Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 621: 2 Uncle Arrival

But Zheng Shan actually knows that with the character of the fifth child, those with strong self-esteem, it is estimated that the two sides will not be able to get together, unless they are carried away by love.

The fifth is not a person who is willing to wrong herself for others. In fact, her character has always been relatively strong.

But Peng Yue is not necessarily a good match for Zheng Yan. After all, Zheng Yan\'s character is still a little weak.

Although a lot has changed in the past two years, the character in the bones is still difficult to change. Perhaps a person like Peng Yue who is in charge of the house can become her backbone.

Moreover, Zheng Shan, the three elder brothers, will never allow the younger sister, the fifth one, to be wronged.

After Zheng Shan said a few words to his father, he was scolded a few times by his father for being unreliable. He also thought of finding time to see for himself and to check for Zheng Yan.

Seeing this, Zheng Shan could only reluctantly dissuade him: "Dad, don\'t be in such a hurry, and the second uncle hasn\'t spoken yet, what did you say?"

"Can\'t I go take a look?" Zheng Jianguo was dissatisfied.

Zheng Shandao: "Of course you can, that is, don\'t judge anything based on your own subjectivity. These things still have to be left to Yanzi and the second uncle to make decisions."

"I know." Zheng Jianguo said perfunctorily, and he didn\'t know if he heard it or not.


In the evening, Yan Qingqing asked about the situation, and Zheng Shan explained everything.

"There\'s nothing wrong with this, don\'t worry too much, let them decide for themselves." Yan Qingqing said.

Zheng Shan said helplessly: "Why do you all think I\'m a tyrant, and I won\'t break them up."

After dinner in the evening, Zheng Kui, Zheng Weijun, and Zheng Lan also came, and they all heard that Zheng Yan was looking for a boyfriend.

Zheng Shan didn\'t bother to say anything more to them, and everyone in the province thought they were making their own decisions.

Let the fifth one tell them the specific situation.


I don\'t know if it was Zheng Shan\'s words that made Zheng Yan and Peng Yue make up their minds. Anyway, after a while, Zheng Shan received a call from the second uncle, saying that he wanted to come and have a look.

And Peng Yue is also ready to take over both parents, this is an official meeting for the parents of both sides.

Zheng Shan didn\'t express any opinion on this, just prepare for the reception, and leave the rest to the second uncle.

After the second uncle and the second aunt arrived here, Zheng Shan went to greet them.

Looking at Zheng Yan and Peng Yue who were a little nervous next to him, Zheng Shan thought about it and said, "Don\'t be nervous, Er Bo and the others are not easy to talk to. If they encounter differences, just talk about it and don\'t quarrel. , that\'s not good for anyone."

"Brother, I know." Peng Yue said quickly.

Zheng Yan didn\'t think so. After all, she had the experience of being directly kissed before, and she didn\'t think her parents were easy to talk to.

It\'s easy to talk, that\'s all, it\'s just the past two years. In the past two years, the attitude of Zheng Jianshe and his wife towards Zheng Yan has changed 180 degrees.

After all, Zheng Yan is the pride of the two of them.

But the more this is the case, the more restless Zheng Yan\'s heart is.

The train arrived at the station soon, looking at the second uncle who was carrying a large bag and a small bag, Zheng Shan hurriedly went up to help, but when he saw Peng Yue coming up, he was a little slower by two steps, at least giving others a chance to express himself.

Zheng Jianshe\'s first impression of Peng Yue was quite good. To be honest, Peng Yue\'s appearance is indeed very flattering, especially for the older generation.

With thick eyebrows and big eyes, he looks very decent.

So the second uncle didn\'t give him a face at the beginning, he was a little polite, and handed the things he brought to Peng Yuelai to resist.

"Second Uncle, Second Aunt, are you tired of this train ride?" Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Zheng Jianshe said: "I\'m tired or not, what\'s the point? I think I was alone for..."

Well, this is the beginning of talking about his glorious history.

People do this when they get older.

Putting the things on the car, Zheng Shan took the second uncle and the others to his house. As for Zheng Yan and the two, they came by themselves on bicycles.

"The capital is the capital after all, just look at it, it\'s better than our side." Looking at the scenery outside the window, the second uncle sighed.

The second aunt didn\'t have this thought anymore. She said a word first, and then asked Zheng Shan, "Dashan, how do you feel about this little Peng?"

The second uncle also looked over when he heard the words. They had just met, and they just got to know each other for a while. For Peng Yue, they just felt that the first impression was good.

Zheng Shan thought about it and said, "People should be pretty good, but there are some people in the family who are not very wealthy."

He just told the truth, he didn\'t say anything good, but he didn\'t say anything bad either.

"It doesn\'t matter in the family. Anyway, our family is not short of money now. It\'s enough to give them some subsidies." Er Bo said indifferently.

What he cares about is character and future development.

Zheng Shan didn\'t say anything in this regard, he just said: "As long as we don\'t go astray in the future, we will definitely develop well. After all, he is a college student."

"That\'s good, by the way, when will his parents arrive?"

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Are you in love? Can\'t wait?"

"How old is Swallow? At home, as old as she is, children can make soy sauce. Do you think I\'m not in a hurry?"

"I introduced several to her before, all of them are good guys, but I didn\'t like any of them. Now I finally liked one. If it\'s time to get married, get married," Er Bo said.

Zheng Shan didn\'t expect the second uncle to be so enlightened at this time, let alone so happy.

But this is a good thing for Zheng Yan and the others.

Zheng Jianguo directly asked for leave today. His work is gone. Now it doesn\'t matter whether he asks for leave or not.

Now Zheng Jianguo just doesn\'t go to work, no one says anything, but he just can\'t relax.

Zheng Shan also let him retire directly, but he didn\'t want to.


When Peng Yue saw Zheng Shan\'s family, he was obviously stunned for a moment~www.novelhall.com~ He had been listening to Zheng Yan talking about how powerful and capable this brother Zheng Shan was.

I didn\'t have any impressions before. After all, many things can\'t be seen on the surface. In addition, Zheng Shan\'s clothes can\'t reveal anything. It just feels that Zheng Shan\'s momentum is more powerful.

But now that I see where Zheng Shan lives, I know that Zheng Shan is not an ordinary person.

Especially after going in, the garden rockery inside made Peng Yue\'s heart beat for a while.

Speaking of the situation of the yard in the house, I have to say that Zhong Huixiu is now brought by Fu Meiyi and has some artistic flavor.

At least she didn\'t want to keep those chickens, ducks and geese at home for a long time. The ones she raised before were already given away by her.

Now Zhong Huixiu feels that she is also an artistic person. When she has nothing to do, she likes to play with the flowers and plants in the house. These are all brought by Fu Meiyi.

Zheng Shan was very happy about this, and even spent a lot of money to buy some precious flowers and trees to send over.