Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 544: Forge ahead

Zheng Kui got even more excited when Hao Wu responded, "Brother, although I was in a hurry this time, I really thought about it."

"Also, I\'m not going to make it so big and get so many cars all at once, but I\'m thinking about taking it slow and eventually expanding to so many."

Zheng Shan nodded, but did not speak any more, instead looking at Zheng Weijun and Wen Jie.

Zheng Weijun\'s attitude was still the same, "I don\'t approve of you doing this, it\'s too risky, it\'s a good thing to say now, but there are many risks involved.

First of all, how is the car transported? smuggling? That\'s illegal, you know?

Also, do you have that much money? You brought people over from Lao Maozi, how would you arrange it? "

What Zheng Weijun said was also a problem. Zheng Kui was a little stunned when he heard the words. It seemed that he really didn\'t expect this.

Seeing him like this, Zheng Weijun knew that he was right, and at this time, he didn\'t care about the face of the fourth child. In his opinion, the fourth child was a joke.

"If you really want to do something, then I\'ll give you the taxi company to continue doing it." Zheng Weijun didn\'t just attack the fourth child, he could also feel the fourth child\'s growth, but this kind of thing is not that simple.

Hearing what Zheng Weijun said, Zheng Kui quickly said: "That won\'t work, I definitely can\'t have it, I..."

"Okay, big brother, don\'t say these words. The company is yours and it\'s yours. Fourth, don\'t worry. Your ideas are good, and they are detailed enough. You have considered a lot. That\'s good." Zheng Shan interrupted the conversation between the two, and immediately began to praise the fourth child.

There is no doubt that the fourth child really surprised Zheng Shan this time, which is also a good thing.

"Brother, I..." The fourth child lowered his head.

Zheng Shan originally thought about letting it go. After all, the idea of ​​the fourth child is indeed a little immature. The most important thing is that the fourth child wants to come out one at a time. Zheng Shan doesn\'t know if he can continue.

Don\'t look at the taxi company, it\'s the auto repair factory. Before meeting Yuan Xiaohua, the fourth child basically didn\'t care much.

Now with Yuan Xiaohua by his side, with the supervision of his daughter-in-law, and the imminent birth of the child, the fourth child raises his spirits to participate in management every day.

So Zheng Shan knows the temperament of the fourth child.

But seeing the fourth child like this, Zheng Shan finally couldn\'t help saying: "So, fourth child, you can get on dozens of cars first, not too many, less than 50 cars is enough, if you can\'t do it, the money will not be enough. It won\'t hurt your bones, if you can continue to do it, and you have experience and more mature ideas, then how about continuing?"

Zheng Kui looked up at Zheng Shan. He didn\'t expect that Zheng Shan would still support him at this time. Although a large part was cut, it was enough to make him excited.

"Well, I will definitely do a good job." Zheng Kui said.

Zhou Lin and Peng Bing, who were beside them, didn\'t speak for a while. Their hearts were really mixed. If you knew that they wanted to do something, it was really prudent.

It\'s not even an exaggeration to say that you can put your head on the belt of your trousers for some money.

But looking at other people, there are dozens of cars, and there is no hesitation at all. However, when you think about Zheng Shan\'s $500,000 and a bank, it doesn\'t seem to be a big deal.

If you think about it further, they will be backed by the big boss Zheng Shan in the future, which seems to be quite good.

Zheng Weijun saw that Zheng Shan agreed, sighed, and didn\'t say anything more, as for Wen Jie, only then said: "What, Dakui is really sure to do this, then I will do everything from my side in the future. Let you transport the goods."

Before Zheng Kui could speak, Zheng Shan refused: "Forget it, brother-in-law, I know you are well-intentioned, but you are subsidizing the fourth child with your own money, which is inappropriate."

"You only use trains now. It\'s so cheap. If you use the fourth\'s car, the cost will go up at that time, and it\'s not worth it."

Zheng Kui also nodded and said, "Brother-in-law, there\'s no need. I want to make money myself, not the money you give me. If that\'s the case, I might as well ask the third brother directly and ask for it."

"How old are you? You already have children, and you still ask for money?" Zheng Weijun glared at him.

Zheng Kui said a little embarrassedly: "I just said that, but I didn\'t really want it."

"It\'s alright, don\'t make a fuss, let\'s just leave things like this for now. When you get there, Xiao Wu, help the fourth child to take a look. If it doesn\'t work, let\'s talk about other things." Zheng Shandao.

Hao Wu nodded and said, "Don\'t worry, Brother Shan, I will pay attention when the time comes."

Originally, this matter was settled like this, and when they were about to leave, Wen Jie suddenly spoke.

"Xiao Wu, my brother-in-law wants to ask you something." Wen Jie said.

Hao Wudao: "Brother-in-law, you ask."

"You said that there is a shortage of daily necessities over there, right?" Wen Jie said.

When Wen Jie asked this, Zheng Shan knew what he was going to do, but he didn\'t speak in a hurry.

"Yes, it\'s in short supply. As long as it is shipped, it will make 100% of the money, and a lot of money." Hao Wu gave a positive answer.

"So, if I deliver the goods over there, will it work?" Wen Jie said.

He is a wholesaler himself, and now seeing such an opportunity, he is naturally heartbroken.

Hao Wudao: "It must be easy to deal with. If you can trust me, brother-in-law, give me the goods when the time comes, and I will take them there and sell them."

"Of course I can trust you, but I also want to go over there to see the situation, but I don\'t know if it\'s suitable or not." Wen Jie said quickly.

"Don\'t think too much, I\'m just looking at what\'s missing over there, and I\'ll make more preparations."

Hao Wudao: "Of course you can, but there is some chaos over there, brother-in-law, you..."

"Brother-in-law, when the time comes, just let Xiao Wu send you the delivery note. Don\'t go there. It\'s too dangerous there. You can see how dangerous it is by looking at the scars on Xiao Wu\'s body~www.novelhall. com~ Zheng Shan Road.

Hao Wu also took off his shirt at the right time. Seeing his scars, Wen Jie instantly retreated.

"My sister is just pregnant now. It\'s even more inappropriate for you to travel far away. Who will take care of my sister then?" Zheng Shan continued.

Some time ago, Zheng Lan found out that she was pregnant again, which made Wen Jie happy for several days. Maybe Wen Jie wanted to go there for this reason.

Make some extra money!

Wen Jie didn\'t force anything. If he really encountered danger there, it was really not worth it.

As for the fourth brother\'s desire to pass, Zheng Shan will never allow it. He will travel there in the future, or wait for him to settle down and let him do whatever he wants, but it is absolutely impossible now.

The matter was settled for the time being. Hao Wu and Lin Sheng set off early the next morning. Both of them were in high spirits this time. One wanted to do something big and got funds, and the other It is to forge ahead towards your own future!