Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 811: just start

When they got home, Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing said, "Qingqing, I\'m going to Japan to deal with some things. It will take a while."

When speaking, he was also a little guilty, especially looking at his daughter who was sleeping on the side.

Yan Qingqing said with a smile: "It\'s okay, don\'t worry about the things at home, the things on your side are important, but you should also pay attention to safety."

Yan Qingqing also knew some of Zheng Shan\'s layouts, and Zheng Shan would not hide it from her. Occasionally, when the two chatted, Zheng Shan would say something.

When I was okay with Yan Qingqing, I would also tell Zheng Shan something about her experiments. When I encountered difficulties and the project was progressing, I would talk about it.

Although Zheng Shan didn\'t understand, he was very happy to chat.

"Well, when I come back this time, there will be basically nothing to do." Zheng Shan said.

Yan Qingqing laughed when she heard the words, and Zheng Shan also reacted. It seems that he has said this many times?

"Okay, you can do your job. By the way, I\'ll help you pack your clothes." Yan Qingqing said with a smile.

Zheng Shan didn\'t stop him, he hugged his daughter and watched Yan Qingqing pack up her clothes.

As for the fifth, when the mother saw that the fifth was packing, she thought she was going to school, but when she heard that she was going to Japan with Zheng Shan, she was a little unwilling.

"Tell me about you, you\'re only going to be back for a few days, and you\'re going to run around everywhere?"

"Your third brother is going to do business, aren\'t you going to make trouble?"

Listening to his mother\'s babble, the fifth child didn\'t feel bored, but said with a smile: "I went to see my third Zheng, to save him from messing around outside, which made my sister-in-law sad."

"You bastard, what nonsense are you talking about." Zhong Huixiu hit her angrily.

Zhong Huixiu was just nagging, and did not stop her.

"When you get outside, remember to listen to your brother, you know?" Zhong Huixiu urged.

The fifth man smiled and said, "Mom, I\'m so old, and I\'ve lived in the United States for so long, so don\'t worry about me."

"Can that be the same? You were in the United States with the help of your brother\'s friends, and you haven\'t been there in Japan. What if there is an accident?

And don\'t make trouble for your brother. "

The old fifth complained: "Your last sentence is what you want to say, right?"

"Go, go, I\'m good for you, but you blame me instead."

The speaking style of the mother and daughter is the same, but the fifth also knows that his mother cares about him.

When he was packing up, the fifth brother hugged his mother, "Mom, I\'ll go with my brother first. I don\'t think I\'ll be going home this time. Then I\'ll go directly from Japan to the United States."

The fifth also knows that Zheng Shan will not come back in a short time after passing by this time, so she is ready. When the time is up, she will go back to the United States directly from Japan. This time, she has completely completed her studies and internships. After that, come back again.

"Go, go, remember to put on more clothes when it\'s cold." Zhong Huixiu said pretending not to care.


When it was more than five o\'clock, Zheng Shan and his group set off.

The plane at seven o\'clock arrived around eleven o\'clock.

Moore brought people to greet them, but Zheng Shan didn\'t have too many chats with them. After getting in the car, he asked, "How is the situation here now?"

"Since the market opened at 8 o\'clock this morning, the stock market has plummeted all the way. The Nikkei has dropped from the highest point of 43,000 points to 40,000 points, and it has dropped 3,000 points." Moore reported in a serious report. .

Of course, this didn\'t fall in one day. There were some signs before, but it wasn\'t as big as today.

Zheng Shan nodded, and began to calculate in his heart.

This can be regarded as the change he brought. Originally, the highest Nikkei index was about 40,000 points, but now it has broken the 40,000-point mark, and it has reached 43,000 points.

But again, by the time the bubble bursts, the Nikkei will drop even more.

Zheng Shandao: "You continue to speak."

"Many people are panicking now. Some people choose to sell, but a large number of people choose to wait and see." When talking about this, Moore was a little puzzled.

At this time, there are still so many people who choose to wait and see. He really doubts what these people have in their heads.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "It\'s normal. When Japan\'s economy was so crazy before, in fact, as long as you think about it calmly, you\'ll know that it\'s completely abnormal."

"And these Japanese actually think that their economy will continue to rise like this forever, hehe." When he said this, Zheng Shan let out an inexplicable laugh.

"Now these people are still thinking about this, so they can\'t blame others."

"It\'s really funny to think about it. There is an old saying in China? You won\'t die until you reach the Yellow River, right? I\'m not using it wrong, right?" Moore also laughed.

Today\'s scene has proved one point, Zheng Shan\'s prediction is right, and Zheng Shan\'s layout over the years has also brought them huge benefits.

So now Moore is very easy to realize.

But Moore finally asked, "Boss, do you think anyone can stop this bubble from bursting?"

"What are you thinking, impossible things, no one has this ability, even if it is to catch up with all the current national power of Japan~www.novelhall.com~ Zheng Shan smiled and shook his head.

Zheng Shan looked out of the car window. Although it was only the prelude to the bursting of the bubble at this time, it was just the beginning, but at this time, there was already some unusual atmosphere on the streets of Tokyo.


Zheng Shan, who was sitting in the bulletproof car, heard a loud noise and immediately saw a group of people surrounding him.

When Zheng Shan\'s motorcade drove past, Zheng Shan also saw what happened.

"Someone jumped off the building."

There was no expression on Zheng Shan\'s face, he just said lightly, "This is just the beginning."

When he got to the place where he lived, Zheng Shan didn\'t rest either. Brother Xia Lai immediately took over some of the staff on Moore\'s side.

These were also prepared in advance, and the people brought by Zheng Shan also began to perform their duties.

Looking at the various materials in his hand, Zheng Shan rubbed his brows and continued to read it seriously.

The fifth is not in a hurry to sleep. Beside Zheng Shan, he took some information and read it, and at the same time, he was also conducting various analyses in his heart.

"Go to bed early, I\'ll be busy next time." At two o\'clock in the morning, Zheng Shan stretched and said, seeing that the fifth hadn\'t gone to sleep yet.

The fifth did not expect time to pass so quickly, "Okay, aren\'t you going to sleep?"

"I\'ll go to sleep after I finish processing this file."

"Then you are busy, I can\'t stand it anymore." The fifth went to the room to rest after saying that, while Zheng Shan was busy for another hour before going to bed.

When I woke up the next day and was about to eat, I saw Robert hurried in.

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