Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 629: panic

Two days passed in a flash, when Zheng Shan saw Robert again, he found that he was very haggard, as if he hadn\'t slept for a few days.

This is indeed the case, not only him, but also other decision-makers in the United States at this time. The matter this time is very big, not an ordinary trivial matter. In addition, the time is very urgent. Zheng Shan only gave him three days. .

They must give an answer within three days, otherwise Zheng Shan will not be so easy to talk about.

Zheng Shan was a little amused when he saw him like this, and couldn\'t help but said, "Would you like to go back and rest for a while?"

Robert waved his hands weakly and said, "No, I\'d better finish the story first, and then rest, or I\'m afraid I won\'t have the heart to rest."

After speaking, he couldn\'t help but say: "After I go, I must take a good vacation for a while."

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "As long as you can rest assured, you can rest for as many days as you want."

Hearing Zheng Shan\'s words, Robert stopped talking for a moment, can he rest assured? It doesn\'t seem to be.

After all, what\'s next is a big event, otherwise he wouldn\'t have spent so long, and basically didn\'t sleep much for three consecutive days.

Want to rest?

Even if others let him rest, he will not go back to rest.

If he succeeds this time, he will have a bigger voice in Goldman Sachs, but in the same way, if he fails, he may even be brought up to the decision-making level.

Who let him advocate this time? If there was no Robert, Goldman Sachs probably chose to give up after hearing Zheng Shan\'s request.

They have never agreed to such an "excessive" request.

Zheng Shan stopped wrangling with Robert, and said with a smile, "Looking at your appearance, you have agreed to all the conditions, right?"

"Yes, are you satisfied now?" Robert said weakly.

Zheng Shandao: "What do you mean I am satisfied, everyone is satisfied. If you regret it, you can say it now, I will not force it."

Robert rolled his eyes, "Can\'t you let me take advantage of words?"

Zheng Shan smiled and didn\'t speak, and Robert was helpless, so he cheered up and started talking about business.

"We have agreed to all the conditions, now you can talk about your predictions?" Robert said.

Zheng Shandao: "Okay, I\'m not afraid that you will regret it."

Speaking of which, Zheng Shan\'s expression became serious, "I predict that between October and November, the U.S. stock market will collapse and even trigger the global financial crisis."

Zheng Shan\'s words seemed to be an understatement, but it undoubtedly sounded like thunder in Robert\'s ears, making his already confused head even more dizzy.

"How come so fast? Impossible?" Robert murmured.

In fact, they are also predicting, but they will never expect it to be so fast. It is too fast. It is already August, and October and November are only two or three months away.

And what Zheng Shan said is too serious. According to Robert or Goldman Sachs\' forecast, the US stock market may experience some fluctuations this year or next year.

This is normal. After all, there are too many funds in the U.S. stock market, and the amount has completely exceeded the market\'s ability to bear.

But many people still have confidence in the U.S. economy. After all, the U.S. is the most powerful country, not only militarily, but also economically.

They are confident that they can survive this wave, thinking that this is just a small fluctuation, and that it is just another big fluctuation. What Zheng Shan said is a collapse!

It even caused the global financial crisis, which is simply a shock to the ears!

Robert actually doesn\'t think such a thing will happen. After all, the US stock market has been in a bull market for 50 consecutive years. This time span can make everyone have blind confidence.

Robert looked at Zheng Shan, wanting to see that Zheng Shan was joking, but no, Zheng Shan\'s face was still very serious, and he didn\'t mean to joke at all.

Robert\'s throat was instantly dry, and he couldn\'t help licking his lips, "Are you kidding me? Haha."

Robert, who laughed dryly, saw that Zheng Shan did not respond in the slightest, and couldn\'t help scratching his hair frantically.

This really turned into a huge gamble. If the gamble is won, everything is there. If the gamble is lost, then he is finished!

This is not even a matter of being brought up to the decision-making level.

Zheng Shan looked at Robert at this time and said, "This is my prediction, of course, you don\'t have to believe it."

"I\'d rather you be wrong this time," Robert couldn\'t help saying.

Although he has not experienced the stock market crash in 1929, he knows that even if he thinks about it with his ass, if this time it is as Zheng Shan predicted, countless people will go bankrupt.

At that time, the number of people who jumped off the building is unknown, and even jumping in line is not a joke, but a normal phenomenon.

"If you don\'t believe me, I actually have another option for you." Zheng Shan said suddenly.

Robert couldn\'t help but ask, "What plan?"

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Lend me the money, and I\'ll give you interest, and it\'s a very high interest."

"How much do you want to borrow?" Robert asked this question purely to see how confident Zheng Shan was.

Zheng Shan said: "As much as you can borrow, the more the better, if possible, tens of billions is not too much."


Robert sucked in a breath of cold air. Now that Zheng Shan has said this, it is enough to see how confident Zheng Shan is in his own judgment.

"I\'ll go back and discuss." Robert couldn\'t sit still.

But Zheng Shan stopped him, "Don\'t rush to go~www.novelhall.com~ Sign the agreement, don\'t worry, this time it\'s just an agreement of intent, the most important thing is not to reveal anything about me to the outside world. Predict, otherwise all my losses will be borne by you Goldman Sachs."

Robert didn\'t say much about this, and these were all things that should be done. After signing an agreement hastily, Robert didn\'t care anymore and left the capital directly.

He has to hurry to the United States and discuss with others what to do.

In fact, in addition to the fear of the stock market crash, Robert\'s biggest thought is that he is late.

Even if they are preparing now, they are not as complete as Zheng Shan\'s preparations, and they are not afraid to make big moves, for fear of disturbing some institutions and directly causing unpredictable consequences.

If they knew Zheng Shan\'s forecast in advance, then they could make a lot of preparations in advance, of course, provided they were willing to believe Zheng Shan\'s forecast.

But this time, they all agreed to Zheng Shan\'s request. Although there is Robert\'s reason for it, it can also be seen that everyone trusts Zheng Shan in this regard.