God Emperor's Angel of Death

Chapter 132

When the unknown drugs were pumped into his body, the boy felt like he was in an ice storm and began to tremble uncontrollably.

In the process, the restraint belt on the operating table firmly fixed him to the cold metal plate so that he would not fall to the ground.

As trembling and frenzy constantly occupied his mind and body, his consciousness gradually became chaotic.

I don't know how long later, he finally got out of the storm and seemed to be carried into a warm and dull deep cave.

He lay there and continued to immerse himself in dreams.

The boy had a long dream.

The hallucination caused by pain was first visited. The pain of his whole body's nerves made the hallucination extremely sharp, and a large number of analgesics injected into his blood vessels distorted everything.

Those sharp and incomplete dream fragments are like scattered puzzles or shattered mirrors, intertwined with dark and silent comas.

The interweaving and collision of the two feelings is like a game between two regicide chess masters - deliberate attack and defense, long-term deep strategy, and long-term planning.

I don't know how long it drifted, the sharp edges of the soul fragments gradually blunt, and those dreams become more and more lasting and complex.

He began to dream grand dreams that were extremely long and repeated.

Over the years, those dreams span several generations, witnessing the solid ice covering all things and melting into spring water, experiencing the complete consolidation of the sea and surging again, looking at the brass disc like sun galloping through the clouds in the distance, first shining, bursting into light, then gradually fading, turning into embers and being wiped away by the breeze.

Day and night, endless

Sometimes, his dream is like an adventure. He sits in a fast-moving roller coaster and has a panoramic view of all things in the world, but he often rises or falls sharply. He needs to hold on to the handrail to avoid accidental falling.

Sometimes, his dream will look inward, hide into his own flesh and blood, observe this body as complex as the Milky way at the micro level, examine the countless atoms that make up the whole one by one, and split his life essence into the most subtle genetic information, just like using a prism to skillfully screen out its colorful components from the light.

He felt that the organs and tissues all over his body were dissociated one after another, as if he had become an old wall clock. Every fine element full of Geneva pattern was displayed in front of the craftsman, waiting for maintenance and repair.

He is also like a biological sample. An experimental animal fixed on the workbench was first ripped with a sharp blade, and then his viscera were taken away one by one like the gear parts of a pocket watch.

Or like an insect nailed to a wax plate, tissue cells everywhere in the body are placed on glass slides for people to study various internal mechanisms.

After a long dream took him back to the cave, he often felt as if he had been reassembled into a completely different look.

If he is still an old clock, his gear parts have changed the arrangement, and some of them have been cleaned, repaired or replaced, such as the main spring and escapement mechanism, the transmission and balance balance wheel, and all the fine levers and pointers have been reorganized in a creative new order, and finally the dial has been firmly tightened.

These make his transformed internal structure completely unknown to outsiders.

He began to think about the cave itself.

It's warm, safe, hidden in the dark, away from the storm.

But was he really brought here out of his protection?

Or is he just stored by some wild animals?

The strangest and rarest dream happened after a violent convulsion. After that, a voice began to talk to him.

His sense of smell recovered a little, but the air here smelled lifeless, like a dry boulder on the polar plateau. There was not even a trace of water to form frost.

Here is far from the warmth and fire in the cave. When staying here, the boy always feels that his limbs are as heavy as lead, as if he swallowed a belly of cold ice, as if some cold liquid metal flowed in his blood vessels and became his heavy burden.

Even his mind is slow and sticky.

He struggled against the penetrating cold, afraid that he would be dragged into the death sleep of the lost dream.

However, his utmost efforts seemed to make his limbs twitch slightly, and he couldn't even lift his eyelids.

"Don't move!"

This was the first thing the voice said to him.

There was no warning, and the sudden words made him freeze.

"Don't move!"

The voice repeated again, and the empty voice was still as loud as thunder when whispering.

It is not much like a human voice. It sounds closer to the rumble of an ancient horn. Each syllable has exactly the same dull echo.

"It's awkward."

"Where am I?"

"In a dream."

The voice answered, and now it sounded like the howl of a horn on a distant lonely peak.

"I don't understand."

There was a silence, and then the voice suddenly sounded in the boy's right ear, as if the other party had just walked around behind him.

"You don't have to understand dreams. Dreams are like this. They don't need to be understood, that's all."

"But why am I here?"

When the voice responded, it looked quite far away.

"You're here to experience those dreams. It's so simple, so relax and dream... It will help you spend time and have a good dream. It's awkward! I'm very annoyed!"

The boy hesitated. He didn't like the threatening tone in the voice. The other party was obviously impatient.

"I don't like it here."

"Yes, none of you like it here!"

The next second, the voice roared in the boy's left ear. He involuntarily let out a scream of horror.

The loud voice of the other party is not only close at hand, but also mixed with a roar.

"Nobody likes it here."

The other side repeated one more calmly, and the voice lingered in the darkness around him.

"But because your bodies resist the dream, many of you die! This is not what we expected. We didn't let you choose to die."

Then there was a long silence.

"Who are you?"

The boy asked hoarsely.

"My name is only for myself, not for you."

The voice was still so impatient.

"Then why are you still here?"

The other party paused and then muttered:

"Because of you."

"How long have I been here?"

"Some days... Stay here! Shut your broken mouth and don't bother me."

With that, a sharp pain came, and the boy's thinking was shrouded in the fog again