Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 392: quarrel

Zheng Shan rubbed his head with some headache, and handed a written document to Bai Yi, who had been waiting for a long time.

"Why don\'t you go back to the Chinese New Year now? It\'s only a few days before the New Year." Zheng Shan asked with a smile.

Bai Yi took the document and said, "Don\'t worry now, just go back to have a meal on the 30th of the new year, and just stay with your family for a day on the first day of the new year."

"Your parents didn\'t say that I squeezed the employees." Zheng Shan looked at Bai Yi with some amusing.

Bai Yi has rarely returned for the past two years. Basically, he is working hard and busy every day. The growth rate is amazing!

With the gradual expansion of Huaxia Xishui Supermarket, there are some inconveniences in transportation, management and communication.

Thinking about it in Zhengshan, Bai Yi should have some troubles, and he might even fall into trouble because of it.

However, Zheng Shan did not remind him that he could bear such a loss, and it was an inevitable result.

If you want to start a big development in this era, these are the problems that need to be faced.

But Bai Yi\'s performance surprised Zheng Shan. Although there have been various troubles in the past two years, Bai Yi can handle it well.

This is Bai Yi\'s hard work and his own talent!

When Bai Yi heard Zheng Shan\'s words, he smiled and said, "No, they all know that I am in my career now, and they all support me."

"Haha, so I can rest assured. By the way, I\'ll stay for a while before leaving after dinner." Zheng Shan said.

Bai Yi didn\'t refuse either, but happily agreed.

"By the way, boss, some candidates for secretary have arrived in the capital, do you see...?" Bai Yi asked.

Bai Yi is now the landlord of the capital, these people must be arranged by Bai Yi to come here.

However, Bai Yi could also gain some understanding of them and give Xia Lai brother some information.

Of course, the most important thing is to look at their abilities and Zheng Shan\'s decision, and the rest are secondary.

Zheng Shan thought for a while after hearing the words and said, "Let them go, you can arrange it, and you will bring people to me when you are in the third year of junior high."

Speaking of this, Zheng Shan suddenly thought of Brother Xia Lai, "What\'s going on with Brother Xia Lai?"

A few days ago, when several group companies sent the list of candidates and introductions arranged by themselves one after another, Zheng Shan was stunned for a long time when he saw the name of Brother Xia Lai.

Not to mention him, even Yan Qingqing was surprised.

It\'s just that these two days have been too busy, and Zheng Shan forgot it for a while. Now that Bai Yi brought it up, Zheng Shan just remembered it.

Bai Yi was well prepared, "Xia Laidi is very capable and grows very fast. The most important thing is that she is very principled. This is the main reason why I recommend her."

Zheng Shan heard Bai Yi talk about Xia Lai\'s brother once, and he has more time with Xia Lai\'s brother than Bai Yi, so he naturally understands.

"What did she think? The work will be assigned soon. According to her current situation, the assigned unit will be very good." Zheng Shan asked with a frown.

In recent years, brother Xia Lai has not only maintained his academic performance, but his personal ability has also improved significantly.

These also made her gradually rise in the school, and she performed very well in many activities organized by the school.

According to the gossip, some departments have long been optimistic about Xia Laidi. If nothing else, Xia Laidi will basically stay in the capital after graduation.

And it\'s still a very good department in the capital, which many people can\'t ask for.

Bai Yi knew what the boss meant. This was what she thought she was doing. She smiled a little narrowly, "It\'s not my fault, it\'s your boss."

"Huh?" Zheng Shan looked over.

Bai Yi explained, "Brother Xia Lai has long known that you are the owner of Xishui Supermarket."

After Bai Yi talked about Xia Lai\'s brother, Zheng Shan was a little surprised. He didn\'t expect that what he said to Yan Qingqing was actually heard by Xia Lai\'s brother.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Zheng Shan didn\'t say anything about this matter, but just waited for the third year of junior high to have a good chat with brother Xia Lai.

When Yan Qingqing came back and saw Bai Yi, he also asked about Xia Lai\'s brother.

When she knew that the reason was actually caused by her and Zheng Shan, she was also slightly taken aback.

"I\'ll have a good talk with her in the third year of junior high." Zheng Shan said.

Yan Qingqing said with a smile: "Actually, this is not bad. After all, they are our students and know more about them."

Yan Qingqing felt that it would be a good thing for Xia Laidi to become Zheng Shan\'s secretary, and Xia Laidi would have grown up for four years. As a class teacher, she communicated a lot with Xia Laidi.

So she also knew Xia Lai brother very well.

"Let\'s talk about it later." Zheng Shan didn\'t really have any reluctance, but if he felt that Brother Xia Lai was simply trying to repay his gratitude or to be more precise, it was really unnecessary.

Bai Yi is a little happy, because Yan Qingqing, the proprietress, has a certain tendency. Although Yan Qingqing doesn\'t care about anything in the group, after all, her identity is here, and her influence on Zheng Shan cannot be underestimated.

Once Brother Xia Lai really became Zheng Shan\'s secretary, it would be a good thing for her, and even better for Brother Xia Lai.


Soon it was New Year\'s Eve, and Zheng Shan finally calmed down. In fact, at the age of 28, if there was no urgent matter, all the people from the group company would not bother Zheng Shan again.

They all know that this is the big day of the Chinese New Year, and it is best not to disturb it.

However, when Yan Qingqing and Zheng Shan were preparing the New Year\'s Eve dinner, Zheng Lan\'s family also came.

Zheng Lan didn\'t follow her back to her hometown. After all, she was already married, and she still had to stay at her husband\'s house during the Chinese New Year.

"What\'s wrong with you? Where\'s your brother-in-law?" Zheng Shan looked at Zheng Lan amusingly.

Zheng Shan came here with the big girl and the second girl, Wen Jie didn\'t follow~www.novelhall.com~ Hehe, your brother-in-law is enjoying it now, how could he have time to take care of the three of us. "Zheng Lan sneered.

As soon as Zheng Shan saw this, he knew that they were quarreling again, and he didn\'t care, he took the big girl and the second girl over and started teasing them.

Listening to the crisp and sweet \'uncle\' and \'uncle\' Zheng Shan\'s mood became more and more happy.

"Why don\'t you ask me what happened?" Zheng Lan turned to her younger brother and became even more angry.

Zheng Shan said casually: "What else could it be, isn\'t it just a quarrel, big girl Erniu, are you all used to it?"

Big girl Erniu nodded casually and said, "Yes, mom and dad often quarrel."

Now there is no such thing as taking care of the physical and mental health of children, let alone quarreling in front of children, that is, there are many fights in front of children.

Zheng Shan also quarreled with Yan Qingqing, but it was just a few words. This is normal, not to mention that Zheng Lan has to come here several times a year, and he has long been used to it.
