Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 823: $52.2 billion

On this day, Moore, Lucas and other important company members came to Zheng Shan\'s study.

They all counted the gains from their previous investments in Japan.

They are not just investing in the stock market and real estate, but also in some other aspects of investment.

In addition, they have not been leisurely, and it takes time to complete the statistics.

All gains are now counted, not counting new investments after the bubble burst.

These still take time to harvest the fruit.

"Boss, the harvest of Xishui Investment this time has been counted, with a total of 32 billion US dollars." Moore\'s tone was extremely proud when he said this.

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Lucas.

Although the current scale of Xishui investment is huge, the scale of Xishui Supermarket is also not small. In addition, this is the first real group in Zhengshan. Even Xishui Group was established based on Xishui Supermarket at the beginning. .

It can be said that Xishui Supermarket has been the core of Xishui Group from the very beginning!

This point has not changed much even now. After all, Xishui Supermarket can handle this in terms of market value and its huge scale.

But since the last U.S. stock market crash, Stream Investments has had a latecomer stance.

Especially with the rise of companies like Microsoft that they invested in, Xishui Investment also has a lot of confidence.

This time, they invested a total of 32 billion US dollars in Xishui, and maybe with this, they can replace the core position of Xishui Supermarket.

Lucas also saw Moore\'s eyes and snorted coldly, of course he knew what Moore was thinking.

However, his heart was also a little shocked. He knew that Xishui Investment must have made a lot of money this time.

But I didn\'t expect to earn so much.

$32 billion, all of which have been converted into cash, which is a very large amount of money.

However, Lucas couldn\'t see Moore\'s smug look, and said lightly: "In the beginning, it was our Xishui Supermarket\'s layout in Japan."

He didn\'t say anything else, but the meaning is obvious, Moore, you are just picking up a bargain.

After he finished speaking, he ignored Moore, looked at Zheng Shan, and said solemnly: "Our Xishui Supermarket has received a total of 7.8 billion US dollars this time."

The two together are approaching $40 billion.

While the other people were shocked when they saw this, they were also a little envious. Of course, there was one more thing that was embarrassed to speak.

They thought they had made a lot of money, but with these two companies, they were far behind.

Zheng Shan didn\'t say anything. He knew all the data in advance. The reason for letting them come this time was to let these people know.

There is also some incentives to encourage them.

This is equivalent to the company\'s annual meeting, to achieve the purpose of mutual encouragement and competition!

When the others saw Zheng Shan, they all started to count, and they told their company\'s gains this time.

There are one billion, seven or eight billion, and they all make a lot of money.

Someone did a little mental calculation and learned the exact figure, $52.2 billion!

This is a company under Zhengshan, all the harvest!

It is also the harvest of Zheng Shan\'s layout for so long. If Zheng Shan chooses to make a fortune and run away, there must be not so much. It is estimated that there will be a benefit of 120 billion US dollars.

But now, it has directly reached more than 50 billion!

No matter who it is, when they hear this number, their hearts are hot!

More than five billion dollars!

And most of it is in cash!

Why doesn\'t this make them excited?

Li Lin was completely dumbfounded, and she only knew now that Li Lin felt that her worldview was torn apart again and again, and then reorganized!

At the same time, in her heart, because of these things, she felt a sense of pride towards her own company and her own boss.

It seems that being able to work in the company is already the thing she is most proud of.

Zheng Shan waited until everyone had finished speaking, and then said, "Everyone has done a good job. This time the harvest is huge, and I will not be stingy with rewards."

Hearing what Zheng Shan said, everyone was refreshed, knowing that Zheng Shan was going to give a reward.

Zheng Shan first looked at Moore, "Xishui Investment offered $500 million as a reward, do you have any comments?"

Moore was excited at first, and then said: "No opinion, thank you boss."

"Xishui Supermarket offered $300 million as a reward." Zheng Shan continued.

Lucas also has no opinion, "I agree."

Immediately, Zheng Shan announced the rewards that he had formulated one by one, and the least amounted to 40 million US dollars as a reward.

At the same time, some people are also calculating how much they can share. There is no doubt that as the CEO of a company, they naturally get the most.

However, some people looked at Brother Xia Lai, such as Du Yougao and Bai Yi.

No one reacted at first, but then everyone looked at her enviously.

Brother Xia Lai is not a member of their company, but their company must distribute a bonus to Brother Xia Lai.

This is not to please, after all, brother Xia Lai will be released soon, and to please Li Lin, who is about to take office.

The reason why they want to share it with Xia Laidi~www.novelhall.com~ is mainly because Xia Laidi has helped them deal with a lot of things over the years.

This is what they should give.

In this way, Brother Xia Lai may become a billionaire by virtue of this time. Although it is unlikely, tens of millions of dollars are certain.

In addition, the bonus from Qingshan Company will not be less, but this needs to be given by Zheng Shan after he returns.

Then Zheng Shan made some arrangements for the money. The money must not be kept in his hands for a long time.

After all, for them, keeping money in their hands is equivalent to depreciation.

There is also the income from the stream investment here, and Zheng Shan also needs to transfer some of it.

As for Xishui Supermarket, Zheng Shan needs to discuss with those shareholders. This time, I believe those shareholders will be able to laugh.

Zheng Shan didn\'t do anything about it, there\'s no need to do so. After all, Zheng Shan is still the absolute majority shareholder of Xishui Supermarket, and he gets the most.

And Xishui Supermarket was able to gain so much this time, but also rely on the help of these shareholders.

Otherwise, it is really impossible for the Xishui supermarket to gain so many benefits when Zheng Shan put most of his energy on the investment in the stream.

However, Zheng Shan didn\'t allocate it carefully at this time, and some things don\'t need all of them to know.

"Are you ready for the celebration banquet?" Zheng Shan looked at Brother Xia Lai and asked.

He is going to hold a celebration banquet in Japan to celebrate their achievements in Japan this time, which is also a kind of psychological enjoyment!

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