Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 627: Cultural heritage

Zheng Shan asked Brother Xia Lai to prepare the things he needed, and after dealing with some other things, he left.

In fact, Zheng Shan also needs partners. This time is not an ordinary thing. It needs a lot of manpower and some more secret channels and means.

Some things need to come quietly, especially in the beginning, and Goldman\'s ability to do that is unquestionable.

In addition, Goldman Sachs took the initiative to cooperate this time, and it was full of sincerity, making it Zheng Shan\'s best partner.

But it was because Goldman Sachs took the initiative to ask for cooperation. If Zheng Shan didn\'t take a good look at the wool, I\'d be sorry for them.

When he got home, Zheng Shan seemed very happy, but when he saw his boy\'s dirty appearance and rushed over to hug him, he wasn\'t very happy.

"Why did you get so dirty?" Zheng Shan picked him up helplessly.

What Niuniu was muttering, Zheng Shan couldn\'t hear clearly. After hugging for a while, the little guy became a little impatient. He left his old father and ran away on short legs.

Zheng Shan was a little helpless when he saw the little guy like this.

"Don\'t you seem to have nothing to do now? Can\'t you help and take care of the children when you have nothing to do?" Zheng Shan was angry when he looked at the leisurely-looking fifth.

The fifth is not used to Zheng Shan, "Am I idle? You didn\'t see it when I was busy..."

Listening to the babble of the old fifth, Zheng Shan suddenly regretted his eloquence just now.

"Okay, okay, you are busy, when will you report?" Zheng Shan said angrily.

As soon as the fifth was about to speak, he saw Yan Qingqing who came back, and immediately ran to Yan Qingqing with a look of grievance, crying: "Sister-in-law, look at the third Zheng, now you dislike me for being annoyed at home. Get out, you can call the shots for me."

Yan Qingqing looked at the quirky fifth, and said with a smile: "Don\'t worry, he doesn\'t dare, even if he drives him away, you won\'t leave."

"I knew that sister-in-law is the best." The fifth man said with a smile.

Zheng Shan rolled his eyes and was too lazy to pay attention to them.

After the old fifth stopped for a while, Zheng Shan said: "Okay, don\'t talk about it, I will go to the United States in a while, and it is estimated that I will stay for a while. You can go back with me when the time comes."

"Okay, I\'m fine at home anyway." Fifth said casually.

She also feels that she is really bored at home now, and some of her former friends can\'t get along anymore. She can only talk and chat with Xu Lin every day.

In addition, she has nothing to do, so she doesn\'t need her help at home.

She can\'t help Zheng Shan\'s matter at all, and Yan Qingqing doesn\'t need to say more, she can\'t understand it.

As for Zheng Weijun and Zheng Kui, the fifth is too lazy to ask for trouble.

If the past is too long, Lin Meihua and Yuan Xiaohua might be worried that they are thinking about their company.

It\'s not for nothing that the fifth thinks this way. She once went to a taxi company to see if there was anything that could help her, and to gain some experience for herself. She also wants to start a business in the future. What.

But after it passed, Lin Meihua never let her do anything, but just made offerings well. When she came back, Lin Meihua even said that it was time to give her some money when the fifth eldest graduated.

In fact, the meaning of this sentence is to stop thinking about their taxi company.

Lin Meihua knew how much the third brother of Zheng Shan loves this little sister. If the fifth brother really cares about it in the end, and Zheng Weijun is willing, maybe he will really give it to the fifth one.

But Lin Meihua didn\'t want it. Their family was so busy for this taxi company.

In fact, what the fifth wants to say is that if you think too much, she doesn\'t like it.

For this matter, Zheng Weijun and Lin Meihua quarreled fiercely, and since then, the fifth child has never been there.

However, Zheng Shan also gave a promise. After the fifth graduate, as long as he wants to do things, he will definitely not be short of money or something. Even if he doesn\'t want to play, he wants to work seriously.

Then Zheng Shan can directly give her a company at that time.

Now, there should not be too many companies under Zheng Shan\'s name. There are hundreds of them, big and small. Of course, most of them are just shares, but many are completely under his control.


When Zheng Shan went to Qingshan Company the next day, he saw Robert walking in not long after.

"Mr. Zheng, we discussed your request here, most of it is no problem, and we have full sincerity.

But this percentage is too high for us to agree to. "Robert said a little haggardly.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "It\'s okay, you should just travel here, I just have time in the past two days to take you around the capital, you haven\'t turned around yet, have you?

Let me show you what kind of charm our 5,000-year-old heritage has! "

Robert: ......

Is now the time to say this? You have to say something, even if you don\'t agree, you can negotiate a little bit, right?

However, Zheng Shan\'s attitude is also very obvious.

Seeing Robert\'s deflated expression, Zheng Shan suddenly laughed, "Okay, stop joking, just tell them directly, it\'s impossible to talk about."

Zheng Shan stopped Robert, who wanted to speak, and said indifferently, "I think my sincerity has been fully displayed.

You know, if I just said 20% or even 15% of the profit at the beginning, then when it comes to the end, it\'s almost 10%.

I just don\'t want to waste time, my time is very precious, especially now, if you want to cooperate, then agree, if you don\'t want to cooperate, then we don\'t need to fight. "

Robert stopped talking, and Zheng Shan\'s words have completely expressed his attitude, and he was not just taking the initiative to negotiate before~www.novelhall.com~ Robert sighed, "I\'ll talk more, seriously, this is It\'s something we at Goldman Sachs have never encountered before."

"That\'s with other people." Zheng Shan said calmly.

Robert looked at Zheng Shan and suddenly laughed, "Yeah, that\'s someone else, not you, Mr. Zheng Shan."

Robert had to admit that the longer he got along with Zheng Shan and the more he knew, the more he felt that the man in front of him was unfathomable.

At the same time, he was completely unable to perceive where Zheng Shan\'s bottom line was, as if there was no end.

In particular, Zheng Shan\'s attitude of calmness over major events made him feel full of admiration.

Maybe this is the culture inherited from China?

It seems that when there is time, I really need to study Chinese culture. The five thousand years of cultural heritage can sometimes make a person, or even an ordinary person, have a qualitative change.