Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 794: little white face

Zheng Shan saw that it was almost time for people to arrive, and at about 10:30, he began to walk in front of the stage.

"Hoohoo." This is trying to mic.

Everyone in the field quieted down. Some people knew Zheng Shan\'s identity, so they seemed very honest. Even if some people didn\'t know, even if they regarded Zheng Shan as an ordinary host, in order to show it in front of some girls, So they will show their gentleman side.

"Hello everyone, welcome everyone to come and participate..."

Zheng Shan first said a bunch of opening remarks, and then said directly: "The purpose of everyone here is clear and clear, so don\'t waste time.

There are also big men, show some masculinity, and boldly confess to the beautiful lady in front of you. "

"Of course, don\'t forcefully pester the beauties......"

"Okay, this blind date meeting has officially started. If you have any needs, please tell the attendants present, and you can come to me if there is anything wrong."

After talking about it, Zheng Shan saw that there was basically no reaction below, so he simply announced the start.

Zheng Shan also found a place to sit down at random. He came here this time mainly to stay in town.

The rest is basically nothing to him.

As for whether it can be done or not, Zheng Shan doesn\'t care much about it. It\'s the best if it can be done, but it\'s the same as if it can\'t be done. He can\'t force these people.

But what Zheng Shan didn\'t expect was that someone took the initiative to find him.

"This gentleman, can you get to know me?" A stylishly dressed woman, although she looks in her thirties, has a beautiful face, has the taste of a mature woman, and has a very plump figure, which Zheng Shan likes That kind of fat.

What is micro fat?

That is fat where it should be fat.

Zheng Shan looked at the fashionable beauty in front of him, stood up, and said with a smile, "Thank you, but I already have a wife, and my wife is about to have a second child."

Although Zheng Shan was a little proud in his heart, after all, someone took the initiative to look at him, and it seemed that he didn\'t know his identity.

In fact, think about it, if you really know the identity of Zheng Shan, it is estimated that basically no one will take the initiative to step forward.

At least not at this time, but will find other \'appropriate\' times.

Zheng Shan also has no intention of playing ambiguous, so his attitude is also very direct.

The fashionable beauty looked slightly regretful, but she didn\'t say much, she said a little politely, and then turned around and left.

Before she left, Zheng Shan touched his face, "I don\'t see it, do I still have the potential to be a little white face?"

Zeng Liang, who was beside him, didn\'t dare to speak for a while, so he could only pretend that he didn\'t hear it.

He has always been by Zheng Shan\'s side, waiting for Zheng Shan\'s orders.

"Don\'t follow me, don\'t you have a target? Go and see if there is a suitable candidate." Zheng Shan said to Zeng Liang.

Zeng Liang\'s mother would also go to Zheng Shan\'s house to chat with Zhong Huixiu from time to time.

In the past, Zeng\'s mother came here more often and for more time, but since Zhong Huixiu and Fu Meiyi went to the art troupe, the number of visits began to decrease.

"I\'m not in a hurry for the time being." Zeng Liang said.

Zheng Shandao: "How old are you? If you are not in a hurry, if you are not in a hurry, your parents can die in a hurry."

"Okay, let you go as soon as you go. It\'s not forcing you to get married, or it\'s for you to see if there is a suitable one, and if you like others, they may not like you."

Zeng Liang heard what Zheng Shan said, so he could only join in.

Zheng Shan was bored and watched some situations in the field, and from time to time he focused on observing some people.

For example, Du Yougao and Bai Yi, Xia Laidi, etc., after all, they are all old.

Not to mention in this era, even in the next 20 years, the two of them will belong to the older unmarried crowd at this age.

Soon Zheng Shan saw Du Yougao chatting with a woman who seemed to be very happy.

This is a woman who seems to be gentle. How can I say that she looks beautiful, but she is definitely not ugly. She belongs to the kind of attractive type.

Another gentle temperament can add a lot of points.

The two chatted happily, at least Zheng Shan watched them chat for more than an hour, and then they broke up for no apparent reason.

Zheng Shan waited for a while, and then walked over after seeing Du Yougao rejecting invitations from several women in a row.

"Did you like the one just now?" Zheng Shan\'s sudden voice startled Du Yougao.

Du Yougao said helplessly: "Boss, can you not be so scary, it will scare people to death."

Zheng Shandao: "I think you are fascinated by people\'s thoughts, right?"

Immediately, he didn\'t want to talk to him about this, but asked, "Are you really optimistic? I see that many people are staring at the girl just now."

Indeed, after separating from Du Yougao, the gentle girl just now went to meet her friend, but Zheng Shan saw it, and there were far more men looking for her than women looking for Du Yougao.

Hearing what Zheng Shan said, Du Yougao was obviously a little nervous, but then he said, "It\'s okay, it\'s fate..."

"What the **** are you talking about with me, what fate is not fate, a good girl is afraid that you don\'t know about her husband, I tell you, if some people miss it, they miss it." Zheng Shan said angrily.

Du Yougao was silent for a while, and then said, "Then what should I do? Go to her now? Would that be too eager and impolite."

"Hey, have you never been in a relationship? It\'s this time, why are you talking about this? If you don\'t take the initiative, do you want other girls to take the initiative?" Zheng Shan\'s face was full of hatred.

Although he hadn\'t been in love much, he and Yan Qingqing were a matter of course. They both felt each other, and at the right time, the two came together.

But this did not prevent Zheng Shan from becoming a theoretical king~www.novelhall.com~ With Zheng Shan\'s instigation, Du Yougao quickly found the girl just now.

It can be seen that this girl also has a good impression of Du Yougao, otherwise she would not have chatted with Du Yougao for so long.

Seeing that Du Yougao seemed to be showing signs of success, Zheng Shan nodded with satisfaction.

But soon he was speechless as he looked at the empty situation around Xia Laidi. What should I say about Xia Laidi\'s dress at this time?

Compared with the vast majority of women here, Xia Laidi still has an advantage. First, Xia Laidi is not ugly, but rather beautiful. Second, Xia Laidi\'s capable temperament can also attract many men.

But there is no doubt that no male can stay by Brother Xia Lai\'s side for more than five minutes.

Zheng Shan thought about it, but in the end he didn\'t pass. Brother Xia Lai also has his own choices. Although he is a teacher and boss, he should not be too involved, especially when he knows that Brother Xia Lai has always been psychologically shadowed about his family. .