Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 838: wine cellar

Zheng Weimin and the others didn\'t just come by themselves this time, they brought their daughter-in-law and children.

Fortunately, Zheng Shan\'s house is spacious enough, otherwise it wouldn\'t be able to accommodate so many people.

A group of gentlemen in Zhengshan were chatting, and Yan Qingqing and Zheng Weitang and their daughter-in-law were chatting, which was also very lively.

We were not strangers either, so we soon had a good time chatting.

When a group of people were all sitting at the dinner table, Zheng Weimin smiled and picked up the wine glass in front of him, "Is this wine fake?"

These words made Zheng Shan and Zheng Weijun think of the previous time. Zheng Shan said angrily: "Don\'t worry, next time you come over, I will go to the street to buy wine for you to drink, I guarantee it will be fine."

"Cough, I just said that casually." Zheng Weimin coughed dryly.

He didn\'t want to drink the wine sold on the street. Those wines were not as good as the wines in Zheng Shan\'s house. They were not on the same level at all.

Zheng Shan and the others drank white wine, Yan Qingqing and the others drank red wine, and even the little boys like Niuniu raised their drinks to toast.

"How about you try this taste? Drinking red wine before going to bed helps you sleep, it\'s quite good." Yan Qingqing introduced to the others with a smile.

Zheng Weitang\'s daughter-in-law Feng Lijuan looked at the red wine in her hand and took a sip, "Why does this wine taste different from the red wine we bought on the street?"

Feng Lijuan has lived in Pengcheng for many years. It can be said that she goes back with her husband every year, and if there are some things at home that need to be dealt with, most of the rest of the time is in Pengcheng.

In addition, Pengcheng is undergoing tremendous changes every day, and her family is no longer short of money, so Feng Lijuan doesn\'t look like the rural woman from the beginning.

Although the clothes he was wearing did not look particularly fashionable, they were quite novel.

"What kind of red wine are you, it\'s just brown sugar water. You really think it\'s red wine. This is the real red wine from the Dashan family, and it\'s the kind that is very good." Zheng Weimin\'s daughter-in-law said with a smile.

They usually spend a lot of time together, and it seems like this kind of mockery, when they say it to each other in their mouths, it is just joking with each other.

"What are you capable of, are you capable of making any difference?" Feng Lijuan said angrily.

"Then I won\'t be like you, just talk nonsense if I don\'t understand anything."

Seeing that the two seemed to be arguing, Yan Qingqing immediately said: "Actually it\'s the same, everyone can drink it as long as they are happy. I\'ll go and see if there\'s anything else. By the way, there are some fruit wines that they just sent. Everyone try it."

He got up and went to get a drink.

Feng Lijuan hurriedly stopped her, "Qingqing, we\'re just kidding, all these good wines are ruined by our drinking."

Although they don\'t know how much the wine will cost, they are actually somewhat clear in their hearts.

It\'s not that they understand wine, but Zheng Weimin and the others sometimes talk about these things when they chat with them.

Anyway, Feng Lijuan remembered a conversation between her husband Zheng Weitang and the others, "The wine in the wine cellar in Dashan adds up to more than all of us are worth together."

"That\'s for sure, I remember how much Dashan told me about a bottle of wine at the time? It\'s like a hundred thousand dollars, right?

It\'s not the best out there, darling, I was so terrified when I saw the wine, I couldn\'t even breathe. "

At that time, Feng Lijuan knew that the wine in Zheng Shan\'s house and the wine they were drinking were not the same variety at all.

They may be drinking wine, but what Zheng Shan\'s family drinks is \'money\'!

Yan Qingqing said: "It\'s all ordinary wine, and you\'ll be happy to drink it. Sisters-in-law and younger siblings, let\'s go over with me and see whoever likes to drink what they want."

Hearing Yan Qingqing\'s words, several women\'s eyes lit up, and they also wanted to see what the wine cellar looked like in the mouths of their own men.

It\'s good to have a long experience, and in the future, when I go back and brag to those old ladies, I will also have the confidence.

Yan Qingqing and Zheng Lan led the way and took a group of people to the wine cellar.

When they arrived at the wine cellar, Feng Lijuan and the others felt eye-opening when they saw the bright underground space, the clean and tidy counters, and all kinds of equipment they didn\'t know about.

Especially when Yan Qingqing explained something to them, she felt that she had gained a lot of knowledge.

At the same time, they listened with gusto, not because they were interested in this wine cellar, but because their family was different now after all.

I often deal with some successful people. Although most of them are solved by their own men, there are also some gatherings between wives.

With these insights, I feel that I will meet some occasions in the future, and I will have more conversations with them.

However, they didn\'t stay here for long, and quickly selected several wines.

Originally, they were going to take a bottle at random, but Yan Qingqing said directly: "Take more, then see whichever tastes better and drink it."

"If you\'re used to drinking it, what should you do if you\'re not used to drinking it before?" Feng Lijuan joked.

Yan Qingqing said: "If you like it, take it back with you. Anyway, there is so much wine in the house that I can\'t finish drinking it."

Usually Zheng Kui, Zheng Weijun, even Wen Jie, Zheng Lan, and the others, when they want to drink, they all come directly to get it~www.novelhall.com~ Of course, this is usually drunk at home, not taken out for dinner other people.

They all know how good these wines of Zheng Shan\'s family are, and they are reluctant to give it to others, let alone Zheng Shan.

After Yan Qingqing and the others came back, Zheng Weimin and the others thought about going over to take a look, and brought out some wine at the same time.

Originally, everyone was not going to drink too much today, after all, there are still things to do in the next two days.

But drinking and drinking makes you happy, and no one cares about these things.

Those women drank no less than Zheng Shan and the others.

And the happiest are naturally the children. With so many children getting together, it was quite lively, and everyone was playing crazy. In addition, the adults drank too much, so no one cared about them. Sleep is too sleepy to go to sleep.

So on the second day, almost everyone woke up at noon.

"I have to say, good wine is good wine, and now I don\'t feel anything except a little dizzy." Zheng Weitang exclaimed in admiration.

"You can get it, knowing that something is going on today, you still drink so much." Feng Lijuan said angrily.

If Zheng Weitang drank too much in the past and delayed things, he would naturally feel guilty when his daughter-in-law told him, but today he will not.

"You drink a lot yourself, don\'t blame me all the blame." Zheng Weitang said.


Zheng Shan saw that the two were about to quarrel, and quickly said: "It\'s okay, the house matter is not a big deal. I\'ll find someone to help with it, and the process goes very quickly."

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