Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 703: Tentative

The protagonist of this banquet was actually Lin Sheng, and Zheng Shan did not go to the front desk. He participated as a company employee.

These people are very familiar with Lin Sheng, and Zheng Shan will not rashly contact these people, and it is useless to contact them now.

Now he just needs to observe and test their psychological plans to leave here.

If you encounter that kind of innocence, then you must contact them at the first time, and then take them away.

When you encounter this kind of person who has strong feelings for the homeland and is unwilling to leave, you need to put it behind.


Leonid is a specialist in engines and works as a project leader at the institute.

He was invited to attend this banquet this time, and he just came here to walk through the scene. He has attended such banquets many times.

Just eat and drink every time.

Although Leonid is a scientific research expert with strong ability, he is not the kind of person who plunges into research and ignores everything.

On the contrary, Leonid was a man of enjoyment, he liked fine dining, he liked hearty dishes, beautiful clothes and so on.

These are his personal enjoyment and do not affect his academic ability.

And this will keep him in a good mood and be able to better devote himself to research.

Leonid has always been very satisfied with the banquet of Xishui Asset Management Company, and the food is all rare and delicious.

Moreover, Leonid was even more satisfied with the Xishui Asset Management Company. He handed over some of his assets to the other party for management, and now they have doubled.

A lot of this money is in his foreign accounts, and he can get the money anytime he wants.

Leonid also heard about some situations and knew that the asset management company had a strong background and was very capable, so he was very relieved to hand over the money to the other party to take care of it.

And the most important thing is that they have already withdrawn all the principal, which means that even if there is an accident here, at most, they will lose some unexpected money.

"Hello, Mr. Leonid." While Leonid was tasting the food, a voice appeared in his ear.

Immediately, he saw two people with Chinese faces standing in front of him.

Zheng Shan looked at Leonid in front of him, and was also looking at the other party in his heart. This is Lin Sheng\'s report with a 95% chance of returning to China.

Not for any other reason, but because I like to enjoy it.

If the situation is really bad to that extent, then Leonid is likely to leave, as long as the price given by Zheng Shan is enough.

"Hello." Leonid greeted casually.

On the Xishui Asset Management Company side, many people are Chinese, and everyone is accustomed to this.

Zheng Shan used English, and Leonid was also proficient in English, and he also studied in the UK at that time.

"Are you still used to eating? If Mr. Leonid has any other needs, you can also tell us." Zheng Shan raised his glass with a smile.

Leonid also had a smile on his face, "It\'s great. I like the food you prepare very much. If you can eat it every day, it will be a heavenly enjoyment."

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "As long as the gentleman wants, you can eat these delicacies at any time."

After chatting with this guy for a while, Zheng Shan also tested some of his views on the country intentionally or unintentionally.

"It was a great country, but it\'s in decline now. I stayed there for two years before, and I miss some old friends." Leonid said with some nostalgia.

Zheng Shan knew what to do, and winked at brother Xia Lai, motioning her to write it down.

Brother Xia Lai nodded silently. Her task today was to record some of the attitudes of these people.

"If possible, Mr. Leonid may also go to our motherland to continue living." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Leonid shook his head and said, "No, no, I won\'t go there again. You know, I like to enjoy life very much, and I don\'t like hard life."

"And your motherland is a group of real warriors, they endure hardships and stand hard work, and I can\'t."

Leonid also had no shyness, he just liked to enjoy life, not to suffer.

Zheng Shan didn\'t take it seriously, and said with a smile: "Now that there has been a change, I believe you will be surprised in the future."

"Haha, I hope so." Leonid said perfunctorily.

Zheng Shan chatted with him a few more words, but didn\'t say much, and continued to look for the next target.

Leonid\'s attitude has been very clear, as long as there are favorable living conditions, in fact, it is easy to talk.

Zheng Shan also hoped that he would be like this, and it would make his work a lot easier.


This night, Zheng Shan kept in touch with some people. Fortunately, there are many other employees who are the same, and will talk to these people from time to time.

But most of the conversation was about investing.

After all, these are the keys for everyone to connect with each other. The atmosphere of this banquet was very good, which made Zheng Shan very happy.

It wasn\'t until eleven o\'clock that the banquet slowly dissipated. After Lin Sheng sent everyone away, he also came to the study.

"Is everyone gone?" Zheng Shan said, looking at the document in his hand.

Lin Sheng said, "Everyone is gone."

"Look at these first, and focus on them." Zheng Shan handed him a list in his hand.

This is the result of Zheng Shan\'s communication with these people today. These people belong to the kind of people who value the quality of life.

Such people are also the easiest to persuade, of course, under normal circumstances.

When their life is not to mention good~www.novelhall.com~ it is a little difficult to maintain, as long as Zheng Shan comes forward and provides the same good conditions, even better than before, then Zheng Shan believes that these People would love to follow him.

Lin Sheng took a look at these lists and compared them with his previous lists, and found that they were not much different.

"Okay, what about the others?" Lin Sheng asked.

Zheng Shandao: "Others are the same as before. Let\'s follow the fate. In addition, you continue to contact these talents. Even if you can\'t make friends, you can keep in touch. At least you have to be familiar with each other."

Getting to know each other well is the most basic thing, because at that time, it is very important to trust someone who is familiar with someone who is unfamiliar.

Lin Sheng nodded to indicate that he understood, and then saw that Zheng Shan had no other orders, so he was ready to leave.

Zheng Shan was busy for about an hour again, and then went to rest. Lin Sheng\'s information was reorganized by himself, and at the same time, he made some revisions according to his own ideas.
