Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 582: China Merchants Bank

Just when Brother Xia Lai was choosing a store for his sister, Zheng Shan was also discussing the store.

It is also because the old man brought it up here.

The old man thought about the family ancestral hall, ancestral tombs and other things, which all cost money.

I can\'t let Zheng Shan pay for all the money, and it\'s not good to let Zheng Shan take the money every year.

So the old man wanted to do something so that these old men could earn some money, not too much, just enough to spend some money in this area every year.

As soon as Zheng Shan heard this, of course he would not agree. What a joke, how old are you? Still working?

Although the old man usually does not work less when he is at home, he can\'t be idle at all, but work is purely idle, and it is different to make money.

Saying that he, the richest man, should not lose face?

Of course, the most important thing is that Zheng Shan also feels sorry for these old men and women. They are so old, and there is no shortage of money at home, so it is impossible for them to go out to work.

So Zheng Shan thought about buying some shops in the county and city as gifts to Lao Zheng\'s family.

This is the property of the entire Lao Zheng family, and all the profits are used to maintain some things on the Lao Zheng family\'s side, such as repairing the ancestral hall, engaging in some collective activities, and so on.

However, this proposal was rejected by the old man. The old man firmly disagreed with this. Doesn\'t this mean that Zheng Shan paid for it?

"You have paid enough for our old Zheng family now, and we old men are not dead, they can still do some work." Zheng Shengli said.

Zheng Shan said with a wry smile: "Grandpa, even if you don\'t think about yourself, you have to think about me. Think about it, if it is known that the richest man\'s grandfather still has to go out to work to earn money, then I will continue to pay for it. Where to put it?

At that time, people will say that the richest man like me is not filial, and I have so much money that I can\'t even give a little money to my grandfather. "

Zheng Shan was talking about things in a serious way, and the old man was a little hesitant when he heard it. It seemed that this was the truth.

Zheng Shan hit the railroad while it was hot: "Besides, your grandson and I have only two banks now. Do I still need your money?"

Yes, the two banks, in addition to Xishui Bank, are China Merchants Bank.

This time, Xia Lai\'s brother is dealing with various matters of China Merchants Bank, and he has full authority to represent Zheng Shan personally.

China Merchants Bank is about to be established. Zheng Shan participated in a discussion on various preparatory work in the early stage, and the rest was handed over to Xishui Bank and Xia Laidi.

Zheng Shan mainly makes two investments, one is for Xishui Bank and the other is for him personally.

Xishui Bank provided foreign exchange and various resources to support the establishment and development of China Merchants Bank.

From the current point of view, it must be that Xishui Bank has paid more. After all, the current Xishui Bank has gradually opened up the market in Europe and the United States.

In other countries in Asia, it has gradually gained some fame.

Therefore, at the beginning, China Merchants Bank must have taken advantage of Xishui Bank. After all, Xishui Bank did not want a lot of shares, and they also took out some of their own shares for exchange.

From what it looks like now, it is Zheng Shan who is at a disadvantage no matter what.

However, Zheng Shan knew that it was not that he was at a loss, but that he was taking advantage of it, because China Merchants Bank is now the first joint-stock commercial bank in the true sense of the country that is owned by a corporate legal person, and the nature of the experiment is very strong.

The state\'s support from the beginning was not very strong, but Zheng Shan knew that with the development of China Merchants Bank and the rapid rise of the domestic economy, such support would become more and more powerful.

In other words, China Merchants Bank actually has the support of the whole country behind it, but it has not been revealed now.

Everyone thought that Zheng Shan was at a loss, and even some shareholders of Xishui Bank had some opinions, but they were directly suppressed by Zheng Shan.

The current stream bank is still up to Zheng Shan. As long as Zheng Shan insists, these people won\'t be able to cause much trouble.

Another point is Zheng Shan\'s personal investment, which is purely Zheng Shan\'s personal assets and has nothing to do with others.

This is also a very stable insurance for future generations by Zheng Shan. The rise of the country is already unstoppable. In the future, at a certain period of time, it will definitely become the center of the world again, which Zheng Shan is extremely convinced.

Even when he was transmigrated and reborn, such a thing had not happened yet, but Zheng Shan still firmly believed in this.

Therefore, individuals investing in China Merchants Bank are also for the prosperity of their children and grandchildren.

Even if his descendants have no prospects in the future, they are all prodigals. As long as these shares are still there, they can definitely continue to live prosperously.

This matter was handed over to Brother Xia Lai\'s full authority by Zheng Shan, and the above did not have the slightest opinion on this.

If it is others, naturally not, but Zheng Shan is different. Zheng Shan is the first super rich man to return directly to China, and he has put forward many useful suggestions for the country\'s economic construction, and has made outstanding contributions to the country\'s development.

In addition, Zheng Shan is not asking for nothing, how much money should be given, and it is also foreign exchange.

So the above is to agree with Zheng Shan\'s personal investment.

The topic was too far away. Zheng Shengli was a little shocked when he heard what Zheng Shan said. He knew that his grandson was rich, after all, was he the richest man?

But his grandson has two banks?

This made him fall into a great shock. Unlike Europe and the United States, many things in China are different, and the concepts are different.

In the eyes of the older generation, what is the concept of a bank?

That is the existence of direct printing of money. How much is needed? Now that his grandson has two banks, how can this not shock him?

"Really?" This was the old man\'s first reaction.

Zheng Shandao: "How could I lie to you, of course it\'s true, if you don\'t worry, I\'ll take you to see~www.novelhall.com~ I believe, it\'s just too...  "The old man\'s lack of knowledge made him unable to describe his mood at this time.

Zheng Shan also knew what the old man thought, so he began to explain it, but no matter how he explained it, the old man still couldn\'t understand it.

But there is also an advantage, that is, the old man no longer insists. In fact, it is mainly what Zheng Shan said earlier, which will damage Zheng Shan\'s reputation and move the old man.

Now Zheng Shan is the treasure of the old Zheng family. To put it mildly, even if the old man died, he would not let Zheng Shan\'s reputation suffer any damage.

Zheng Shan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and immediately began to take out the money. Then, while there was still time, he took the old man to the county, the city, and even the province. .


PS: I owe a chapter today, I drank a lot at night, and I will get up at five or six tomorrow morning to pick up my relatives in the car, sorry.