Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 597: chemical, machinery

At this time, Ginza, Tokyo is already very lively, but the top floor has been wrapped up at this time, and the luxury cars can be seen one after another at the door.

Anyone who gets out of the car at random will make people talk for a long time. If these people are not business elites, or they are not high-level politicians, all of them are well-known figures.

There are also many reporters taking pictures below, but if you want to go up, there is no chance.

Some well-informed people naturally knew what was going on. The boss of Xishui Group came to Tokyo in person to discuss some cooperation projects and invited these celebrities to come. Naturally, there would be so many people.

To talk about the most influential figures in the world in recent years, the boss of Xishui Group must be one of them, and he is still the most dazzling existence.

Many people want to interview Zheng Shan, but there is no way. Now that Zheng Shan is in Tokyo, some people naturally want to see if they can find a chance.

But obviously, this opportunity is basically not there.


Zheng Shan didn\'t go down at all, and went directly to the top floor. Brother Xia Lai picked up people at the door on his behalf, while he was chatting with some people who had arrived earlier with a smile.

The people who came this time were either presidents or leaders, and Fukuoka Tomoki dutifully introduced them on the side.

At the same time, he also felt the real gap between himself and his boss.

He used to feel very pressured to face many people, but in front of the boss, these people were very humble and didn\'t look like they did when they met him.

"Mr. Zheng, if there is a chance, we must cooperate." An old man said with a smile.

This is Ichiro Okada, the president of the AEON Club. The strength of the AEON Club is regarded as the top of the school in Japan.

However, the business run by Aeon Club has some conflicts with Xishui Supermarket Group. They mainly do supermarkets, food, convenience stores and pharmaceutical supermarkets.

It can be said that there is a great degree of overlap with Xishui Supermarket Group.

"Since President Okada is willing to cooperate, we Xishui Supermarket are also very happy." Zheng Shan also said with a smile.

Okada Ichiro\'s face froze. The cooperation he wanted to talk about was financial cooperation. It has to be said that even the large group on the AEON side couldn\'t help but join in under such an economic environment.

After all, as soon as you come in, it is like picking up money for nothing. Compared with working hard in the industry, making money in the stock market and real estate industries is easier and more profitable.

No one could stand such temptation.

The name of Xishui Investment is not only spread in Europe and the United States, but also in Japan, especially in the financial circle.

Stream investment has already made a lot of money, and making money in the Japanese stock market is going to be soft.

Aeon wants to cooperate with Hexishui Investment, and by the way, I also want to see if we can take this opportunity to enter the European and American markets, especially Wall Street.

As for cooperation with Xishui Supermarket Group?

They are either competitors or good, how could they still cooperate?

But Ichiro Okada also recovered quickly, "Hahaha, that\'s nature, that\'s nature."

"However, we can cooperate not only in the supermarket industry, but also in finance. Mr. Zheng, the strength of our AEON Group, also knows, and I believe that Mr. Zheng will not be disappointed." Okada Ichiro said cheekily.

Now there are many people who want to take a ride on the stream to invest, but they have not been able to find a way.

Now that I have met Zheng Shan, I naturally want to mention it.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Of course this is also possible. I still trust the strength of the Aeon Group very much."

Zheng Shan said yes, but did not give an accurate answer, how to cooperate and so on.

Anyway, it should come down first, as for what happens in the future, I will talk about it later.

Talking, Zheng Shan said apologetically, "I\'m sorry, I\'ll go and receive other people."

"Haha, it should be, I have disturbed Mr. Zheng for too long, and I have waited more anxiously than others." Okada Ichiro laughed.

Zheng Shan has started to entertain other people again, but as long as you pay attention, you can find that Zheng Shan chats more with people in some industries today.

For example, chemical industry!

Senior executives such as Mitsubishi Chemical and Sumitomo Chemical, Zheng Shan chatted with them a lot.

This is also why Zheng Shan is thinking to see if he can get some wool from here. I have to say that there is still a big gap in the chemical industry in China.

Zheng Shan can be considered to inquire some news in advance.

As for the Japanese high-level government officials, Zheng Shan also chatted very cheerfully. He tried to make friends as much as possible, in order to allow these people to mislead or delay for a while.

It\'s the best to be successful, it doesn\'t matter if you don\'t succeed, just try your best.

In addition to Zheng Shan\'s accident, people like Lucas are also the focus of these people, but Lucas can only be regarded as the third most popular person here.

The first is naturally Zheng Shan, which is beyond doubt, and the second is Moore, a seemingly low-key person.

Moore is very low-key now. If he doesn\'t pay attention, he might not even notice this person.

For example, at yesterday\'s reception banquet, Moore basically didn\'t say a word. If it weren\'t for someone else to help introduce him, Fukuoka Tomoki might not know him.

But on an occasion like today, Moore couldn\'t keep a low profile even if he wanted to.

And Xishui Investment is now the most beautiful kid in the financial industry!

But Moore is also very clear that the boss attaches great importance to the independence of the stream investment.

Don\'t look at the fact that Xishui Investment has also absorbed some other funds, but it\'s just capital entry. As for shares or other things, there is no possibility at all.

Therefore, Moore never makes his own decisions on important matters, especially these cooperations like Japan~www.novelhall.com~ In fact, Moore has already noticed what Zheng Shan wants to do, and he also feels that Japan\'s economy is extremely abnormal. , not only him, in fact, many people have also noticed it.

But these people are either people who add firewood and want the fire to burn as vigorously as possible, or they pretend they don\'t see it.

And it\'s just perception, they don\'t know what will happen in the future.

So Moore behaved very cautiously. He didn\'t even drink much wine that night, because he was afraid that he would drink too much, and then accidentally said something wrong or promised something.

In general, the banquet this night was extremely successful, and it was considered that the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves, and some people invited Zheng Shan to be a guest for two days.

Zheng Shan also agreed with a smile on his lips. As for whether to go or not, that is another matter.

However, some still need to be seen, such as the chemical industry and some machinery manufacturing industries that Zheng Shan cares about. These Zheng Shan have to build a good relationship in the past. When the time comes, maybe he can make an early acquisition.