Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 389: real person

Zheng Shan is almost busy with the busy work, and things need to be done slowly in the future, and it is not something that can be done in a hurry.

Whether it is the combination of enterprises in Europe and the United States, or the gradual concentration of funds, it cannot be completed in a short time.

In addition, lobbying the European and American governments also requires time and energy to do it slowly, so don’t be in a hurry.

But just as he was about to go to school for normal work, Liu Yi came to him again, and this time he was specifically looking for him to hold a meeting.

The confidentiality level of this meeting is quite high. Anyway, Zheng Shan was a little surprised after the introduction.

The content of the meeting was what Zheng Shan proposed. This time Zheng Shan said a little bit more, but he didn\'t say too much, because what the country needs at this time is to play steadily, not to be aggressive.

But even if Zheng Shan told all his plans and predictions for the future, it is estimated that the above will not follow. After all, the impact is too great, and he can\'t afford to gamble.

For two consecutive days, Zheng Shan has also been in meetings, and by the way, he has also discussed cooperation with some state-owned enterprises.

In general, Zheng Shan also had unexpected results in this meeting.


After finishing all these things, Zheng Shan just went to work one day, and then it was Sunday.

Zheng Shan came to the furniture store. He has been busy with things recently, and has never seen Uncle Lu, so he just came to see it today.

"Brother-in-law." As soon as he came over, he didn\'t see Uncle Lu, he saw Huang Gu busy inside.

"Zheng Shan, you are here." Huang Gu wiped the sweat from his face and said.

At this time, he no longer wanted to go back. Working here, he earned more in a month than he had in the previous year.

"I\'m busy." Zheng Shan smiled and passed a cigarette.

Huang Gu is now working here, learning as a carpenter. Since he already has some basics, he can do it quickly.

In addition, Li Yuan\'s side is also very caring, it can be said that his side is equivalent to an outsourcing.

Li Yuan took the order here, as long as Huang Gu could do it, he would do it for him, and the money he earned was also his own, and Li Yuan didn\'t get a cent.

Huang Gu just sent over the finished cabinet.

"Just finished, you came here to look for Dayuan?" Huang Gu took the cigarette.

Zheng Shan waved his hand, "I\'m just here to take a look. By the way, what about Uncle Lu? Why didn\'t I see him?"

"Dad went out to play with the three of us." Speaking of this, Huang Gu was also a little embarrassed.

For some reason, Uncle Lu liked these three children very much, so it didn\'t take long for him to treat the three children as his own grandchildren.

Even Huang Gu and Lu Shulan discussed whether to change the child\'s surname, but so far they have not discussed a result.

"Is it still a habit to live here?" Zheng Shan sat down and chatted with Huang Gu.

Huang Gu said: "I\'m used to it, I\'m not used to it at first, but it\'s fine after that."

"That\'s good, if you need anything, just tell me, I will help if I can." Zheng Shandao.

"No, no, you and Dayuan have already helped us a lot, it\'s not good to bother you." Huang Gu said quickly.

He knew from his father-in-law that the biggest shareholder of this furniture store was Zheng Shan.

Zheng Shan stayed here for a while, then Uncle Lu walked in with a smile.

"Yo, looking at you like this, has something good happened to you?" Zheng Shan joked with a smile.

Uncle Lu seems to be a little embarrassed. Before, he stubbornly said that he didn\'t want the little girl, but now the little girl came back and brought back three well-behaved grandsons, which was suddenly different.

"It\'s okay, it\'s okay, I just went out for a walk," said Uncle Lu.

Zheng Shan continued to joke, it was rare to see Uncle Lu like this, so he wouldn\'t let it go easily.

"Have you taken a fancy to any aunt? When will you bring it back for me to see?"

Uncle Lu blushed a little bit by Zheng Shan\'s jokes, "Don\'t make fun of you, uncle, and me."

After laughing for a while, Zheng Shan didn\'t say any more, but asked Uncle Lu how he was doing recently.

In fact, you don\'t need to ask at all, you can tell by looking at the state of Uncle Lu now, he must have been living quite well these days.

At noon, Zheng Shan stayed here for a meal and left, and soon came to Lun Gu Zhai.

Since the incident with Dou Wensheng last time, Wei Chengjun has kept a low profile and has grown a lot.

"Brother Shan, you are here." Wei Chengjun quickly stood up from the reclining chair when he saw Zheng Shan coming.

"Where\'s Old Cheng?" Zheng Shan looked around and didn\'t see Cheng Gaozhan.

Wei Chengjun said: "Elder Cheng went to the countryside. This time he said that there are some good things. He will go and see."

"You didn\'t follow. Old Cheng is so old, so don\'t let him be more careful." Zheng Shan glared at him.

Wei Chengjun\'s heart is really big, the old man is so old, and he is relieved to let him go to the country alone.

But soon Zheng Shan knew that he thought too much, "No, no, there are a few guys in the store who followed."

"That\'s good, by the way, how\'s business going recently?" Zheng Shan asked casually.

Wei Chengjun said: "It\'s okay, but there hasn\'t been much change. I heard that there are quite a few antiques in Pengcheng, so I thought about taking the opportunity to take a look."

He had had this idea for a long time, but it was because of various things that he didn\'t do it before, and now it was because of Dou Wensheng\'s affairs that he didn\'t dare to leave, so he could only honestly stay at home and reflect.

Saying this now is just to test Zheng Shan\'s attitude.

Zheng Shan just rolled his eyes at him and said, "You can do it yourself. Am I restricting your freedom?"

"No, I am..." Wei Chengjun anxiously wanted to explain something.

Zheng Shan waved his hand and said, "Okay, no need to explain, I\'ll still say that, as long as you figure it out for yourself."

Zheng Shan didn\'t stay here for a long time, he just checked to see if there were any antiques he liked~www.novelhall.com~ After chatting a few words with Wei Chengjun, he left.

When Zheng Shan left, a guy in Wei Chengjun\'s shop asked curiously, "Brother, who is this master?"

He was a relative of Wei Chengjun not long after he came here. Now that Wei Chengjun has developed, he naturally wants to help his relatives.

But now he doesn\'t dare to stuff it into some acquaintances. Isn\'t it because of this that Liao Hai was caught.

So he arranged all his relatives under his nose, so that he could still watch, and he could solve the problem himself.

"This is my boss, who do you think he is?" Looking at his cousin, Wei Chengjun suddenly became angry.

His cousin\'s standard is delicious and lazy, but fortunately, he has no bad intentions.

"This is our big boss? I don\'t look as handsome as the legend." The cousin was a little surprised. The legend about their big boss has been spread all over the world, and now he suddenly sees the real person. , and it doesn\'t seem to be anything special, which surprises the cousin.
