Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 826: warm

The matter of Zheng Shan\'s return was not told to the others in advance, so no one came to pick him up, but the car was already ready, so there was no need for anyone to pick him up.

When he drove the car to his house, he saw a few little kids fighting at the door, among them of course his precious son Niuniu!

When Zheng Shan got out of the car, these little boys also looked over, but then they were not interested in continuing to play their own.

When Zheng Shan saw Niu Niu looking over, he was all posing, ready to welcome the welcome from his son, but what he didn\'t expect was that Niu Niu just glanced at him and then played with his own, as if he didn\'t recognize it.

Zheng Shan\'s face suddenly turned dark, he walked over, and directly picked up the little guy who was lying on the ground.

"Who are you? What are you doing?"

"Let go of Niuniu, or I\'ll call someone."

"Steal the child, someone is stealing the child."

When a group of little kids saw this scene, they shouted one after another, some had already shouted at the top of their voices, and some had already rushed out to find someone.

Hearing Xiaowazi\'s shout, many adults ran over quickly, but when they saw Zheng Shan, they all knew what was going on.

"Zheng Shan, are you back?"

"When did you get home?"

Zheng Shan also smiled and said to them, "Just got back."

"Uncle, auntie, smoke."

Zheng Shan handed over the cigarette, and these people heard that Zheng Shan had just returned, so they didn\'t say much greetings, and took their little baby away directly.

Seeing that everyone had left, Zheng Shan had time to look at his son, "Don\'t you know me?"

"Humph." Niuniu turned his head.

When Zheng Shan saw it, he knew that this little guy recognized him, but he was angry.

Zheng Shan slapped his clothes in a funny way, and then picked him up.

"Who made my precious son angry? Say it and let Dad teach him a lesson." Zheng Shan teased him.

Niu Niu was held in Zheng Shan\'s arms, and he didn\'t struggle. At the same time, he seemed very happy, but he subconsciously wanted to hide, but he was a little boy, so he could hide something.

Under Zheng Shan\'s teasing, he quickly recovered his mood.

"Dad, you haven\'t come back for so long, I thought you didn\'t want me anymore." Niu Niu said a little aggrieved.

When Zheng Shan got home, he didn\'t let him go. Hearing that, he felt a little guilty, and his voice became softer.

"How could Dad not be bully anymore, it\'s just that Dad has something to do when he goes out." Zheng Shan said softly.

Today happened to be Sunday, and Yan Qingqing also saw Zheng Shan come back, but when she saw her husband whispering to his son, he didn\'t come to disturb him.

Not only her, but even Zhong Huixiu just glanced at it and didn\'t come.

Father and son haven\'t seen each other for so long, let them communicate their feelings well.

As for Wanwan, it\'s much easier to handle. After all, I don\'t remember anything anymore. Zheng Shanshan just wants to make her a little stranger, and she\'s not in a hurry to communicate feelings now.

"Okay, okay, you\'re a little man, you can\'t cry, have you taken care of your mother and sister at home?" Zheng Shan wiped the tears from his son\'s face.

Niu Niu suddenly said loudly: "I take good care of my sister. If you don\'t believe me, ask grandma."

As he said that, he took Zheng Shan\'s hand and came to Zhong Huixiu. He said anxiously, "Grandma, grandma, tell Dad that I will take care of my sister."

"Yes, our Niu Niu is the most obedient and often takes care of his sister." Zhong Huixiu naturally followed his words.

Niu Niu immediately looked at his father, Zheng Shan smiled and touched his head: "Niu Niu is really amazing."

"Hee hee." After all, it was a child. After being coaxed, he immediately became happy.

"What\'s for dinner?" Zhong Huixiu looked at Zheng Shandao.

"Just make some, I haven\'t sang your cooking for a long time." Zheng Shan said.

Zhong Huixiu nodded, "I asked Xiaolan and Meihua to come and help."

Every time Zheng Shan comes back from a long time outside, he has to gather at home, and this time was no exception.

Zheng Shan said a few words to his mother, and then came to Yan Qingqing\'s side when he saw that his mother was busy.

"Mom, Dad is back." Niuniu said loudly, holding Zheng Shan\'s hand.

Yan Qingqing smiled and said, "Yes, Dad is back, are you happy?"

"Well, happy."

Zheng Shan heard the conversation between the two. For some reason, his heart was sour, and he felt a little sorry for the girls.

"Thank you for your hard work." Zheng Shan held Yan Qingqing\'s hand with the other hand. Niuniu never let go of his hand from the beginning to the present, so Zheng Shan could only free up one hand.

Yan Qingqing looked at her husband and said with a smile, "It\'s not hard work. You went out for our family."

"And my parents are taking care of me at home. I usually go to work. If it\'s hard work, it\'s my parents\' hard work."

Niu Niu didn\'t listen to what Mom and Dad were saying. At this moment, he leaned between the two of them, holding a big one in each of his small hands, and then smirked.

Seeing this, Zheng Shan felt more and more guilty.

Are you spending less time with your son?

Yan Qingqing seemed to be able to guess what Zheng Shan was thinking, and suddenly laughed, "You\'re just a little more sentimental today. After a while, you\'ll probably dislike it. Your son is not honest, and he\'s very naughty now."

"Haha~www.novelhall.com~ boy, it\'s good to be naughty." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

After talking for a while, Zheng Shan couldn\'t bear it any longer, "How about late night?"

"Sleeping in the house." Yan Qingqing said.

Zheng Shan heard the words, took Niuniu\'s hand and hurriedly came into the house, then looked at the baby girl, and couldn\'t help kissing.

Maybe he was full of sleep, or maybe he felt that his father was back, and the little guy opened his **** eyes.

The little guy didn\'t cry or make trouble. On the contrary, after seeing Zheng Shan, his little hands thumped up hard, and at the same time he babbled in his mouth, looking very happy.

Seeing this, Zheng Shan immediately rejoiced, and lowered his head to make it easier for the little guy\'s little hands to touch.


The little guy seemed even happier, Zheng Shan couldn\'t help picking her up, and then kissed her hard.

But soon, Zheng Shan felt that something was not right. Why was it a little stinky?

"Dad, my sister is stinky." Niuniu said while covering his nose.

Zheng Shan: ......

Afterwards, Zheng Shan hurriedly helped the baby girl to change the diaper. During the period, Niu Niu was instructing from time to time, and Niu Niu also brought the diapers. Obviously, when he said that he took care of his sister, it was not completely nonsense.

After Zheng Shan was sweating profusely, he saw Yan Qingqing standing at the door looking at him.

"Why don\'t you come and help?" Zheng Shan said.

"Haha, I just want to see your frantic look, it\'s hard to see." Yan Qingqing said with a smile.

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