Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 807: curious

Yan Qingqing stayed in the hospital for about a week and then went home, and did not stay much longer.

Then came the confinement period.

"Sister-in-law, I\'ve also heard from abroad that this girl is not allowed to do confinement. For example, in Europe and the United States, they don\'t have this habit at all, and I don\'t see any problems with them." The fifth was sitting beside the bed. , looked at Yan Qingqing, whose hair was oily, and said in a low voice.

At the same time, she was also a little puzzled, because Yan Qingqing was also an international student and lived in the UK for a long time.

Yan Qingqing in the UK knows all these things, why do they still have to do this month.

Yan Qingqing smiled and said: "I really don\'t know if confinement is correct, but one thing I know is correct, that is, the adults are also for your own good, and confinement is also the experience of my ancestors for so many years. "

"What\'s more, even if confinement is not good, there is absolutely no harm, right? And it will take a month at most, so why should the old man be worried because of this?

This is not a matter of principle, and there is nothing wrong with compromising. "

When the fifth heard Yan Qingqing say this, he was a little thoughtful. It was true. Even if it was not good, it was definitely not bad.

At this time, Zheng Shan, who was holding his daughter, said with a smile: "Your sister-in-law said it well, and you forgot one thing, our physique is different from that of Europeans and Americans.

In addition, what you said is just what you feel, and there is no actual data as support. "

"If you really want to know, you can conduct research and find 10,000 to 100,000 samples for comparison. The results obtained in this way are more convincing."

"In addition, this research also..."

Before Zheng Shan could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the fifth son, "Brother, my brother, I just said that casually. Don\'t be so serious, okay?"

"I\'m teaching you." Zheng Shan glared at her.

Then he didn\'t bother to care about her anymore, looked down at the daughter in his arms, and put on a smile again on his face.

"Hey, I can see it. From now on, the third Zheng will be a daughter slave." The fifth said, covering his forehead.

"Dad, I want to see my sister." At this moment, Niu Niu rushed in.

"Close the door." Zheng Shan said.

"Ao." Niu Niu quickly closed the door, and then the father and son looked at Xiaodian together again.

Seeing them like this, Yan Qingqing smiled very happily.

"Don\'t you have to go to the company? You haven\'t been to the company for ten days." Yan Qingqing asked.

Zheng Shandao: "I will start work tomorrow."

After speaking, he looked at the daughter in his arms with some reluctance. In the future, he will not have time to hold his daughter for a long time.

Zheng Shan stayed at home for another day, and then went to work the next day. At the same time, the fifth one followed.

She didn\'t have anything to do at home. When she knew Yan Qingqing\'s due date, the fifth child worked overtime to complete her studies and work, in order to be able to rest at home for a longer period of time.

Zhong Huixiu misses her daughter, so why doesn\'t the fifth one miss home?

At first, the old five thought that he could endure such a day, after all, it only took two or three years.

But after a year, the fifth felt that he couldn\'t bear it anymore, and Yan Qingqing just happened to have a child, so he simply completed some studies and work, and came back to see.

However, after returning for so many days, the fifth felt that there was no sense in being at home, and to be precise, it was boring.

Maybe she is also used to the busy days every day, except study is work.

Now that he is suddenly idle, the fifth is really uncomfortable.

No, when Zheng Shan was going to work, she also came over to have a look, and by the way, to see how her brother was working.

After so many years, the fifth child really rarely sees Zheng Shan working seriously. In fact, sometimes, the fifth child has some doubts about how his brother became the richest man.

And as the fifth contacted more and more, the more she knew, the more suspicious she became.

Now the fifth is working in PricewaterhouseCoopers, and he has access to a lot of things.

Coupled with Zheng Shan\'s greeting, many things will not be hidden from her.

At the beginning, the fifth started to run the business, and from time to time, he encountered a company, and then learned that the company\'s own brother also had shares, and it was not small.

Especially this year to take over a Microsoft business.

Now Microsoft has become a star of Nasdaq, both in terms of business capability and market assessment, are getting higher and higher.

Gates of Microsoft has also become a billionaire and has been sought after by many people.

Of course, the fifth also knows some of the situation of Microsoft, and understands more that Microsoft has great potential for development.

Many people are bullish on Microsoft.

Such a company actually has shares of its own brother, and there are quite a few, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the largest shareholder. ,

This made the fifth brother more and more unable to understand his own brother.

Just like a boring person who is idle every day, he actually has so many companies in his hands, and each one is better than the other.

At the same time, the fifth is also more and more aware of the status of my brother in the business~www.novelhall.com~ Also this year, she was assigned a task by the company to compete with another company for a business of Goldman Sachs.

Originally, the fifth child was very nervous, but she actually knew a lot in her heart. Her ability was not bad, but she was definitely not the top.

So she was very anxious.

The last point is that the fifth child did not perform well that time, and the materials and plans prepared in advance were far inferior to those of the competitors.

But it turned out that they got the list without a doubt.

Afterwards, a Goldman Sachs executive, a Goldman Sachs executive named Robert called her over and asked her amiably about her brother.

If the fifth child doesn\'t understand now, he will be a fool. This is clearly given to Zheng Shan\'s face.

At that time, the fifth child didn\'t know what to do, and suddenly asked if this was a greeting from Zheng Shan.

The fifth is not disgusted, but feels that his efforts seem to be optional.

This feeling is not very good, that\'s why I asked that question.

At that time, Robert directly said to her, "Mr. Zheng Shan did not say hello. This is some sincerity expressed by us from Goldman Sachs to Mr. Zheng Shan. After all, we are very good partners."

Although what Robert said was very euphemistic, the fifth one still understood it, and they were selling it to their elder brother.

These things also made the fifth man more curious about Zheng Shan. How did his brother do this?

In addition, I didn\'t see Zheng Shan\'s work much before, but now I can finally see it.

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