Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 501: Decide

Zheng Shan listened to his accent and asked curiously, "I have been hanging out with some Northeasterners recently?"

"Yes, there are several brothers gathered together, we collect the **** together, and one person is always bullied." Hao Wu scratched his head and said.

Zheng Shan knew the general situation as soon as he heard the change in his accent. What I have to say is that the accent of the Northeast can easily lead people off, and the appeal is too strong.

As long as there is a Northeasterner in a dormitory, within a few months, many people will have a little Northeastern accent.

Zheng Shan frowned at Hao Wu\'s words and said, "You were bullied? Why didn\'t you tell me?"

For Hao Wu, although Zheng Shan didn\'t help much, he was also his own relative, although he was a distant relative.

However, Hao Wu\'s character and doing things for others are more appreciated by Zheng Shan. As long as he can be self-sufficient, he will never think about eating and drinking for free.

"It\'s not bullying, it\'s just that a lot of people who pick up junk are in piles now, and it\'s not a big deal. There\'s no need to trouble you." Hao Wu said not very concerned.

When Zheng Shan saw this, he knew that it was not a big deal, and he just warned, "If you encounter difficulties in the future, you must tell me that we are relatives, so there is no need to show off like this."

"No outside, no outside." Hao Wu quickly waved his hand.

Then Zheng Shan asked why he went to Lao Maozi\'s place. According to Zheng Shan\'s understanding, now is not a good time to go there.

At the very least, we need to wait a few more years, until Lao Maozi is on the verge of disintegration. That is the best time in the past.

What Zheng Shan didn\'t know was that around 1990 was a blowout period when the international tyrants went to Lao Maozi, and many tyrants had gone there before.

It\'s just that the number of people is not so many, and the earnings are not particularly large.

But this is only compared to around 1990. According to the current situation in China, there are already quite a few, and there are even many who have made a fortune.

Hao Wu didn\'t hide it, and said directly: "The friends from the Northeast with me, they have relatives on Lao Maozi\'s side, and they can make a lot of money by dumping some of our things, and they are all foreign exchange.

You can also make a lot of money by flipping the things from Lao Maozi\'s side, which is a lot more than that of us picking up rubbish. "

Hao Wu also went for the money.

Zheng Shan said: "We don\'t need to go there to make money. Although there are more opportunities there, it is also dangerous.

Let\'s put it this way, the current Lao Maozi is pretty good, but after two years, there will be chaos there. "

"So, what do you want to do? I\'ll give you some money, do it yourself, and do business at home. Wouldn\'t it be better to go there?"

While they were talking, Zhong Huixiu came over and saw Hao Wu, "Xiao Wu is here, don\'t leave later, eat at home."


"Mom, hold the bull for a while." Zheng Shan handed his son to his mother, then pulled out a cigarette and handed it to Hao Wu, and the two began to puff.

Hao Wu said: "I know that you all take care of me, but I can\'t be cheeky and let you take care of me all the time. I want to do something myself."

Zheng Shandao: "This is what you see outside, right? You also know that this matter is nothing to me."

"I still want to go there and have a look. If it really doesn\'t work, I\'ll come over and ask for your help." Hao Wudao.

Zheng Shan had heard it, and Hao Wu came to inform him this time, or to talk to him.

He has made a decision.

According to Zheng Shan\'s idea, it is natural to stay in the capital or other places in the country, after all, he can take care of it.

But Hao Wu is not his brother after all, and Zheng Shan\'s help is very limited, and it is even more impossible to forcibly keep him.

"Have you made a decision? It\'s not in China, and no one will help you if something goes wrong." Zheng Shan said seriously.

Hao Wu nodded and said, "It has been decided."

"That\'s okay, I\'m not going to stop you, but before you leave, I\'ll have a meal with your friends. Let me see how your friends are doing." Zheng Shandao.

Hao Wu nodded and said with a grin, "They are all very nice."

Zheng Shan nodded noncommittally. He didn\'t feel relieved when he didn\'t see anyone.

But he didn\'t have much choice, but suddenly thought of a person, Liao Hai!

Since Liao Hai was expelled by Zheng Shan, he also went to Lao Maozi\'s side. This is what Zeng Liang told him inadvertently.

I heard it was pretty good over there.

Thinking about it, it\'s almost the same. According to Liao Hai\'s character, it\'s easy to make friends, or you\'ll be tricked to death, or you\'ll get along very well.

But Zheng Shan was not in a hurry to tell Hao Wu, after all, he still needed to see some of Hao Wu\'s friends.

At the same time, Zheng Shan is also going to ask Wei Chengjun to check a little, at least to be able to feel at ease.

Hao Wu stayed here for a meal. The next day, he brought his friends over and said that he wanted to treat guests at Mingfeng Tower.

Of course, Hao Wu paid the money.

In fact, Hao Wu wanted to treat Zheng Shan\'s family to a big meal before leaving. He also saved a lot of money, enough for a good meal.

Before Hao Wu came, Wei Chengjun also shared some of his investigations.

Several of Hao Wu\'s friends are quite reliable, at least they didn\'t cause any trouble during this time in the capital, and they would help out when Hao Wu encountered difficulties.

In addition, they are also very capable people, and there is no cheating or slipping.

In fact, thinking about it, Hao Wu is not really a fool. After being together for so long, he can still see a general idea of ​​what kind of person.

In addition, Hao Wu didn\'t tell them about Zheng Shan before, he just said that he had a relative in the capital.

So logically speaking, these people wouldn\'t think about doing such a thing for the money that Hao Wu had.

Wei Chengjun and Zheng Shan went there together. Compared with Zheng Shan, Wei Chengjun\'s name was much louder among these people~www.novelhall.com~ Lord Wei? "Sun Dazhuang seemed a little surprised.

Hao Wu introduced: "This is brother, this is brother Wei, you should all know each other."

"Brother Shan, Brother Wei, these are my friends."

Zheng Shan smiled and shook hands with them, "Hao Wu is thankful for your care during this time."

"Oh, there\'s no such thing, they\'re all brothers, helping each other." Sun Dazhuang said quickly.

He didn\'t expect that Hao Wu\'s relatives knew Wei Chengjun, and it seemed that Hao Wu\'s relatives were the leaders.

The two sides chatted some gossip, and soon they talked about Lao Maozi. For this aspect, Sun Dazhuang and the others were obviously prepared for a long time.

"Brother Shan, Lord Wei, let me tell you, there really is a lot of money over there, especially since many of the goods over there can be sold very well. My cousin is there, and he has told me a lot. Let me go, but I haven\'t made up my mind."