Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 727: Safety

The guests and hosts enjoyed the meal, and Zheng Shan also exchanged some questions with the leaders. Of course, the focus was still on the Xishui Building.

After the Xishui Building is completed, how to attract investment, how to support the surrounding environment, etc., all need to be solved slowly.

After eating and drinking, Zheng Shan did not leave immediately after sending everyone away, but held a meeting.

The theme of this meeting is still the Xishui Building.

"The construction period of Xishui Building is expected to be four years, and the chief person in charge is this Sun Hao next to me, Mr. Sun." Shi Zhen introduced.

Zheng Shan nodded, "Mr. Sun, during the future construction period, I hope you can guarantee fairness and justice, especially in terms of quality, and there will be no mistakes."

Sun Hao said quickly: "I promise to complete this task in accordance with the rules and regulations, and there will never be any defects in quality."

This will be their office building from now on, not to mention other things, even Sun Hao himself will not allow Quality Mountain to make mistakes.

If you end up pitting yourself, then you will lose more than you gain.

Zheng Shan nodded and continued: "In addition, if there is any difficulty, communicate with the Magic City government in time and report to me."

In this regard, Zheng Shan said a lot, but these are all mentioned above, and then Zheng Shan focused on safety and wages.

"Safety is still the top priority. President Sun, I will give you a goal here to complete this construction with zero casualties." Zheng Shan said seriously.

There was a look of embarrassment on Sun Hao\'s face. It is normal for such a big project to have a little accident.

Zheng Shan said solemnly: "If there are zero casualties in the end, then President Sun\'s credit will be doubled this time, and the reward will also be doubled. If there is a safety accident, it\'s because of someone\'s mistakes or the rules and regulations are not accurate. Execute, then I will be held accountable."

Sun Hao heard the words and said quickly: "I will do my best to work safely."

Zheng Shan is not completely under pressure, but there are benefits. The project was successfully completed, and there were no major safety accidents, that is, no human life, so Sun Hao\'s credit for this time will be doubled.

Zheng Shan continued: "The other thing is the issue of wages. When some projects are outsourced, after the project payment is issued, it is necessary to pay attention to the payment of the project payment to the workers on time. This point will be raised with the Modu government. Ask, if they help here, things will be a lot easier."

Zheng Shan then put forward a lot of demands. Sun Hao was sweating profusely at times, and he felt that Zheng Shan was embarrassing him for some things.

But in the same way, some of the requirements put forward by Zheng Shan are a bit excessive in his opinion. After completing them, Zheng Shan will give some rewards.

So Sun Hao could only bite the bullet and agree for such a reward. He had already thought about it. In the next four years, he would be sleeping on the construction site, and it would be useless for anyone to come.

In four years, if the Xishui Building is successfully completed, even if all of Zheng Shan\'s requirements cannot be fulfilled, and only half of it is completed, his credit will be enough for his promotion.

Four years of promotion, and it is his current position, which is already a good thing.


Although Zheng Shan promised to give Yan Zhengbiao a little project, as he said before, it\'s just a little bit. In front of such a big project, it belongs to the kind of inconspicuous.

Zheng Shan also dared not hand over important projects to him.


"Is it done?" Yan Qingqing asked with a smile as she watched Zheng Shan come over.

Zheng Shan nodded, walked to her side, and took her hand, "I\'m almost busy, let\'s go, let\'s go shopping."

"Aren\'t you going to pick up Niuniu?" Yan Qingqing said.

Niu Niu was temporarily picked up by Yan Zhengbiao. Knowing that Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing had something to do today, Yan Zhengbiao volunteered to take Niu Niu home.

After all, he was also Niu Niu\'s grandfather, and neither Zheng Shan nor Yan Qingqing refused. Although Niu Niu was used to it alone, it was good to have someone to accompany him.

Zheng Shandao: "Wait a minute, I\'m not in a hurry anyway."

Yan Qingqing also responded with a smile, and then the two of them completely ignored their son and went shopping in a smart way.

The two of them went to run inside those small streets to see if there was anything of interest there.

The two of them strolled until the night, and it was getting dark, but even so, they still went to pick up Niu Niu after having a dinner.

When he arrived at Yan Zhengbiao\'s house, he saw Yan Zhengbiao sitting on the carpet, playing with Niuniu, and Cui Li next to him was also teasing the little guy.

It can be seen that Niu Niu is having a good time, and he is not uncomfortable here.

"Dad, Mom." Niu Niu saw Zheng Shan and the others, and immediately dropped the toy in his hand and ran over.

Zheng Shan smiled and prepared to hug, but who knew that the little guy fell directly into his mother\'s arms.

"Have you eaten? Do you want to eat at home?" Yan Zhengbiao stood up with his waist supported.

Zheng Shan said, "Eat it, Uncle Yan, is your waist okay?"

"It\'s okay, he\'s just being brave, just take a little rest." Cui Li said before Yan Zhengbiao answered.

Zheng Shan exchanged a few words with them, and finally looked at Yan Zhengbiao\'s expectant eyes, and said helplessly, "I have already made an agreement with Sun Hao, the current general manager of the project~www.novelhall.com~ Uncle Yan will go directly after that. Just find Sun Hao."

Yan Zhengbiao suddenly became happy and said quickly, "It\'s okay, I\'m not in a hurry."

Zheng Shan: ......

If it weren\'t for the look in his eyes, Zheng Shan would almost believe it.

Cui Li also felt a little embarrassed, but Yan Qingqing was on the side, so she could only pretend that she didn\'t hear it.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "It\'s the same sentence, as long as there are no problems with safety and quality, then everything will be fine."

Although Zheng Shan and Sun Hao said they were fair and just, it was impossible for Sun Hao to really take care of Zheng Shan\'s face.

The leaders\' superficial words can\'t be taken seriously. Of course, Sun Hao also understands that when facing Zheng Shan, these words can\'t be taken seriously, and he can\'t take them seriously either.

But if facing other people, even when facing Shi Zhen, Sun Hao would have the confidence to say no.

After staying here for a while, Zheng Shan and the others were ready to leave.

"Niu Niu, say goodbye to Grandpa." Yan Zhengbiao teased the little guy.

"Goodbye, grandpa." The little guy was still very respectful.

"Uncle Yan, Aunt Cui, then let\'s go first. If Uncle Yan has any difficulties in the future, just go to me directly." Zheng Shan said.

When Yan Zhengbiao heard this, the smile on his face became even wider.

When he got home, Zheng Shan was about to get off the car when he saw Yan Qingqing holding Niu Niu and fell asleep in the back row. He carefully carried Niu Niu down and put it in the house, and then he picked up Yan Qingqing again.

However, Yan Qingqing is an adult after all, and he wakes up soon, but Zheng Shan has no intention of letting go.