God Emperor's Angel of Death

Chapter 105

It was soshyan's idea to expand the scope of conscription. Considering that the gene seeds of the regiment are so rare, he felt it necessary to conduct more rigorous screening.

More stringent screening means a higher elimination rate, so in order to ensure that there are sufficient quantities after elimination, expanding the screening base is the only way.

However, he was not sure about this idea, because the environment at the bottom of the nest created the character of the people living there.

They may be tough enough, but they often have defects in quality and character - a noble person is difficult to survive in that extreme environment.

In addition, the conscription tendency of the war regiment has always been the higher class of the planet. Even in the barbaric world, it is also the descendants of chiefs or warriors.

Whether a sudden change in the regiment's conscription tendency will have an impact on the regiment's tradition is also unknown.

But with Sol's encouragement, soshyan decided to give it a try.

He set the registration point in areas that are difficult for ordinary people to reach, such as Huiya Town, in order to conduct the first screening.

The result is not very satisfactory.

By the end of the last entry, the nests that really arrived at these registration points were all lower level candidates, and there were less than 20 people.

Most of them either give up halfway or die on the way.

Perhaps curious about whether the residents at the lower level of chaodu are really so weak, soshyang personally visited Huiya town and presided over the registration on the last day.

But no one arrived from noon to evening.

He was deeply disappointed and decided to leave.

But just then, three gray heads emerged from the edge of the town.


The guards around the town left, put their guns in front of them and shouted:

"A sacred ceremony is going on here now. Go away now!"

The shouts of the guards made the three little men, who were gray and almost invisible, flinch, but they didn't move.

Judging from their height, they should all be young boys. Their clothes were almost torn into strips. Two of them carried almost scattered mountaineering equipment behind them, and the other didn't.

"Didn't you hear what I said!!"

The guard came forward and the handle of the gun greeted one of the heads directly.

But as soon as he was in the air, he could no longer move an inch. When he looked back, his whole person had been shrouded in a huge shadow.

"Big and big -"

The guards fell on one knee.

The giant in power armor loosened his gun, let it fall into the dust, and then walked forward slowly.

With his back to the sunset, the shadow cast by him was like a dark cloud, which shrouded the three teenagers, and his dark eyes were shining like gemstones in the shadow.

The great sense of oppression made the boys who had never seen angels tremble.

"Are you here to participate in the screening?"

No one answered. They seemed to be scared silly.

The mind is not firm enough.

Soshyan's first impression of them suddenly became a little bad, but he didn't give up.

"Are you here to participate in the screening?"

He asked a second time, and even the guards kneeling on the ground would look at the three boys.

It's not a good thing to have an angel ask the same question twice.

Fortunately, before soshyan finally put them on the elimination list, a boy stood up and nodded hard.

"Yes, yes! My Lord!"

His voice seemed very weak and hoarse, but his eyes were still clear compared with the tired eyes of the two people around him.

Physical fatigue did not affect his spirit.

Soshyan made a tick in his heart.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Bahram Tate. I'm from frostsalt town. I'm 13 years old."

At this time, the two behind Bahram finally summoned up their courage and whispered:

"My name is haomo. I'm from tiegou city. I'm the fourth ranked thug of the scorpion gang. I'm, uh... 14 years old, probably."

"Sir, my name is Fayou, and I'm also from tiegou city. I'm the best shooter of the scorpion sect. I can hit a jar 500 meters away with a gun. I'm 13 years old."

Soshyan didn't even glance at them, which discouraged the two teenagers.

He just looked at Bahram silently.

The two were covered by a ridge of silence. In the sky, the roar of thunder Eagle landing gradually increased, and the last time of registration was coming to an end.

"Can you talk to me about the process of your coming?"

Bahram nodded.

"We chose the nearest but relatively dangerous road and had to go through the rambling forest -"

In fact, as living at the bottom of chaodu, they know little about the rambling forest, the third largest forest in Somus chaodu. The only thing they know is that few people can spend the night alone in this mountain forest and see the sun the next day.

"I knew it wasn't that easy."

Haomo suddenly put in a word and smiled, but when he saw that soshyang was still expressionless, he touched his nose in embarrassment.

"That's right."

He nodded, but he was not so uninterested. He just said it to himself.

"It's not that simple."

This sentence has many meanings. Bahram can't respond to him with a smile, even a simple smile.

In fact, the situation was even worse. In order to hurry, it was already dark when they entered the forest.

But there is no great difference between day and night in that place, because it is always dark in the depths of the forest, and the trees will wrap their tops together to block out the sun.

Under the canopy, the soil is as cold as stone.

But that night was very dark. There was no moon or stars. Everything looked black, white and gray.

Everything looks the same except blood.

At this point, the three teenagers rolled back their sleeves to show the scars on their arms.

The scars are fresh, and some are still bleeding out.

"The old man said that people entering the forest must leave scars as a price."

Soshyan looked at the scars and knew that they were not scratches, but marks carved by some animal with sharp teeth.

"The scar itself is a test like cold and darkness. Not only the thorns or rocks yearn for blood, but also the wolves."

Soshyan knew that the wolves mentioned by the other party were a native creature on the Somus mountains, named mountain black wolf.

It's not a folklore or prophecy. It's real. Now there are a group of people in the zoo on the upper floor of Somus nest.

They are top predators, cunning social predators, and quite ferocious.

In the mountain forest of Somus, they are definitely at the top of the food chain, especially when facing a group of teenagers——