Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 497: homesick

After having a child, Zheng Shan felt that his life was a little different, and would be awakened from time to time in the middle of the night.

A little movement of the child can make him tremble for a long time.

Even sometimes, when the child is silent, Zheng Shan\'s heart is beating wildly, and he tries to breathe. This has happened more than once or twice.

Not only Zheng Shan, but also Yan Qingqing.

"Daughter-in-law, let me discuss something with you." Zheng Shan said with his eyes open.

Yan Qingqing said, "What\'s the matter?"

"Would you like my mother to take care of the child? It\'s too frustrating, and I can\'t sleep at all." Zheng Shan said carefully.

He didn\'t expect to be so tired with children, not physically, but mentally.

There is no way to rest at all, and Zheng Shan is reluctant to let Yan Qingqing take care of the child alone, so he can only accompany him.

Originally, Zheng Shan thought that Yan Qingqing would refuse. Who knew that after Yan Qingqing heard the words, he immediately came to the spirit, "Okay, but I want you to talk to my mother."

Yan Qingqing was also fed up. Her original love for children was about to be wiped out in just a few days.

Neither of them are very patient people, especially when it comes to taking care of children. At the beginning, they may be able to hold on with the novelty at the beginning.

But now half a month is about to pass, and both of them are exhausted by tossing.

Seeing his daughter-in-law agree, Zheng Shan didn\'t say a word, ran to Zhong Huixiu\'s door and knocked on the door.

"Did something happen to the child?" Zhong Huixiu hurriedly came over to open the door.

Zheng Jianguo even ran over without even wearing his shoes.

Zheng Shan said quickly: "Dad, Mom, the child is fine, I just have something I want to discuss with you."

"You child, can you not be so scary at night?" Zhong Huixiu was relieved when she heard that the child was fine.

Zheng Shan was in a hurry to pat the door just now, she thought something had happened to the child.

"Hey, it\'s like this, neither of us have brought children before, and we have no experience. I\'m not thinking, you have experience, or you can help us with children." Zheng Shan said flatteringly.

Zhong Huixiu knew what was going on as soon as she heard it, "Haha, now you know how difficult it is to have children? You even tried to be brave for me before."

"That\'s right, we can\'t compare to you. If you weren\'t by your side, we wouldn\'t know what to do." Zheng Shan\'s flattery hurriedly offered it.

Zhong Huixiu looked at her son\'s dark circles without saying anything, and followed him to the bedroom.

Yan Qingqing also quickly said good things and coaxed her mother into a very happy mood.

"It takes an old man to take care of the child, what do you young people know?" Zhong Huixiu skillfully picked up the child.

Yan Qingqing said: "It\'s true. Fortunately, you are here, otherwise we don\'t know what to do."

"It\'s good to know." Zhong Huixiu snorted softly.

Immediately, looking at the lack of energy of the couple, he said angrily: "Okay, I\'ll take the child away, you should sleep."

"Mom, all milk is in the refrigerator. When the child is hungry, just warm it up." Yan Qingqing couldn\'t help but finally said something.

Zhong Huixiu said impatiently, "I know, you don\'t need to say this."

After Zhong Huixiu took the child away, Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

But the two of them didn\'t sleep well that night, maybe they were used to it, and they paid attention to getting up suspiciously in the middle of the night to see.

When I didn\'t see the child, I got nervous.

This situation lasted for two days, and the work and rest of the two finally improved.

Zheng Shan was with his wife at home that day when he received a call from the fifth.

"Brother, I want to come back and have a look at Niuniu\'s full moon wine." The fifth said directly.

Zheng Shan said angrily: "Why are you coming back? Can you be of any help? Stay there honestly, you\'ve finally become familiar with it, don\'t come back and you\'ll be unfamiliar again, and you learn how to do it. ?"

Zheng Shan casually found countless reasons.

The fifth man didn\'t speak, but Zheng Shan\'s desire to come back could still be felt.

Just when Zheng Shan wanted to reprimand him, Yan Lele, who was beside him, suddenly said with a hint of tears: "Brother-in-law, I\'m homesick."

This sentence instantly defeated Zheng Shan, leaving him speechless for a while.

It is true that the four girls are studying across the ocean. Although it is said that Fu Meiyi is taking care of them there, except for Guan Fei, the other three do not have much affection for Fu Meiyi.

This is the first time they have traveled far, and they have come to such a far place. Although it has not been a long time, they will definitely feel homesick.

The fifth must be homesick, but she probably didn\'t want to show it in front of his third Zheng, so she deliberately said that she would participate in the child\'s full moon wine.

Seeing that Zheng Shan didn\'t speak, Yan Lele cried even more.

Taking Xu Lin to cry, Zheng Shan didn\'t hear the fifth cry, but it seemed that it was not much better.

In the end, Zheng Shan still felt sorry for the four girls. If the four boys cried like this, Zheng Shan would be able to rush over and beat them.

"Really want to come back?" Zheng Shan said softly.

"Yeah!" This was the voice of the fifth old man, and his voice was a little choked.

Zheng Shan\'s heart softened again, and he said, "Okay, I will arrange someone to bring you back when the time comes, but we have to agree that we can only stay for a day or two, and then we have to go back, and the academic performance will not drop."

"I promise!" The fifth man said immediately.

"Brother-in-law, I knew you were the best!" Yan Lele burst into tears and smiled, her little mouth is always so sweet.

Zheng Shan listened to the movements of several girls on the phone, and while being a little funny, he also warned some precautions.

This is his home, otherwise who can make these girls toss so much.

Finally, I called Fu Meiyi. Fu Meiyi first cared about Yan Qingqing and the children\'s affairs, and then talked about the learning of several children.

"Many teachers have praised them~www.novelhall.com~ Their grades are all good here. Now their language is also good, and they have been able to communicate with some people for a short time." Fu Meiyi talked about happy things.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "I can\'t relax my vigilance, these girls, I can see it, give them a little sunshine and they will be bright."

"Don\'t worry, I will be optimistic about them and won\'t give them a chance to play around." Fu Meiyi said.

After chatting for a while, Zheng Shan hung up the phone, and immediately told his mother that the fifth child was coming back, so that she could be mentally prepared.

"This girl has a lot of things to do. It took such a big thing to send her out, and she will be back in two days. Isn\'t it a waste of money?" Zhong Huixiu complained.

Zheng Shan said with a smile, "Isn\'t the fifth one missing you, or else she wouldn\'t cry and want to come back and have a look."

"Hmph, we\'ll do it if you\'re not angry." Zhong Huixiu actually missed her little girl too, but she was just stubborn.

Zheng Jianguo couldn\'t wait any longer, and from time to time he would talk about the fifth, making Zheng Shan a little speechless.