Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 802: last fire

"Go back to being rich (!

After Zheng Jianguo and the others came back, Zheng Shan felt much more relaxed, and he could also have time to work in the company.

On the third day after Zheng Jianguo and the others came back, Zheng Shan also arrived at the company.

At this time, Qingshan Company had already started to work early, and it was only a five-day holiday for the Chinese New Year.

It\'s not that Zheng Shan doesn\'t want to put more, but the time is really tight right now.

And Zheng Shan also gave compensation, everyone\'s year-end bonus made them laugh from ear to ear, and no one cared about the holiday.

"How\'s your year going?" Zheng Shan didn\'t work as soon as he came, but chatted with brother Xia Lai.

Brother Xia Lai said, "It\'s okay, I\'ve had a good rest, and now I feel full of energy."

"That\'s good, I\'ll be busy next time." Zheng Shan said.

After chatting for a while, Zheng Shan also started to work and deal with various things.

"This is the analysis report that you asked some economic experts to do before, please take a look." Brother Xia Lai quickly sent over a report.

This is Zheng Shan asking some economic experts to analyze Japan\'s current economic situation.

If Zheng Shan did not participate in it on a large scale, then Zheng Shan would not be afraid of anything. Anyway, it is estimated that it can roughly match some time points in his previous life.

But now Zheng Shan\'s involvement is too deep, and tens of billions of dollars have been invested in the capital alone.

There are also various commercial arrangements.

The impact is naturally there, and from the current point of view, the impact is not small.

Of course, although this has brought a lot of uncertainty to Zheng Shan, it has also brought him more benefits, and it can even increase Japan\'s economic bubble and make their bubble even bigger. The loss is even greater.

Zheng Shan didn\'t look at the analysis reports in his hand. These analysis reports were only used as a reference by Zheng Shan, and sometimes they were not even a reference.

And the economic analysis report in his hand is not an analysis report in the true sense.

Because these analysis reports are results first and then processes, rather than deriving results from the process.

What Zheng Shan has to do is actually fill in some of the content, or add some more detailed data to make these analysis reports more credible.

"What happened to what Moore and the others did a few years ago?" Zheng Shan asked.

Brother Xia Lai said: "I just asked about Xishui Investment, and we have already reached cooperation with some Japanese media and TV stations."

"But this time, because you are in a hurry to arrange the time here, the price you paid is slightly higher."

"For the time being, Xishui Investment has spent about 200 million US dollars."

Zheng Shandao: "It\'s okay, as long as the thing is done, it doesn\'t matter how much money you spend, and we can earn it back tenfold and a hundredfold."

Brother Xia Lai didn\'t speak, she understood what Zheng Shan was going to do, so she never gave these reports to the second person.

Even those economic experts are only doing things with money, and they don\'t know who to do things for.

Of course, the operations in this area are left to Moore and the others. After all, these experts are basically people from Europe and the United States.

"Let Moore and the others continue to open up some publicity channels, and don\'t miss some well-known economic newspapers. Even if they are a little famous, they will throw money at me." Zheng Shandao.

Brother Xia Lai nodded, these things have been done before, but there are priorities, the biggest goals before are naturally those well-known media and TV stations.

After Zheng Shan finished inquiring about the matter, he began to look at the analysis reports in his hand, and Xia Laidi silently withdrew after seeing this.

"It\'s all a group of talents." After reading the analysis report in his hand, Zheng Shan had only this emotion.

He also did not expect that these experts have such strong business capabilities, and the various models and analysis above are well-informed.

They even moved out a lot of previous examples. Anyway, as long as the results given by Zheng Shan can be deduced, they will add them to it.

What was Zheng Shan\'s result for them?

Of course, the Japanese economy will continue to grow!

Zheng Shan didn\'t do this before. First, it was Japan after all. He didn\'t have a deep foundation in Japan, and he ventured into the media and propaganda, which would cause unnecessary trouble.

Second, he didn\'t need to spend money to do these things at all, because the situation at that time had gradually fallen into madness.

However, because the current stock market and property market have begun to gradually cool down, mainly because of Zheng Shan\'s withdrawal of funds.

In addition, some policies made by Japan make this economic bubble feel like it will burst at any time.

What Zheng Shan has to do now is to make some people blindly believe that these are temporary and that Japan\'s economy will continue to grow rapidly.

Or this is actually what most people think now.

Even if the stock market and property market completely collapse, some people will enter the market with the idea of ​​​​buying the bottom.

And there are not many such people.

Now Zheng Shan is adding the last fire to burn the fire even more vigorously!

With $200 million in publicity, you can do a lot.

After Zheng Shan sighed, he began to revise these analysis reports. After all, many data are actually unavailable to these experts.

Especially some accurate data, but Zheng Shan has it here. Zheng Shan is adding some favorable data to make these data reports more authentic and reliable, so that more people can believe this.

This is not a simple matter. Zheng Shan has been working on this report for two days in a row, even after returning home from get off work and finishing his meal.

"Husband, take a rest." Yan Qingqing brought some snacks.

Zheng Shan looked at the time, it was almost twelve o\'clock, "It\'s so late, why haven\'t you slept yet?"

Yan Qingqing said, "Not too sleepy."

"Okay, I\'m done now, you go back to sleep first." Zheng Shan said.

"I\'ll wait for you to sleep together." Yan Qingqing sat on the edge, holding her chin and looking at Zheng Shan, her eyes sparkling.

Zheng Shan was a little uncomfortable by her, "What\'s wrong?"

"It\'s nothing, I just feel that my husband is too handsome!" Yan Qingqing said with a smile.

Zheng Shan pretended to be a stinky fart and said, "That\'s necessary, don\'t look at who my husband is~www.novelhall.com~ After chatting and laughing with Yan Qingqing for a while, Zheng Shan doesn\'t work anymore, anyway, it\'s the last point. , and wait until tomorrow.

Zheng Shan helped Yan Qingqing to go to the bedroom together, lying on the bed, Zheng Shan soon fell into sleep.

After Zheng Shan woke up the next day, he ate something hastily and went to work.

"You send these analysis reports to Moore and the others, and let them spread these analysis reports in all directions in Japan, and give me a hard publicity. Don\'t be afraid to spend money." Zheng Shan said to his brother Xia Lai.

Brother Xia Lai nodded to show his understanding, and went out to do business soon to convey Zheng Shan\'s order.

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