Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 833: buy a house

Zheng Shan\'s wine is basically not bought by himself, but given by others.

Both domestic and foreign.

There are also some rare Tibetan wines, which can be received a lot every year.

For example, Wei Chengjun can collect some for Zheng Shan every year, and although Lucas and the others come less often, there are also a lot of these things.

So this time, after Zheng Shan felt a headache after drinking it, his first reaction was that he drank fake wine. In the past, no matter how much he drank at home, he seldom felt a headache.

But Zheng Shan didn\'t take it seriously, maybe this wine is like this.

My head only hurt all morning, I took some painkillers and it was fine. Zheng Shan continued to work. After a busy week like this, Zheng Shan could finally relax a little bit.

"If there is nothing important next, you can organize the information first, and wait for me to come to deal with it." Zheng Shan ordered.

Li Lin nodded, she also knew that this was her boss\'s holiday.

As for the urgency of the matter and when to go to the boss, Li Lin was also taught by younger brother Xia Lai.

"Take a good rest when you\'re fine." Zheng Shan looked at Li Lin, who was obviously lacking in energy, and persuaded.

Li Lin said quickly: "I\'m fine, I haven\'t slept well recently."

"You can also take a day off. After you have rested yourself, you can work better." Zheng Shan said.

Li Lin thought for a while that she really needed a good adjustment, so she didn\'t refuse.


After returning home, Zheng Shan asked his father who was sitting at the door, "Aren\'t you cold outside on such a cold day?"

"You\'re young, you know it\'s cold all day long. When your dad and I were young, let alone this weather, it\'s minus ten degrees, all..."

Zheng Shan was a little helpless when he saw that his father was going to babble again. He had to listen to these words several times every year.

Today, Zheng Weimin and Zheng Weitang will come here, not for anything else, but to buy a house and get a household registration.

Since Zheng Shan told them last time, they have always kept it in their hearts, but they all have their own affairs to be busy with, which has been delayed until now.

This is also the reason why Zheng Shan is going to give himself a holiday today. When he knew that Zheng Weimin and the others were coming to see the house a few days ago, he worked overtime to handle the matter.

Zheng Shan simply sat with his father at the door. Zheng Weijun had already gone to pick him up, so there was no need for Zheng Shan to pick him up.

"Where\'s your thrush?" Zheng Shan asked casually.

Zheng Jianguo said angrily, "You all know it\'s cold, doesn\'t it know it\'s cold?"

"You can be precious." Zheng Shan was a little speechless.

The father and son just sat here chatting, "I think you haven\'t found your friends recently?"

Since Zheng Jianguo raised birds, he has also made many new friends, and two of them are particularly good at playing.

Zheng Jianguo and his friends in the factory gradually couldn\'t play together, not because of other reasons, but although some of them retired, but not like Zheng Jianguo, they can really rest.

Although they are retired, they are still looking for work.

Zheng Jianguo looked for it several times, and everyone was busy, so he was embarrassed to continue disturbing them.

Now these few friends are all bored every day, can they still drink two sips of wine, and they have common hobbies, so it is natural to play well.

"Lao Zhao has gone to visit relatives abroad. Isn\'t Lao Liu\'s daughter-in-law about to give birth?" Zheng Jianguo said.

After chatting for a while, the two saw Zheng Weijun\'s car driving over.

"Brother Weimin, cousin Wei." Zheng Shan stepped forward with a smile.

"Just the two of you, don\'t you mean there are a lot of people?"

Zheng Weimin said: "I don\'t have time to come over for the rest. I thought I\'d come and have a look first, and then I\'ll buy it together when I see it."

"Okay, come in quickly."


"Your red envelopes are not small." Zheng Shan smiled as he watched the two give red envelopes to his daughter, but he didn\'t stop it.

No shortage of money.

"It\'s only 1,000 yuan." Zheng Weimin said casually.

"You don\'t know. In the past two years, I\'ve given away at least 100,000 gifts. Whether it\'s this marriage, or the one who has children, or even a divorce, I\'m speechless." Zheng Weimin said.

Speaking of this, they are all full of slots, and Zheng Weijun and the others also joined in.

In the past two years, as their social circle has grown, they can meet all kinds of people.

Some like to show off, no matter what, they have to hold a banquet.

Under normal circumstances, they are not easy to refuse, they can only agree.

Soon Zheng Kui and Wen Jie also came. Not long after they arrived, the food was ready.

Wash your hands, serve, pour wine, all in one go.

"By the way, what kind of house are you going to buy this time? Will you come and live there?" Zheng Jianguo asked with some expectations.

He really wanted everyone from his hometown to come and live there.

But obviously, this is impossible, Zheng Weitang said embarrassedly: "What, we are going to buy a house with half a registered permanent residence, and then see if we can send our children to school."

"Yes, Third Uncle, we have been in Pengcheng for too long, and our work and career are there." Zheng Weimin also said.

For such an answer~www.novelhall.com~ Zheng Jianguo was a little disappointed, but it was okay. At least it was not bad to be able to send his children to school.

"There is no problem with going to school, Dashan, let\'s see if you can do it." Zheng Jianguo said.

This is also in the face of his own son and nephew. If it were anyone else, Zheng Jianguo would not open this mouth.

Zheng Shan doesn\'t care about this, he has already told Zheng Weimin and the others, "No problem, when you buy a house, if you want to go to a school, just tell me."

After all, Pengcheng is just beginning to develop, and education is definitely not as good as the capital.

And even if we don\'t talk about now, the advantages of the capital account in the future will be much greater than that of Pengcheng, especially for children.

When it comes time to take the university entrance exam, it will be slightly easier to take the exam here than in other places.

"Come, Dashan, I\'ll give you a toast." Zheng Weimin raised his glass.

A few people didn\'t drink too much. One person was about seven or eight taels, and they didn\'t have a bottle. After all, there was something to do tomorrow.

There are not many other things in Zheng Shan\'s family, except that there are many houses, so Zheng Weimin and the others do not need to find other places to live.

The next day, Zheng Shan felt something was wrong, "Why does my head still hurt so much?"

He is really doubting whether he has a physical problem now. He has never encountered such a situation before. When he drinks, his head hurts.

But when he saw Zheng Weimin and the others were also uncomfortable, he felt that things were not what he thought.

"Isn\'t this really a fake bar?" Zheng Shan really suspected the target of alcohol this time.

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