's voice was not a scream, but more like a groan and a futile cry.

The dirty blood gushed out, like wine gushing out of a broken jar, from outflow to ejection and ejection. These viscous liquids gathered into a pool at his feet.

The devil had disintegrated in an instant, splitting his left upper shoulder, arm and half of his chest.

When the opponent was destroyed, Ustad continued to move forward and crushed the enemy's skull with giant boots made of fine porcelain.

He had only one thought left - there were more enemies who had not yet died.

Countless enemies scream out dark hymns to chaos with their dirty tongues, but he will kill them today and infiltrate the land of this insignificant world with their debris.

He rushed like a bomb into the enemy crowd crowded at the gap in the gate.

During the running, the deformed heads exploded into a pink purple blood mist, and the slender limbs turned into viscous mud.

No killing power is wasted.

Ustad has taken off his helmet, but not for any reason.

His face was filled with frost, and the gray veins, like the roots of some kind of plant, covered his neck and face.

The power sword smokes because of the blood just stained, and the hot steam disperses into the cold air from it.

He fell into a rage, like radiation, which made the demons feel like a cold hell around him.

When it goes deeper, the anger is as dark as void, as if to absorb everything.

Suddenly, a bright beam of light rushed out of the heretical front, which was the close range shooting of a laser gun.

Ustad flinched and his eyelids closed quickly to protect his eyes from the glare.

A tenth of a second later, when he looked at the object again, a big pit was burned out less than half a meter around him.

"I am the emperor's blade!"

Angered by the attack, Ustad shouted the name of the holy emperor and rushed into the enemy line. His speed was incredible at the moment.

His sword turned into a bright and shining track, followed by death, and the demons like a tide were rushed into rout for a time.

The enemy operating the laser gun was scared to death by the thunder roar of the angel. Even the hypnosis of the evil devil could not cover the voice of anger and revenge.

But as soon as the cult turned and took a step, the hot sword went through his sternum and exploded a chaotic dark red liquid from his spine.

They drew closer and fell into a cruel embrace.

Taking the chance that the traitor was still alive, Ustad did not hesitate to tear the heretic's throat with his empty hand.


Blood gushed like a spring from the destroyed body of the heresy, splashed on Ustad's face and dyed his vision red.

The warm liquid contacted his cold face, which made him suddenly realize that he was so cold.

An unprecedented bitter cold completely held him in his arms.

Ustadton, who could not support, knelt down on the ground and spewed a string of condensed and cold blood beads from his mouth.

When he looked up, he vaguely saw that a chimera was aiming its double double blaster at himself a hundred meters away.

He took another look at the sky.

Why didn't support arrive?


At this time, chimera, who was preparing to shoot at Ustad, suddenly started a powerful engine, spewed out a mass of black exhaust and began to reverse quickly.

Ustad could hear the sound of the track, the huge body trembled, the main turret began to turn to the left, and the double heavy explosive shell gradually lifted up.

The rebels gathered around hurriedly dispersed to avoid being run over by the urgent displacement of tanks.

What is it doing?

At this time, a scream came from the sky.

Something seems to be falling.

A violent impact came from the chimera muzzle, shaking up a large area of dust around. The bomb went into the thick fog, leaving a spiral track that dissipated slowly. We can't confirm that it hit anything.

The next second, the explosion followed, fast and bright, hot and violent, and the distorted chimera's outline suddenly disappeared.

Ustad's eyes widened.

He saw it.

In the thick smoke and flames, a huge chain saw halberd was obliquely inserted into the burning metal ruins, like a skewed tombstone, and at its end, a helmet was tied with a chain, a pale skull with blood bat wings.

The empty eyes seemed to be embedded with lightning, staring at the battlefield in the fire.

"This is --"

Ustad wanted to say something, but his throat was blocked by something.

Then he heard the roar, the roar of the engine, coming from overhead.

He looked up and saw a storm crow gunboat with silver gray paint.

More importantly, the hatch cover of the gunboat's weapon hand operation cabin has been opened, and a figure without a helmet clings to the edge of the gunboat, clutching one side of the gun barrel with one hand.

When he reached the destroyed chimera, the figure released his hand and jumped down from a hundred meters high!