Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 584: choose

After returning home, they started to do their own business, and Zheng Shan also came to Qingshan Company for the first time.

From the first day of the establishment of Qingshan Company, the secretarial department has become Qingshan Company, and some personnel have also been recruited to handle matters.

However, Qingshan Company is very strict in recruiting, and most of the other companies need to be screened from other companies, not directly recruited.

Because of this, you can quickly enter the working state, instead of taking a long time to understand the situation of those companies.


"You have worked hard this year, this is a red envelope." The first thing Zheng Shan did when he arrived was to give out a red envelope.

Other people\'s red envelopes were sent directly by the company to their own hands, but Xia Laidi and the others were sent by Zheng Shan himself.

"Thank you boss." Brother Xia Lai said with a smile.

Then Dig and others also took the red envelopes one by one. After thanking them, they started to get busy again.

Zheng Shan came to the office and asked, "How is the situation now?"

Brother Xia said, "According to your request, we have reached a mutually satisfactory agreement with China Merchants Group."

"These are the specific contents, please take a look."

In fact, Zheng Shan instructed Brother Xia Lai to discuss these contents, but on some terms, he was allowed to measure by himself.

Zheng Shan took it over and looked at it. He saw some situations more clearly, and was very happy.

China Merchants Bank is already in the process of preparation, and Zheng Shan also participated in it before. The first thing that comes to mind is him.

No way, who let Zheng Shan have a stream bank in his hand?

And because of the exchange of shares with domestic banks, the state also has investment, and it also brings very rich returns.

In particular, some industries invested by Xishui Bank have brought huge returns.

Not only the country is satisfied, but all the shareholders of Xishui Bank are extremely satisfied. For the previous investment in Xishui Bank and giving so many resources and financial support to Xishui Bank, it can be said that it was not wasted at all, and even completely exceeded their expectations. .

But what they don\'t know is that the real companies that Zheng Shan values, Zheng Shan let Xishui Investment do it, and Xishui Bank just saw leftovers, but even so, there are still rich returns. .

Of course, Xishui Bank is making a lot of money now, and the momentum in the future is getting more and more ferocious.

In addition, some people want to join in now, but they are all turned away by Zheng Shan. No matter what, Zheng Shan still holds the most shares in Xishui Bank, and it exceeds 50%.

It is for this reason that when China wants to establish China Merchants Bank, the first thing that comes to mind is Zheng Shan.

On the other hand, Zheng Shan agreed very happily. As for some objections from shareholders, Zheng Shan directly suppressed it, and said that if he didn\'t want to, he could now buy back the shares at a premium of 50%.

There are really fools. Anyway, the world is never short of people who think they are smart. Zheng Shan took the opportunity to buy back some.

For such a long time, the main points that have been discussed are that Xishui Bank owns 25% of the shares, and Zheng Shan personally owns 10% of the shares!

After reading this, Zheng Shan nodded with satisfaction, "Well done."

"Actually, this is mainly because you and the other side have already talked about the same thing. I just added and improved some details." Brother Xia Lai said.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Don\'t be humble with me, you have done a good job in this matter, just right, I also want to ask your opinion this time."

Seeing Zheng Shan say this, brother Xia Lai was a little puzzled.

Zheng Shandao: "It\'s like this. You have worked by my side for more than two years, and you have grown a lot. I can see all these."

Having said this, Zheng Shan once again sighed in his heart that Brother Xia Lai is really powerful. In two years, despite his efforts to cultivate him, the growth of Brother Xia Lai is still eye-catching.

Let\'s put it this way, Zheng Shan is very relieved to hand over a medium-sized company under his banner to Brother Xia Lai.

"With your current ability, you can choose to go out. Have you thought about which group company in the past, or thought about controlling a company by yourself?"

"If you go to a group company, you can go directly to the top. If you want to control a company by yourself, you can choose any assets within five million US dollars."

"The last option is to continue to serve as my secretary, but within five years, you can\'t change it again."

Brother Xia Lai didn\'t even hesitate, "I will stay by your side as a secretary, and I feel that my abilities are not enough for the positions you mentioned."

Zheng Shan didn\'t say much about her words, just smiled and said, "Have you decided?"

"It\'s decided!" Brother Xia Lai said firmly.

Zheng Shandao: "That\'s okay, I\'m used to your work too. If it was another person, I might not be used to it."

After the matter was settled, Brother Xia Lai went out to work as if nothing had happened.

If Dig and the others are given a choice, although they will continue to be secretary by Zheng Shan\'s side, it may give them more promotion capital in the future.

But it also depends on the actual situation. After all, a position is a pit. It does not mean that if you have the ability and qualifications, you can directly hold a position. You also need to see if the person in this position is there.

Now the Xishui Group is still relatively short of people, so everything is easy to arrange, but everyone knows that with the development of the group, these vacancies will gradually be filled.

And with the improvement and development of the group, those who were not capable in the past will be gradually replaced. If the time comes, there may not be such a good opportunity.

When Zheng Shan was about to leave, Brother Xia Lai brought over a contract for the shop.

"Boss, this is the shop my sister chose." Brother Xia Lai said.

Zheng Shan patted his forehead~www.novelhall.com~ I almost forgot about it. "

Then he looked at the location of the shop and said with a smile, "Is this the one you chose or Zhao Di?"

"I made some suggestions, but the main thing is to choose Di\'s own choice." Brother Xia Lai was not embarrassed.

She did give a lot of opinions. After all, Xia Zhaodi\'s understanding of the capital is far less than that of Xia Laidi, and even Xia Laidi has some understanding of some future plans for the capital. After all, he is Zheng Shan\'s secretary, so he will not hide many things from her. .

So her opinion is very useful.

"Okay, that\'s it, this price is the market price, right?" Zheng Shan signed the contract.

Brother Xia Lai said, "You said at the time that it was at the market price, but I didn\'t treat you politely."

"Haha, you\'re welcome." Zheng Shan said in a big voice.

If it was based on the market price, let alone Xia Zhaodi, this store bought it. It is estimated that there is no way to find it, and even no one can see it.