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Chapter 387: horrified

Chapter 390 387. Horror

   There were compliments on the scene for a while. Although they despised Zheng Shan\'s hypocrisy in their hearts, on the surface, everyone looked like they admired him.

  Zheng Shan also smiled and was humble with everyone, and the scene was extremely hypocritical.

   When Zheng Shan couldn\'t take it anymore, Robert, as a representative, stated the purpose of this visit.

"Mr. Zheng, as far as I know, Xishui Group, including Xishui Supermarket, Xishui Investment, Xishui Bank, and Slit have all started to raise a lot of funds. I wonder if you have any big plans. Can you tell us about it?" Robert asked with a smile.

   Zheng Shan said indifferently: "It\'s just a little adjustment for the development of the group."

  Zheng Shan deeply understands that the simpler things are, the less they will be cherished, and he must satisfy the appetite of these people.

   Robert and the others naturally don\'t believe it, but they can\'t really continue to ask questions. Zheng Shan is not their subordinate, let alone someone they can handle at will.

   The whole afternoon passed in these processes of wrangling, flattering, complimenting, inquiring, and rhetoric. Anyway, Robert and the others felt that they had nothing, and it was a complete waste of time.

   But if they didn\'t understand Zheng Shan\'s purpose, they would be a little unwilling.

   For two consecutive days, Robert and the others didn\'t get any news from Zheng Shan, but instead spent a lot of money at the club.

  The matter of money is a trivial matter, but they have not been able to figure out the purpose of Zheng Shan, and their hearts are like tickling.

   They are also very clear that Zheng Shan must have a big plan. Judging from Zheng Shan\'s rules of conduct for so long, this plan can have great benefits.

   And they are very sensitive to interests, at this time it is like a hundred claws scratching their hearts.

   On the fourth day, Robert and the others couldn\'t help it.

   "Mr. Zheng, what exactly are you planning?" Robert asked anxiously, and he also knew in the past two days that Zheng Shan didn\'t really want to tell them at all, he was just hanging them.

  Zheng Shan is still smiling, "There is no plan, I just want to do my part for the economic development of the United States. You know what kind of predicament the various manufacturing industries in the United States are now suffering from."

   With this argument again, Robert sighed and said, "Mr. Zheng, you have an old saying in China, called opening the skylight and speaking brightly. I think we need to do the same."

   "Oh? You think I\'m telling a lie?" Zheng Shan said calmly.

  Robert is not taking up this topic at all, but said to himself: "The crisis in the American manufacturing industry doesn\'t seem to have anything to do with Xishui Group, right?

   On the contrary, it is precisely because of these that the purchase price of many products in Xishui Supermarket is reduced, which can generate more profits. "

  Zheng Shan also gradually turned serious, knowing that their appetites were almost over.

   "That\'s the truth." Zheng Shan said.

   "In this way, Mr. Zheng\'s actions are obviously not in the interests of the Xishui Group." Robert said.

   Zheng Shan also gave an explanation at this time, "Now the US budget deficit is getting bigger and bigger, which will cause many problems."

   After looking at Robert and the others\' expressions of disapproval, Zheng Shan smiled, "Okay, these are all lies, of course I did it for profit."

   Seeing that Zheng Shan was finally going to tell the truth, Robert and others cheered up.

   "Now Japan\'s economy is going up all the way, threatening the economic development of the United States in many ways. This is an undeniable fact.

   Not only the United States, but most Western countries have been affected in various ways, which is absolutely not allowed to happen to them. "

   "Another point is that this will also cause European and American companies to be hit. After all, Xishui Group is based in Europe and the United States, which is not good for Xishui Group\'s long-term development."

   "Of course, this is not the most important thing. What we need now is that the European and American governments intervene in the foreign exchange market, so as to make European and American products more competitive."

   "Of course, in this way, the yen will definitely appreciate. This is an inevitable result. It is just such a result. I believe everyone understands the interests represented by this."

  Zheng Shan\'s words made Robert and the others feel a sudden awakening. Indeed, in this way, for their big capital, the maneuverability is much greater, and it also represents the benefits.

   But what Zheng Shan said next made them even more horrified!

   "Once the European and American governments intervene in the foreign exchange market, the appreciation of the yen is the simplest and most direct manifestation.

  I have asked many economists to build a model for deduction, and the results of the deduction show that Japan\'s manufacturing industry will become one of the least favored industries.

  Because in the future, the Japanese stock market and the real estate market, which are not supported by the real economy, will be pushed up without limit.

   In this one, we can also take advantage of the situation to help the flames and push it to a higher level. The best thing is to let the Japanese government feel that it is not good, but there is still no way to stop it, and it does not dare to stop it. "Zheng Shan\'s words exploded like thunder in the hearts of Robert and the others. They never imagined that Zheng Shan\'s plan was so amazing!

   At this moment, Zheng Shan showed a devilish smile, "If it goes well, we might be able to reap the fruits of Japan\'s development over the years. Isn\'t this a wonderful thing?"

For a time, Robert and the others were speechless, and at the same time did not dare to speak. They all looked at Zheng Shan in horror~www.novelhall.com~ Zheng Shan still had that smiling face, of course he knew that the Japanese The bursting of the economic bubble was not that simple, and a large part of it was the reason why several of Japan\'s currency reforms in it failed.

   But this does not prevent Zheng Shan from conducting various rehearsals here, using the huge profits of the rehearsal results to attract the support of top big capitals like Goldman Sachs.

  Zheng Shan didn\'t think about making a fortune here from the very beginning. If that\'s the case, he wouldn\'t need to spend so much energy at all.

   Just wait quietly for the Japanese economic bubble to burst, but he wants more and has his own revenge!

   So he started to push the matter with his own hands, and when he knew the result, he added the content, and he could still do it.

   After all, Zheng Shan\'s capital is too strong now. In addition, this time with major companies in Europe and the United States, if there are top capitals such as Goldman Sachs, then Zheng Shan\'s ideas may not be just ideas.

  Robert and the others shivered involuntarily when they saw Zheng Shan\'s smile. Once Zheng Shan\'s plan was successful, they would have difficulty imagining the consequences, but the huge benefits that Zheng Shan described made them extremely excited!

   (end of this chapter)