Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 637: brand loyalty

Zheng Shan looked at the old fifth and said, "When are you going to report at Stanford? Do you need me to talk to the acquaintances over there?"

"Don\'t worry, it\'s not time yet, and I don\'t need you to open the back door for me. This time, I\'ll be admitted to the university by myself, okay? Don\'t treat me like a child anymore." The fifth was dissatisfied.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Yes, yes, you are an older child, so may I ask this older child, what are your study goals for this year?"

"Zheng Laosan!" The fifth old man was annoyed.

Zheng Shan seemed really annoyed when he saw her, so he stopped teasing and said, "Just study hard in school. As for making money, you will naturally need to learn when you are in society."

"Don\'t fool the other people in the school, let alone go to those messy places. If you let me know, I want you to look good."

"The most important thing is, don\'t contact me with those messy people. If you encounter these people, if you can\'t get rid of them, call me." Zheng Shan warned.

Seeing him, the fifth one rolled his eyes as if he was treating a child, and was too lazy to talk to him.

Zheng Weijun originally wanted to say a few words, but when he saw it, he shut up very wisely. It\'s better not to provoke this little girl from their family.


In the following time, most of Zheng Shan stayed in Xishui Investment, and at this time, Xishui Investment became more and more nervous.

Many employees have begun to live near the company, or even directly in the company.

For these employees, of course, there are some additional rewards, as well as one of the inspections for future promotions.

Some people have already noticed it. Although they are not the top management of the company and do not know what the specific plan is, many things are handled by their hands after all, and they can perceive some things to some extent.

After all, those who can come to Xishui to invest are all elite talents, not a fool.

However, Zheng Shan has long ordered that private exchanges of their work are not allowed. Unless there is an order from the leaders above, they can communicate with each other. Otherwise, everyone can only complete the tasks they have received, and they are not allowed to inquire about other people\'s tasks.

Zheng Shan is also unwilling to pierce this layer of window paper by himself. It is better for the market to handle these matters.

Otherwise, a lot of dirty water will be splashed on him, no matter if it is true or not, at that time, no one will care about it.

Just have a vent.

So Zheng Shan acted very cautiously.

At the same time, as time gets closer and closer, some capitals also sense something is wrong.

Of course, the confidence is still there. They will not believe that after these years of prosperity, especially the United States, which is still the center of the world economy, the stock market will collapse directly.

"Boss, the daily trading volume of the stock market was nearly 200 million shares yesterday." Moore came over with the latest data.

Zheng Shan took a look at it and threw it aside, "There is no need to pay attention to these things now, just follow the plan. By the way, some stocks held by the company have been thrown away, right?"

"It\'s almost sold out, only a small percentage of the stock didn\'t sell because of your request," Moore said.

Zheng Shandao: "Well, these stocks need to be held for a long time. Although this stock market crash will affect some things, it will definitely not affect them too much."

Just as he was saying this, Brother Xia Lai walked in.

"Boss, Mr. Lucas is here." Brother Xia Lai said.

Zheng Shandao: "Please come in."

Moore\'s side also said goodbye and left. Lucas is coming now, and there must be important things to discuss.

After Lucas came over, he said seriously: "Boss, now the company has two billion dollars in cash on its books, and it has also borrowed a lot of dollars from the Japanese market and banks."

Zheng Shan said with satisfaction: "It\'s done very well."

The three billion dollars raised by Xishui Group have been handed over to Xishui Investment, and the two billions are now kept by themselves.

"Boss, if it\'s really according to your prediction, we don\'t need to do this at all, and we can even sell the stock of Xishui Supermarket now, so as to make more profits." Lucas said.

Zheng Shan asked him to raise so much money in order to stabilize the stock of their Xishui Supermarket when the stock market crashes in the future.

This is completely thankless behavior. After all, no matter what, Xishui Supermarket Group is not short of money and market.

All aspects are very good, and the valuation in the market is indeed a little higher now, well, a lot higher.

But it doesn\'t take two or three years for them to wipe out this inflated market value, which Lucas is confident about.

In addition, this stock market crash does happen, and there will definitely be countless people who will start selling their company\'s stocks.

In this way, they can recycle their company\'s stock at the lowest price, and then wait for the stock market to stabilize, and then sell it on the market. From this, they can definitely make a lot of money.

So he also did not understand why Zheng Shan did this.

Zheng Shan didn’t ignore Lucas’s question either. Although he didn’t need to explain anything to Lucas, Lucas was the CEO of Xishui Supermarket after all. It’s better to communicate with him about these matters.

Moreover, in Zheng Shan\'s view, this matter is Xishui Supermarket, no, it is even a step for Xishui Group to jump up again.

"Lucas, what do you think of the current Xishui Group?" Zheng Shan asked instead of answering his question first.

Lucas replied confidently: "The current Xishui Group is definitely a first-class group in the world, and it has a pivotal position in the world."

"Then what do you think of our brand?" Zheng Shan continued to ask.

Lucas paused for a while, but still said to himself: "Even if our current brand is not as good as those old brands, I believe that it will definitely be able to compare with them in a few years."

The strength of Xishui Group is absolutely strong, UU reading www. Everyone knows that uukanshu.com, but the brand of Xishui Group is still far inferior to those old brands.

This is normal. After all, the time is too short. The brand needs time to settle, and the trust and loyalty to the brand takes time.

Zheng Shan nodded, "Although what you said is a bit exaggerated, the difference is not very far."

Lucas: ......

Why does the boss think he is exaggerating?

Well, he admits, a little, but definitely not much.

"Don\'t you think this is a very good opportunity? The stock market crash happened, but our Xishui Supermarket Group has the ability to guarantee the interests of all the shareholders who invest in us.

And we did it without sacrificing their interests. In this way, the brand of Xishui Supermarket Group will be remembered and trusted by everyone in an instant! "Zheng Shan said seriously.