Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 382: return trip

Chapter 385 382. Return

   Huang Gu was a little silent when he heard the words. Of course he knew that his daughter-in-law also wanted her parents\' family, but the situation at home did not allow it.

   Huang Gu was also very guilty in his heart, thinking that he owed too much to his mother-in-law.

   So before Lu Shulan could answer, Huang Gu gritted his teeth and said, "Go, mother-in-law, go back and see Dad."

   "But." Lu Shulan also wanted to go back, but when she thought about the situation at home, she was not confident.

   Huang Gu\'s expression became firm, "No matter what, I have to go, and now my family has been allocated land. The days in the future will get better and better, you can rest assured."

   Lu Shulan was a little moved, but also a little distressed about money.

   At this moment, Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Sister, brother-in-law, stop arguing, this time we all go over together, and bring the children to the old man to be happy."

   "I\'ve already bought the tickets, so don\'t worry about it."

   Lu Shulan heard the words and said quickly: "How can this be possible, this is not possible, I can\'t"

   Before he could finish speaking, Zheng Shan interrupted: "Sister, don\'t argue with me. The old man took care of me a lot back then. If it wasn\'t for the old man to take care of me, I might have starved to death back then."

  Zheng Shan tried his best to talk about the seriousness and let them reduce their psychological pressure.

   then looked at Huang Gu, who was hesitant to speak, and said, "Brother-in-law, are you really so relieved to let my sister go back with us alone? What if we are bad people?"

   Huang Gu was at a loss for words. In fact, Zheng Shan could say this, so he didn\'t believe that Zheng Shan was a bad person.

   But to say that there is no worry at all, it is pure nonsense!

   But before that, there was no way to do it. Taking out all the money in the family, it was barely enough for Lu Shulan alone.

  Poverty makes him can only keep these worries in his heart!

   Zheng Shan actually wanted to let them all stay in the capital at that time, take care of the old man, and at the same time let the old man enjoy the happiness of his family.

   "Well, let\'s go now." Zheng Shan immediately decided.

   Huang Gu said quickly: "I believe in you, you are not a bad person, I will not go there, there is still land in the house."

   "Brother-in-law, let me take care of you for two days, and the old man also wants to see you. You said that the children are so old that they have never seen the old man\'s face. Is this appropriate?" Zheng Shan advised.

   "If the children all go with you, you might be worried if you stay here, so you might as well go together."

   After Zheng Shan\'s repeated persuasion, Huang Gu and Lu Shulan finally made up their minds to follow along.

   But before that, you still need to arrange everything at home.

   And when some people heard that their family was going to the capital, they were also full of shock and envy.

   Of course, there are still some concerns.

   However, these worries dissipated quickly in front of Zheng Shan\'s car. After all, there are cars now, so in the eyes of these people, they are all big shots.

   There is no need for a big man to lie to them.

  Lv Shulan also saw that Zheng Shan was actually driving a car, and she seemed a little helpless for a while.

  So at four or five o\'clock in the afternoon, Huang Gu finally finished packing, and when he stood in front of the car, he looked a little cramped.

   "The car is a bit small, just sit down and wait until you get to the city." Zheng Shan said.

   "Let\'s go over here, it will be bad if the car gets dirty." Huang Gu said a little embarrassedly.

  How could Zheng Shan let them walk over? Although the car was a bit crowded, at this time, there was no concept of overloading.

  The three adults sat in the back, and the three children sat on the laps of the adults. Although they were still a little crowded, the eldest baby and the second baby were hunched over and uncomfortable.

   But their mood is very excited, this is a small car, how could they not be excited.

  Zheng Shan didn\'t go directly to the train station, but went to the place where he lived first. He hadn\'t bought a ticket yet, and he was quite tired. He was waiting for the departure tomorrow morning.

   "Sister, brother-in-law, stay for one night and leave early tomorrow." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

  Lv Shulan and Huang Gu looked at the house and were stunned for a long time, until Zheng Shan pulled them closer to the house, and then they recovered.

   The house that Lu Shulan used to live in was not bad, it was the capital after all.

   But she has been married for more than ten years, and some ideas and concepts have also changed. It is still a little uncomfortable for such a good house.

   Not to mention, her house was not so good at that time.

  Zheng Shan saw that they were nervous, so he started to tell some interesting things to let them express their nervousness.

   At the same time, Ding Xuan offered his farewell. He needed to report the situation to Ling Liangcai, and he also helped to buy tickets.

   "So, it\'s a coincidence. If you didn\'t come to the city at that time, sister, maybe it would be difficult for me to find you." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

  Lv Shufen also lamented the coincidence that she could not come to the city once in a year or two, but she has only come three times after being married for so many years.

   The last time I came to the city was because I wanted to make some new clothes for the children at home.

   Later, I found Feng Ming\'s stall, and after a little calculation, I found that the clothes here are actually cheaper than buying fabrics and making them myself.

   "At the time, I thought that man was going to abduct and sell women, which surprised me." Thinking of this, Lu Shulan was also full of embarrassment.

   Zheng Shan said with a smile: "This is also fate, otherwise it would be really difficult to find you, sister."

  Through Zheng Shan and Li Yuan\'s interruption, Lu Shulan\'s family is not so nervous anymore.

   In the evening, Zheng Shan didn\'t order many rich dishes, he just ate a little simple.

   But when Zheng Shan woke up the next day, he realized that none of the Huang family slept on the bed last night, saying they were afraid of getting dirty.

   This is also because Zheng Shan said that the house belonged to one of his friends, and they were afraid that Zheng Shan\'s friends would blame Zheng Shan for it.

  Zheng Shan is also a little helpless about this~www.novelhall.com~ But he didn\'t say much, just had a good impression of Lu Shulan\'s family.

   At least with this, she is much stronger than her older sister, and has confidence that they can take good care of Uncle Lu in his later years.

   When they got on the train, Lu Shulan and Huang Gu were both nervous.

   Especially Lu Shulan, nervous with anticipation and a trace of shame, thinking of the crimes her old father has suffered over the years, she is even more remorseful.

   also has a touch of nostalgia and cowardice.

   As for Huang Gu, he was simply nervous, but the three children became lively after a while.

   They are also taking the train for the first time, and even going out for the first time. They still have to go to the capital. This is a very novel and something worth looking forward to for them.

   At the same time, he became closer to the two uncles, Zheng Shan and Li Yuan. After all, Zheng Shan and the others bought them clothes and food along the way, and they were soon able to buy their hearts.

   Zheng Shan didn\'t talk much with them on the way. It could be seen that Lv Shulan and Huang Gu were both absent-minded at this time.

   (end of this chapter)