Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 499: It's okay

Zheng Yan knew that the fifth went to the United States, and was with Yan Lele and the others. She originally thought that she might not see anyone for a long time, but she didn\'t expect to come back now.

There are only four of them at the table of the fifth one, plus the eldest girl and the second girl. Now Zheng Lan and Wen Jie are also helping to greet people, and they have no time to take the children.

So Zheng Yan and the others are just right to sit here.

"Why are you back?" Zheng Yan asked in surprise.

Lao Wu\'s mouth has been stuffed with a lot of desserts, and it is full, but it does not prevent her from speaking, "Zheng Lao San begged me to come back, saying that I can\'t miss his son\'s full moon wine."

The fifth one just opened his mouth, but Zheng Yan wouldn\'t believe it so easily, she knew the fifth one very well, and a dead duck has a tough mouth.

And it\'s not like Zheng Shan\'s style either.

Still Yan Lele was honest, "We were homesick, so we begged my brother-in-law to let us come back first."

"You, you, can you not always tell the truth." The fifth glared at Yan Lele.

If you just look at it like this, you don\'t know who is the elder sister and who is the younger sister.

Zheng Yan smiled and said, "Okay, by the way, when are you leaving?"

"I\'ll be leaving in two days, and there\'s still school over there." The fifth muttered, she didn\'t want to leave now.

But the fifth child also understands that she spent a lot of money in going to school this time, especially the third third Zheng.

Although Zheng Lao San was always shouting, the fifth oldest always respected and worshipped his elder brother.

She didn\'t want to disappoint Zheng Shan either.

The reason why she agreed to go to the United States this time was not because she wanted to go.

Her mind was completely on how to make money, and she was very interested in these.

But she couldn\'t bear to let Zheng Shan down. The fifth child knew that Zheng Shan hoped that she could study well and have better choices.

So when the fifth asked about Zheng Shan, he easily said that he could go there.

A few people chatted like this, eating cakes while chatting.

Bao Fengfeng and the others are not as cautious as before, and they are familiar with the fifth, because when the fifth was free, he would go to their school to find Zheng Yan to play.

Zheng Yan rarely comes to Zheng Shan\'s house now, even though Zheng Shan always said he would come to play when he was fine, but the number of Zheng Yan\'s visits decreased significantly.

First, Zheng Yan didn\'t want to cause trouble to her brother, and second, she was working part-time.

Since Zheng Shan implemented temporary workers at Peking University to help some students from difficult families, he has achieved good results.

Especially after many students in their class went out to work, many leaders found that these people\'s work ability is not weak.

There are no college students they recruited at the beginning, and they often come in with a black eye.

This is not the main thing, the main thing is that I like to express my own opinions, and I will publish them when I do. After all, I am a college student, and it is normal to have my own opinions.

But many of their opinions are imaginary, without any actual support.

Zheng Shan\'s students, or in other words, many students in this class are different. Not only do they get started quickly, but most importantly, they are down-to-earth!

This is where the leaders are most satisfied!

College students, the pride of heaven!

These names have made some students feel a little overwhelmed. They think that they are the most knowledgeable people in the country, the most knowledgeable, and they should think that they can change everything.

Under normal circumstances, college students like this will slowly settle down and do their own thing after one or two years, or even three or five years of work.

Now because of Zheng Shan, many people have social experience in advance, and more importantly, the place where they practice is Xishui Supermarket.

Not to mention other things, after all, not everyone is Xia Lai\'s brother, but the management of Xishui Supermarket has given these people some different views on management.

The effect came out, and naturally some people followed suit, at least try the effect first.


The entire Mingfeng Building began to be lively, and everyone was a little cautious at first, after all, many of them came uninvited.

They were all ready to be scorned, but they didn\'t expect that Zheng Shan would let them in and add a table temporarily.

This makes them feel that they are worthy of being a big boss, that is, they have a mind!

"Boss, there is no room for the gift, and someone sent a car." Brother Xia Lai came over and reported.

Zheng Shan was taken aback, "The car? Who sent it?"

"It was Mr. Shi Zhenshi, who specially sent someone to deliver it. It is said that it was specially customized by Phoenix Company to celebrate the birth of the child." Xia Laidi said.

Zheng Shan smiled helplessly when he heard the words, "This guy, forget it, let someone drive home."

"Other things have also been sorted out and moved to the house. By the way, you will record the list of gifts later. If someone has a wedding or other happy event in the future, you can choose to return the gift." Zheng Shandao.

"I understand." Brother Xia Lai said.

When Brother Xia Lai left, Zheng Shan went up to take a look. When everyone came and no one came over halfway, he brought Yan Qingqing and the child down to talk to everyone.

Seeing Zheng Shan come down, some people subconsciously stood up.

Zheng Shan first coughed, and then the entire hall gradually became quiet, and basically no one made a sound.

This scene made many people envious, for example, Zhong Xiangbei and Zhong Xiangdong brought several friends.

They didn\'t want to bring their friends, but like Zheng Yan, they couldn\'t bear the friend\'s request and could only bring them here.

Many people have also raised the feeling of being a man.

"Sit and sit, don\'t be so polite. Since everyone is here, they are all guests. First of all, I would like to thank everyone for your appreciation. I am able to participate in Xiaoer\'s Full Moon Wine. Here I will toast everyone." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

"Boss Zheng, you\'re so kind, it\'s our blessing to be able to participate in the little boy\'s full moon~www.novelhall.com~" someone said boldly.

Some people followed suit, but seeing that Zheng Shan\'s face was not flattered and happy, his voice became quieter.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Everyone\'s words are a bit too much. It\'s my son\'s blessing to have everyone here to participate in the child\'s full moon wine. Let\'s toast everyone."

After drinking three glasses in a row, Zheng Shan put down the glass and let Yan Qingqing take the child upstairs.

The air in the hall is not very good. The smell of smoke and alcohol is all over the room. Zheng Shan can\'t bear his son to suffer this hardship.

Of course, he couldn\'t make everyone stop smoking and drinking. Although if he said it, most people would do it, but it was too much.

Zheng Shan is not such a person.

Basically, Zheng Shan would chat with people at every table, which made some people excited. No one expected that a boss as big as Zheng Shan would treat these uninvited people in such a good manner that they would have to ask for it. A little apprehensive.