Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 614: died of illness

Looking at Uncle Lu who was in good spirits at this time, Zheng Shan forced a smile, "Master, take good care of your body, and there will be blessings in the future."

"Okay, at this time, don\'t fool me, don\'t I know my own body?" Uncle Lu said indifferently.

"Don\'t be too sad, who hasn\'t suffered like this, I\'m too late, if I didn\'t have you, I would have died seven years ago, and now I live another seven years, and these seven years are completely You are enjoying yourself, what else is there to regret?"

Uncle Lu was comforting Zheng Shan. In fact, Uncle Lu knew very well in his heart that he had passed away. Among these people, Zheng Shan and Li Yuan were perhaps the most uncomfortable.

As for her own daughter, of course she will be sad, but it is not as sad as she imagined.

It\'s not difficult to understand. After so many years away from home, how many years have you come back now?

And now most of the time is spent doing business outside, it is rare to see each other all day long, and there is not much time to communicate feelings.

Not to mention the son-in-law, he had no feelings at all, and Uncle Lu understood this very clearly.

Uncle Lu said and sighed, "You have to do well in the future. Life is getting better and better. I know Dashan, you are a person who does great things, but don\'t let yourself work too hard, and learn to enjoy it."

Zheng Shan listened to Uncle Lu\'s ramble, did not interrupt, just held Uncle Lu\'s hand tightly.

This time, Uncle Lu was awake for two or three hours, and then he started to lose energy. The doctors and nurses were always around.

In the second half of the night, Zheng Shan\'s eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and he basically hadn\'t slept much in the past few days.

Yan Qingqing didn\'t go to work either, so she asked for leave and stayed here with her man.

Seeing Zheng Shan like this, Yan Qingqing is also distressed, but she knows that at this time, silent company is the most important.

In the early morning, Uncle Lu woke up several times, but by this time, his consciousness was already blurred.

When it was five forty-two, the doctor came out and shook his head.

Zheng Shan didn\'t know why, but the tears came down instantly, Yan Qingqing saw this, hugged Zheng Shan in his arms, and patted Zheng Shan\'s back gently, like coaxing a child.

At this time, Lu Shulan\'s cry also rang out.


In the Lu family, Zheng Shan sat in the mourning hall, silent, while Lu Shulan and Huang Gu were receiving some relatives.

These things are all handled by someone, and they don\'t need Zheng Shan to care.

In the evening, Lu Shulan came to Zheng Shan, handed over a house book, and said softly, "This is what my dad explained before, let me return this house to you, it was originally bought by you."

Zheng Shan glanced at her and said nothing.

Li Yuan on the side frowned and said angrily: "Okay, these things will be discussed after the uncle is buried."

He saw through Lu Shulan\'s idea at a glance. Isn\'t it just in front of Uncle Lu\'s mourning hall, would Zheng Shan be embarrassed to accept it?

That\'s why Li Yuan was a little angry. At this time, the couple was still calculating.

Zheng Shan doesn\'t feel anything, he just doesn\'t care.

Didn\'t he find Lu Shulan and the others to give Uncle Lu a better old age?

Although Huanggu and the others have said that they have changed a lot in recent years, some of their natures have gradually been exposed, and they prefer to take advantage.

But Zheng Shan doesn\'t care about that.

These two may also know, and after Uncle Lu leaves, Zheng Shan probably won\'t take care of them much.

When he was in the ward, Uncle Lu also told Zheng Shan that from now on, Zheng Shan would be Zheng Shan and Huang Gu would be Huang Gu, so he would no longer need to take care of him.

It\'s enough to say hello when you meet in the future.

In fact, it was Uncle Lu who saw clearly the personalities of these two couples, that\'s why he said so, or else Zheng Shan would definitely worry about it in the future.

Zheng Shan regards Uncle Lu as a relative, and so does Uncle Lu.

"I don\'t want to go back to the house, you can keep it." Zheng Shan said softly, looking at Lu Shulan\'s embarrassed expression.

This can be considered as a reward for Lu Shulan. No matter what, the couple took good care of Uncle Lu.

Not to mention meticulous, but never wronged.

"The house is under the name of Lu Meng." Zheng Shan thought for a while.

Lu Meng is the one who changed his surname.

Lu Shulan wanted to say something, but seeing Zheng Shan waved his hand tiredly, she didn\'t dare to say anything more.


Uncle Lu\'s burial wasn\'t very glamorous. This was also what Uncle Lu asked, so there was no need to make it so big.

After Zheng Shan waited for Uncle Lu to be buried, he hid in the house and firstly slept hard.

For so many days, Zheng Shan basically didn\'t sleep much, this time he slept for seventeen hours.

When Zheng Shan woke up, the whole person was dumbfounded.

"Wake up? Hurry up and get something to eat." Yan Qingqing said quickly, after Zheng Shan slept for ten hours, Yan Qingqing would come in every half hour or so to take a look.

Zheng Shan came back to his senses, nodded silently, washed and ate.

This continued for two more days before Zheng Shan slowly recovered.

"You have worked hard these days." Zheng Shan looked at his wife and said.

Yan Qingqing smiled and said, "What\'s the hard work or not? You are my man. Isn\'t it my job to take care of you?"

"Haha, my daughter-in-law is really nice." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Seeing Zheng Shan laugh, Yan Qingqing was relieved. She actually knew that Zheng Shan would definitely recover, but one day after recovering, she would be worried all the time.

Holding Yan Qingqing in his arms, Zheng Shan said softly, "You should also go to work. You have accumulated a lot of things during this time."

"It\'s okay, it\'s not a big deal." Yan Qingqing said.

That said, but seeing Zheng Shan recover, Yan Qingqing went to the laboratory at noon that day.

On the student side, Yan Qingqing is not too worried~www.novelhall.com~ Someone helps to substitute for the class, and if it is really only about the teaching level, it is estimated that it is more powerful than Yan Qingqing herself.

What Yan Qingqing is worried about is the laboratory, where some projects are waiting for her.

"Dad, are you in a better mood?" Niu Niu appeared out of nowhere.

Zheng Shan looked at his son, and his mood improved. He beckoned him to come over and held him in his arms.

"Are you worried about Dad?"

"Well, if my mother said that my father is sad, I will be sad too, but it\'s fine to eat two candies, Dad, for you."

"Haha, he\'s really my good son, I know I feel sorry for my father."

Zheng Shan started playing with Niuniu. When everyone saw Zheng Shan returning to normal at night, the whole family was relieved.

Zheng Shan\'s state of the past few days has indeed worried them a bit, but now that it\'s better, everyone doesn\'t need to worry anymore.